Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Implementation plan of ethic Essay\r'
'Understanding championship morals, embodied kind duty and their alliance; and analyze their importance; b. Investigating different perspectives of trading organisation ethical motive theories; c. Understanding the roles of corporate culture and corporate leaders in business ethics; d. Understanding the concepts of ethics in the working place; e. Applying an ethical textile to business fields: marketing, bodily Governance, Accounting, and pay; f. Describing business environment responsibilities. 2) contour Textbook(s)/ picks: a) chief(prenominal) books:\r\nLaura Hartman and Joseph DesJardins, trade Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2nd edition, 2010. Or Laura Hartman and Joseph DesJardins, melodic phrase Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 3rd edition, 2013 b) Reference books or resources: • Harvard duty look back • John D. Ashcroft, Jan e E. Ashcroft, 2010, Law for contrast, 17th edition, Cengage Publication, ISBN 13 9780538749923 3) effectuation devise in details For class plan at Tuesday and Thursday\r\n*** screen 3 is parenthetical to the class and has a concentrate on either of case assigned in advance for shape. musical themes/ Chapters/ cordial unit Week Date slot Number/ academic term Content Category chew the fats: 15/ tutorials: 15 student’s labor movement onwards class t individuallyer’s Material pupil’s task after class insertion to the unravel and guidepost of respective(prenominal) concession 1 Tue 7/1 1 INTRODUCTION to the course Introduce Textbook, examine method and fall a popicular for instances during tutorials class. road map: individual assignment. teacher leave alone assign sensation topic among at a lower place three to students (subject to be changed by teacher)\r\n affair 1: The factors influencing corporate culture; Topic 2: The descent amid business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Topic 3: The relationship between business ethics and employee integrity annoy important school text teacher Manual, instructor’s alternative principal(prenominal) text edition, CMS Chapter 1 2 CHAPTER 1: Ethics and dividing line welt chief(prenominal) school text instructor Manual, instructor’s alternative master(prenominal) school text, CMS practice 1 3 commit 1: employ attainment found turn (focus on Chapter 1) tutorial briny school text teacher Manual, instructor’s superior master(prenominal) casebook, CMS Chapter 3- bankrupt I Thur 9/1 4\r\nCHAPTER 3: philosophical Ethics and duty (PART 1) speech communication primary(prenominal) text teacher Manual, instructor’s imagery of import schoolbook, CMS Chapter 3- separate II 5 CHAPTER 3: philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 2) chaffer briny casebook teacher Manual, instructor’s imaginativeness ma ster(prenominal) text edition, CMS elaborate 2 6 model 2: utilize accomplishment found weigh (focus on Chapter 3-part 1, part 2) tutorial master(prenominal) casebook teacher Manual, instructor’s imagery important text, CMS Chapter 3- split up III 2 Tue 14/1 7 CHAPTER 3: philosophic Ethics and Business (PART 3) bawl out chief(prenominal) casebook teacher Manual, teacher’s option\r\n primary(prenominal) schoolbook, CMS Chapter 3- calve IV 8 CHAPTER 3: philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 4) Lecture primary(prenominal) casebook teacher Manual, teacher’s mental imagery master(prenominal) textbook, CMS knead 3 REGISTER: Topic of Individual Assignment 9 bring 3: Applied acquisition base Debate (focus on Chapter 3-part 3, part 4) REGISTER: Topic of Individual Assignment Tutorial main textbook instructor Manual, instructor’s election main textbook, CMS Chapter 4- Part I Thur 16/1 10 CHAPTER 4: The Corporate enculturation: Imp act and Implications (PART 1) Lecture main(prenominal) textbook instructor Manual, teacher’s election briny textbook, CMS 11\r\nCHAPTER 4: The Corporate Culture: Impact and Implications (PART 2) Lecture of import textbook teacher Manual, instructor’s Resource principal(prenominal) textbook, CMS 12 EXERCISE 4: Applied learning found Debate (focus on Chapter 4-part 1, part 2) Tutorial chief(prenominal) textbook instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource of import textbook, CMS Chapter 5-Part I 3 Tue 21/1 13 CHAPTER 5: Corporate Social Responsibility (PART 1) Lecture master(prenominal) textbook instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource chief(prenominal) textbook, CMS Chapter 5-Part II 14 CHAPTER 5: Corporate Social Responsibility (PART 2) Lecture main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS act upon 5 15\r\nEXERCISE 5: Applied skill establish Debate (focus on Chapter 5- part 1, part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 6 test 1 Thur 23/1 16 CHAPTER 6: good Decision-Making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee fulls Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 6 17 EXERCISE 6: Applied skill base Debate (focus on Chapter 6) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 7 Submission of Individual Assignment publish 18 CHAPTER 7: respectable Decision-Making: Technology and cover in the Workplace\r\nSUBMISSION: Individual Assignment promulgate Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 7 4 Tue 11/2 19 EXERCISE 7: Applied skill found Debate (focus on Chapter 7) Tutorials Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 8- Part 1 20 CHAPTER 8: Ethics and merchandise (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main te xtbook, CMS Exercise 8 try out 1 21 EXERCISE 8: Applied skill found Debate (focus on Chapter 8- Part 1) QUIZ 1: Chapter 1,3,4,5 Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource\r\nMain textbook, CMS Chapter 8- Part 2 Thur 13/2 22 CHAPTER 8: Ethics and Marketing (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource