Monday, May 25, 2020
Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay
Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Act 3 scene 1 of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a very important scene in the play in that it is a turning from where the whole course of the action starts to move in a different, tragic direction. Up to the start of Act 3 the main focus of the action has been the developing love between Romeo and Juliet. From their first meeting at the Capulet ball, through the romantic balcony scene, culminating in their marriage, it would seem that the love is dominating force. At this point in the play the audience feels they are watching a conventional romance in which love will overcome all obstacles, even the conflict between the two households. However there†¦show more content†¦couple it with something, make it a word and a blow†. This shows that he is in the mood for a fight. Mercutio and Tybalt’s conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. When we last saw Romeo he was at his wedding to Juliet. The audience is hopeful after this, because it finally looks like things are going well between the two of them and it looks like things will turn out alright. As Romeo enters we see that he is the reason Tybalt has come. Tybalt tries to start a fight with Romeo but Romeo tries to talk his way out of it. He uses love related words whilst talking to Tybalt like â€Å"The reason that I have to love thee/Doth much excuse thy appertaining rage†and â€Å"but love thee better than thou can’st devise†. He also drops a lot of hints about the fact that he is now part of Tybalt’s family, such as â€Å"Good Capulet Which name I tender/As dearly as my own†. In response to this Tybalt is not pleased and replies to Romeo with comments like â€Å"Thou art a Villain†. Tybalt is also very determined to have a fight with Romeo and uses every opportunity to tell him to â€Å"turn and draw†. Mercutio is disgusted at how cowardly Romeo is being through all of this and doesn’t understand why he keeps walking away from Tybalt instead of fighting him. Mercutio is just asShow MoreRelatedDirecting Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet838 Words  | 4 PagesDirecting Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet In this essay I will be directing act 3 scene 1 in the illustrious Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare. This segment of Romeo and Juliet will be intended for a contemporaryRead More The Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1010 Words  | 5 PagesThe Dramatization of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a very famous play about two lovers in two different families who are rivals. Romeo and Juliet has love, passion, fighting, sadness, madness, lust and jealousy packed into one. It was written by William Shakespeare around 1595 over 400 years ago. Romeo and Juliet is a great play for all ages and genders this is one of the things that makes it so special. This is why it is stillRead MoreAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay776 Words  | 4 PagesAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet In act 3 scene 1 there are two major fights which both result in deaths, the first fight is between Tybalt and Mercutio, Romeo tries helping Mercutio by standing in-between Tybalt and Mercutio but Mercutio gets hurt under Romeos arm, this fight results in the death of Mercutio. Romeo then is very angry and upset with Tybalt for killing his family friend, Mercutio so the second fightRead MoreThe Importance of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet1251 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet This scene is pivotal for the whole play. Everything seems to be progressing in success until the dramatic effectiveness from this scene takes effect. These events lead the lovers to their tragic deaths which is previously mentioned in the prologue. This is the scene where all the problems start to occur and everything starts falling apart. It becomes apparent that it is no ordinary ‘love story’Read MoreThe Importance of Act 3, Scene 1 in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1426 Words  | 6 PagesImportance of Act 3, Scene 1 in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet is very important to the play as a whole, and has a big impact on what happens in the remainder of the play. I think this because in my opinion, it is the big turning point in the play. The sudden and fatal violence in Act 3, Scene 1, as well as the angry build up to it, serves as a reminder that for all its emphasis on love, beauty and romance, Romeo and Juliet still takes Read MoreAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay983 Words  | 4 PagesAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet A turning point in the play Romeo and Juliet is in act 3 seen 1 when