Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Daytime Bakery Company Essay\r'
'To the in a higher place named suspect: day bakeshop Comp any\r\n Take notice that:\r\nOn January 31, 2007 at 9:00a.m., in the District Court, Greendale, gallium, if an coif is not filed, the court may be asked to arrive imagination against you as set forth by the complaint.\r\nA replica of the complaint is attached.\r\nIf you do not sum with the complaint then you must(prenominal) either:\r\nGo to court, located at 149 Blooms Street, Greendale, Georgia at the above ensure and time and file an answer stating any legal reason you have why conception should not be entered against you, or\r\nFile an answer with the court before that date and time.\r\nIf you file an answer, you must give or mail a copy to the Plaintiff’s attorney who signed the complaint.\r\nIf you do not file an answer or come disclose at the hearing, then the court may enter default judgment against you for the ease requested in the complaint.\r\nMichael Monroe\r\n attorney at integr ity\r\n522 integrity smudge Lane\r\nGeorgia, CO 805111\r\n352-121-5152 FAX: 352-111-5322\r\\r\\r\nJune 13, 2007\r\nAnthony Craig\r\nManager, Albuquerque Flames\r\nP.O. Box 1123\r\n zero(prenominal)thville, Albuquerque\r\nRE: Demand for Compensatory Relief\r\nDear Mr. Craig:\r\nI am representing one Randy Offerdahl who is seeking for compensatory relief from your master football police squad, Albuquerque Flames. My client claims that he was denied the opportunity to assay out as a kicker for the police squad on the unfair grounds of his having epilepsy. My client is complaining the verbalise discrimination and is claiming that he would have made the team and earned a $300,000.00 contract had he been precondition the chance. My client has played against 40% of the current Albuquerque Flames team members during his college football career, and claims that he can hold his experience against them.\r\nThis letter serves as a demand for compensatory relief in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to be paid in certified funds no later than June 30, 2007. This amount and any future correspondence should be sent directly to the undersigned.\r\nI assert that you will consider this option seriously so as to avoid additional attorney’s fees should this issue remain unsettled by the administered deadline. You may have your attorneys contact my office regarding any questions that you magnate have.\r\nDISTRICT courtroom\r\nCOUNTY OF GREENDALE, GEORGIA\r\nCOURT practise ONLY\r\nPlaintiff: John Evans\r\n \r\nv.\r\n \r\nDefendant: twenty- cardinal hour period Bakery Company\r\nRoger H. Wilder\r\nCase No.: 00CV1003\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nDiv: 8 Ctrm: 3\r\nAttorney for the suspect\r\n503 Law Office Lane\r\nGeorgia, CO 805123\r\n \r\n352-134-5851\r\nFAX: 352-134-5821\r\\r\n accommodation #: 1141\r\nANSWER\r\n The defendant, Daytime Bakery Com pany, by and finished its counsel, Roger H. Wilder, for its answer states and alleges as follows:\r\n \r\n1. The defendant is well alert of Ordinance # 115 and is in full accord with its statues.\r\n \r\n2. The defendant admits the allegation that the sidewalk outside Daytime Bakery Company has not been shoveled for the past four (4) days prior to the plaintiff’s accident.\r\n \r\n3. The defendant claims that despite of this, salt was consistently being utilize on it on a daily solid ground in order to prevent any accidents as in compliance with Ordinance # 115.\r\n \r\n \r\nAFFIRMATIVE apology\r\n \r\n1. The plaintiff’s own carelessness caused his accident.\r\n \r\nWHEREFORE, the defendant hopes that the plaintiff recovers nothing by reason of his ill and that his Complaint be dismissed.\r\n \r\nDefendant’s appeal:\r\nP.O. Box H, Carlton Ave.\r\nGreendale, Georgia 18941-0508\r\n \r\nrespectfully Submitted:\r\n \r\n_______________________ __\r\nRoger H. Wilder #1141\r\nAttorney for Defendant\r\n \r\nDISTRICT COURT\r\nCOUNTY OF GREENDALE, GEORGIA\r\nCOURT USE ONLY\r\nPlaintiff: Kim Latros\r\n \r\nv.\r\n \r\nDefendant: policeman Harry Davis\r\nRoger H. Wilder\r\nCase No.:\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nDiv: Ctrm:\r\n503 Law Office Lane\r\nGeorgia, CO 805123\r\n \r\n \r\n352-134-5851\r\nFAX: 352-134-5821\r\\r\n allowance #: 1141\r\nCOMPLAINT\r\n The plaintiff, Ms. Kim Latros, by and through her counsel, Roger H. Wilder, for her complaint against the defendant alleges as follows:\r\n \r\n1. Plaintiff is a citizen of Georgia, residing at 1511 Greenwood Street, Greendale, Georgia. The adventure occurred in the state of Georgia, County of Greendale.\r\n \r\n2. The defendant is an office of the Georgia natural law Department\r\n \r\n3. On June 8, 2007, the plaintiff’s car was pulled over by the defendant supposedly because the car’s license tags were expired. When the plaintiff got out of the car and checked that the tags were not expired, the defendant rigid her in handcuffs, read her her Miranda rights, and placed her under take prisoner for carrying a concealed artillery unit. The defendant brought her to Georgia Police Department, all the time ignoring her admonitions that she had a permit for the weapon which she was able to produce later on.\r\n \r\n4. The plaintiff has since the incident, suffered from psychological trauma because of the defendant’s actions.\r\n \r\nNote: mall Portion of Document Intentionally Missing\r\n \r\nWHEREFORE, the plaintiff prays for judgment against defendant in an amount to be proven at the time of the trial, including psychiatric bills, activated damages, and costs in filing this suit, interest from the date of commencement of this action, expert witness fees, attorney’s fees, and for such other and further relief as to this Court may seem just and proper.\r\n \r\nTHE complainant DEMANDS THAT THIS ACTION BE TRIED BY venire\r\n \r\nPlaintiff’s Address:\r\n1511 Greenwood Street,\r\nGreendale, Georgia\r\nRespectfully Submitted:\r\n_______________________\r\nRoger H. Wilder #1141\r\nAttorney for Plaintiff\r\n'
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