and quiz handouts Main textbook, CMS Exercise 9 23 EXERCISE 9: Applied skill establish Debate (focus on Chapter 9- Part 1) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 9 24 CHAPTER 9: Business and Environmental Sustainability Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 10 5 Tue 18/2 25 EXERCISE 10: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 9) Tutorial Main textbook\r\nInstructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 10- Part 1 26 CHAPTER 10: good Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Fina nce (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 11 27 EXERCISE 11: Applied Case based Activities (focus on Chapter 10- Part 1) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 10- Part 1 Quiz 2 Thur 20/2 28 CHAPTER 10: Ethical Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource\r\nMain textbook, CMS Exercise 12 29 EXERCISE 12: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 10- Part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS runway review QUIZ 2 30 extend REVIEW QUIZ 2: Chapter 6,7,8,9 and 10 Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS last(a) EXAM 3. 2. For class scheduled at Monday, conjoinnesday and Friday ***QUIZ 3 is incidental to the class and has a focus on any of Case assigned in advance for Exer cise. Topics/ Chapters/Unit Week Date Slot Number/ Session Content Category Lectures: 15/ Tutorials: 15\r\nStudent’s task before class Teacher’s Material Student’s task after class Introduction to the course and Guideline of Individual Assignment 1 Mon 6/1 1 INTRODUCTION to the course Introduce Textbook, studying method and particular for Exercises during Tutorials class. GUIDELINE: Individual Assignment. Instructor bequeath assign one topic among below three to students (subject to be changed by Instructor) Topic 1: The factors influencing corporate culture; Topic 2: The relationship between business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Topic 3: The relationship between business ethics and employee integrity Lecture\r\nMain textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 1 2 CHAPTER 1: Ethics and Business Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 1 Wed 8/1 3 EXERCISE 1 : Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 1) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 3- Part I 4 CHAPTER 3: Philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 3- Part II Fri 10/1 5 CHAPTER 3: Philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 2) Lecture\r\nMain textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 2 6 EXERCISE 2: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 3-part 1, part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 3- Part III 2 Mon 13/1 7 CHAPTER 3: Philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 3) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 3- Part IV 8 CHAPTER 3: Philosophical Ethics and Business (PART 4) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 3 REGISTE R: Topic of Individual Assignment\r\nWed 15/1 9 EXERCISE 3: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 3-part 3, part 4) REGISTER: Topic of Individual Assignment Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 4- Part I 10 CHAPTER 4: The Corporate Culture: Impact and Implications (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 4- Part II Fri 17/1 11 CHAPTER 4: The Corporate Culture: Impact and Implications (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 4 12 EXERCISE 4: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 4-part 1, part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 5-Part I 3 Mon 20/1 13 CHAPTER 5: Corporate Social Responsibility (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 5-Part II 14 CHAPTER 5: Corporate S ocial Responsibility (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 5 Wed 22/1 15 EXERCISE 5: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 5- part 1, part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 6\r\nQUIZ 1 16 CHAPTER 6: Ethical Decision-Making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 6 3 Fri 24/1 17 EXERCISE 6: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 6) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 7 Submission of Individual Assignment Report 18 CHAPTER 7: Ethical Decision-Making: Technology and Privacy in the Workplace SUBMISSION: Individual Assignment Report Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 7 4 Mon 10/2 19\r\nEXERCISE 7: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 7) Tutorials Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 8- Part 1 20 CHAPTER 8: Ethics and Marketing (PART 1) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 8 QUIZ 1 Wed 12/2 21 EXERCISE 8: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 8- Part 1) QUIZ 1: Chapter 1,3,4,5 Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 8- Part 2 22 CHAPTER 8: Ethics and Marketing (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource and quiz handouts\r\nMain textbook, CMS Exercise 9 5 Fri 14/2 23 EXERCISE 9: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 9- Part 1) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 9 24 CHAPTER 9: Business and Environmental Sustainability Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 10 5 Mon 17/2 25 EXERCISE 1 0: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 9) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 10- Part 1 26 CHAPTER 10: Ethical Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance (PART 1) Lecture\r\nMain textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 11 Wed 19/2 27 EXERCISE 11: Applied Case based Activities (focus on Chapter 10- Part 1) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Chapter 10- Part 1 Quiz 2 28 CHAPTER 10: Ethical Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance (PART 2) Lecture Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS Exercise 12 Fri 21/2 29 EXERCISE 12: Applied skill based Debate (focus on Chapter 10- Part 2) Tutorial Main textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS\r\nCourse review QUIZ 2 30 COURSE REVIEW QUIZ 2: Chapter 6,7,8,9 and 10 Tutorial Mai n textbook Instructor Manual, Teacher’s Resource Main textbook, CMS FINAL EXAM 4) teaching activities: a) Class-based activities †Lectures: 17 slots (slot=90’) -Tutorials: 13 slots (slot=90’) c) Self-study d) point of reference †Email, cms, face-to-face 5) Usage of Information Technology in/during the course a) Provide information or materials by the internet. b) Use online materials : Harvard review c) Information exchanged between lecturers and students: email, CMS d) Specific technical requirement for the subject.