Romeo kills Tybalt, because Mercutios and Tybalts death influence the future events in the play, there is a change in Romeos fortune, behaviour which leads to tragedy. Shakespeare introduces fear and tension that continues till the end of the play and increases the pace of the play and the audiences suspense. On the Monday afternoon notRead MoreAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay864 Words  | 4 PagesAct 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet In the romantic tragedy `Romeo and Juliet` William Shakespeare uses dramatic techniques and devices to convey emotional inclines and declines, emphasise breaks and linking tensions as well as to underline the outlying plot diversification. Preceding Act 3 Scene 1 we see Romeo fall madly in love with Juliet and marry her, both showing his instinctive nature, and setting the scene for this dramatic twists soonRead More Drama in Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet4860 Words  | 20 PagesDrama in Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is centred around three main themes. The love between Romeo and Juliet combined with the hatred between their families. Romeo and Juliet is also about fate and destiny. In the prologue Romeo and Juliet are referred to as a pair of star-crossed lovers. These themes are all closely linked and have consequences which eventually result in Romeo and Juliets deaths. Read MoreDramatic Tension in Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1956 Words  | 8 PagesDramatic Tension in Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Previous to Act 3 Scene 1 Romeo and Juliet marry each other. This is a big problem because the Montagues (Romeos family) and the Capulets (Juliets family) are involved in, what seems like, an enormous feud. Nobody knows what it is about exactly, not even by the end of the play, but it is obvious that it is about something very important to both the families as it seems to have gone one for yearsRead MoreAn Analysis of the Dramatic Qualities of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1728 Words  | 7 PagesAn Analysis of the Dramatic Qualities of Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Act 3 scene 1 is very effective because of where it is placed in the play. We have just ended on a happy note in Act 2. Friar Laurence wanted to unite the Montagues and the Capulets. So we have a scene full of love and joy, the wedding between Romeo and Juliet. This is a great contrast as what comes in the next scene is quite the opposite. Everything that has been before
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Kingston Financial Position Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Earlier the monopolies were owned by a few companies, such as Skype. However, now there are several companies which offer VOIP and integrated communication services all competing for market share. This means that the bargaining power of suppliers depends to a great extent on how they market their services. The proliferation of integrated communication services means, in effect that competition is fierce. The fact that Kingston Communications acknowledged that the world of communications was changing allowed them to become one of the key players. Their reposition is a vital factor. The limitations of the model of this model to some extent are that you should not estimate or underemphasize the importance/strengths of the organization. This is known as the 'Inside-Out' strategy. It was designed for analyzing individual business strategies and does not allow for the variety of interdependencies which exist in large organizations such as Kingston Communications. It requires rapid, system atic and radical change. This, in turn, requires more approaches to strategies formulation. It might be possible to create completely new markets rather than competing in the existing ones currently in play. We will write a custom essay sample on Kingston Financial Position or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now For Kingston, this could take them away from their core market. This may have been an improved approach to use for Kingston, as their aims are based on profitability/attractiveness in the industry in which it operates, and the position it holds within that industry. In this case, Kingston was well position as they were an established communications provider. The cost advantage and differentiation. Applying strengths in a broader scope, there are 3 generic strategies, of cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. They are called generic because they are not firm or industry dependent. Kingston needs to be a low-cost producer for a given level of quality, as this would increase Kingston's competitiveness. They would need to provide services at average industry levels to earn profit levels higher than their rivals.