\r\n6) Soft skills and individualised development throughout the course a) Exercise skills: come outed by skills obtained through watchword performance. b) Team work skills: host assignment is exercised in form of DISCUSSION 1. GROUPS FOR EXERCISE AND REQUIREMENTS OF ROLES Each exercise will be in form of a Discussion. The class divided into 08 groups (G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7, and G8 respectively) by Instructor to hold a game of â€Å" Ethical CEOs†through 12 exercises of tutorials. Each assort will carry out 03 exercises with â€Å"Discussion†role in below unyielding order. Each exercise or each Discussion will be participated by 02 groups.\r\nThe non-discussion groups will give Feedback. 1. 1. Order and Role of Discussion (1 group plays as Present side and 1 group plays as Rebut side) G1-G2 (exercise 1); G3-G7(exercise 2); G4-G5(exercise 3); G6-G8(exercise 4); G1-G3(exercise 5); G2-G5(exercise 6); G4-G6(exercise 7); G7-G8(exercise 8); G1G4(exercise 9); G2-G6(exercise 10); G3-G8(exercise 11); and G5-G7(exercise 12). 1. 2. Requirements of different roles in the Discussion: Discussion activities in 40 proceeding and in slope: Present group plays a role of CEOS to analyze the ethical problems, present solution, carry or give a model of finish making.\r\nRebut group plays a role against or clear down or specify or supplement the decision of Present group by making questions and statement. Non-disc ussion groups: 1 group will be enacted by both of Discussion groups to play as â€Å"Chair†of the Discussion. The others have to give feedback which is in a fixed form *** below after the Discussion. Anyone fails to follow control of the Chair or fail to dish out any questions will be deducted at to the lowest degree 1% 2. CASES FOR EXERCISES: Cases will be assigned to Students by Instructor at least(prenominal) 01 days in advance (CMS/Email… ) 3.\r\nPREPARATION PLAN in the first place EXERCISE (taken by non-discussion groups only: A homework plan for the Discussion will be acquiesceted to Instructor via email or CMS wait on Instructor by 5. 30 pm the day before. change: from 1 page only . row: English; Margin: Left: 2 cm; Right: 1. 5cm; Upper :1. 5; Bottom: 1. 5cm; cause/ divide: double-spaced with 14-point font. Personal information (Role in debate, come upon of teams, class, order of exercise and the topic for debate) Content: (i) setting of concerned fir ms in the case, (ii) Ethical issues, (iii) Analysis and (iv) beginning/ proposed module of decision.\r\nFurther guidance, please refer to Course Implementation plan of Business ethics Anyone fails to submit this plan will be deducted at least 2% Evaluation of Group assignment: (Total: 30%) 1 group will be evaluated during 15 exercises (5 times of taking charge of 5 discussions, 10 times for being Chair or handsome feedback in the remaining 10 exercises). Feedback, preparation plan or performance of discussion during the exercise will be taken into consideration to give collide with. The throw will be allocated within an amount of fixed percent of each exercises mentioned below. Skill application Exercise: 30% (Exercise 1: 2. 5 %\r\nThe team essential assume the role of a consulting firm called in to solve that identified specific problem of ethics in the chosen organization. The problem must be related to a 3 topics mentioned in the Syllabus- extension 1 (subject to be change d by the Instructor if any). Instructor will decide which one works on which topic among 3. TOPIC REGISTER: All projects’ subjects must be submitted to Instructor via email or CMS depend on Instructor no later than 5. 30 pm of deadline (session 8). FINAL REPORT: must be submitted to Instructor via email or CMS depend on Instructor no later than 5.\r\n30 pm of deadline (session 18). Format: at least 03 pages and no to a greater extent than 5 pages for main Body at least depends on teacher’s request; Language: English; Margin: Left: 2 cm; Right: 1. 5cm; Upper :1. 5; Bottom: 1. 5cm; Font/ Paragraph: double-spaced with 12-point font. Structure/ content: Group content, Cover Letter, Reference, Main Body: (i) Nature and backdrop of firm; (ii) Ethical Issues; (iii) Analysis of problems/ issues (interview with the manager is integrated) (iv) Proposed cure/ solution; and (v) Plan for implementation. Evaluation of Individual Assignment: (Total: 15%)\r\nLack of manager intervie w part will be only given up to 5% for individual assignment credit at maximum. A deduction of 5% of the total score of the assignment will be applied for each day of late submission (for both show up and nett Report) Any plagiarism more than 30% will be resulted in a stroke of assignment e) Content for personal development f) Final examination (FE): 30% 1. Date: TBA 2. Total charge: 30% 3. Structure: (total: 60’) Multiple choice: 20 questions (25′) Essay and case: 01 essay (short exercise/ case) (35′) 7) Assessment Scheme: Quizzes (3): 15% Exercises (12): 30%\r\n'
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