Friday, May 15, 2020
What is the Affordable Care Act - 844 Words
You and The Affordable Care Act. There are so many people here in the country that is not getting their complete health care coverage because of preventable conditions. Most Americans only receive half of the services suggested. The Affordable Care Act is mainly directed to the needs of Americans in need of healthcare that are not already covered. Lets take a look at how the ACA (Affordable Care Act) exchanges work. If you dont have insurance with your job or cannot afford insurance or the insurance you have is not meeting the standards, the ACA (Affordable Care Act) exchange is what you need that will let you compare costs and coverage to get whats best for you. The ACA (Affordable Care Act) is mostly for people who are not insured, or who are self-insured and feel that they can get a better price on insurance. However, this does not concern you, if you are currently receiving health insurance from your job or from a government assistance program like the VA or Medicare. President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law on March 23rd of 2010, with hopes of helping make sure every American have access to quality and affordable health care. Having health care coverage is really a big deal, whether you are a parent with private insurance, a senior with Medicare or a single woman with a pre-existing condition, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) can save you money and help you get better coverage. The exchange is geared towards getting uninsured people healthShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Affordable Care Act?1663 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Affordable Care Act? It is a federal statue, which is a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2010 (Fordney, 2017). Quality care, positive outcomes and access to affordable health care insurance has been an issue on the priority list of government officials. With this healthcare change the objective is to enhance access to care and expand insurance coverage for all Americans. The law incorporates expansions to be established, including the improvement of MedicaidRead MoreWhat Is The Affordable Care Act?861 Words  | 4 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the biggest milestone to date in American health care policy (Saldin, 2011). There is nothing more complex or controversial in recent history than the passing of the ACA in 2010 (Davidson, 2016). The three goals of the ACA are to expand access to quality care with affordable insurance for all, work with innovation to lower health care cost, and shift focus from treatment to prevention (Rosenbaum, 2011). The main goal behind the ACA was to provide access to affordableRead MoreWhat Is The Future Of The Affordable Care Act?1014 Words  | 5 PagesAs the open enrollment period for health insurance under the Obamacare marketplace kicks off, many people remain unsure about the future of the Affordable Care Act and whether or not the law is still in effect. In fact, many Americans believe the law was repealed by the Trump administration and have no intention of pursuing healthcare on the open marketplace. According to, almost one in four Americans believe Donald Trump repealed or partially repealed the law. Some Americans believe TrumpRead MoreWhat Is The Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act990 Words  | 4 Pagesformer President, Barack Obama signed this act into effect. The purpose of this act was to allow all Americans to obtain health insurance at an affordable rate, especially the unemployed or those individuals earning a low income. It also was put in place to gu ard individuals from insurance companies denying coverage due to a chronic disease or pre-existing conditions. Within the first five years of being implemented more than 16 million individuals had health care coverage (Roland, 2015). The followingRead MoreWhat Is The Impact Of The Affordable Care Act?915 Words  | 4 Pageswill be affected with repeal of ACA for children Sukainah Al Shahab Course code Instructor’s name Institution November 11, 2017 Introduction/Overview Affordable Care Act came as a great relief to children. Statistics indicate that more than 95 percent of children are covered by Medicaid (Juan, 2016). On other hand, ACA was like a dream come true for a universal health coverage for children. With ACA, 100 percentRead MoreWhat Is The Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act?1012 Words  | 5 Pages Implementation of The Affordable Care Act has addressed some issues surrounding HAIs. For instance, section 3008 of ACA recognized the HAC or hospital acquired condition in the Reduction Program to further reduce HACs and improve patient quality. In this program, the ACA seeks to establish a monetary incentive through CMS that will encourage hospitals to reduce HAC or HAIs. Since most not for profit, public, and even large hospitals receive some form of funding through CMS from MedicareRead MoreWhat Is The Efforts To Repeal The Affordable Care Act?919 Words  | 4 PagesIn a recent Kaiser Health News ar ticle, Dembosky Lopez (2017) detailed the dramatic redistribution and repercussions the Graham-Cassidy bill--the latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)--would have on two populous states, namely California and Texas. California was an early adopter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, and participated in the Medicaid expansion. Texas did not participate in the Medicaid expansion and has not received the federal subsidies thatRead MoreWhat Is Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act1331 Words  | 6 PagesHR 4872- HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION RECONCILIATION ACT This bill makes a number of health-related financing and revenue changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and modifies higher education assistance provisions (â€Å"HR†¦2010†2010). TITLE SEC. 1202. PAYMENTS TO PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS. IF ANYTHING IS HAPPENING IN THIS AREA CURRENTLY CY 2017 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule with Comment Period This was placed to be presented at the Federal Register on July 7, 2016. It updatesRead MoreWhat I Learned About The Affordable Care Act990 Words  | 4 PagesWhat I learned about the Affordable Care Act is that it is there to help the poor, but not many people support Obamacare. There are numerous reasons as to why some people do not like Obamacare, one of the main reasons being they do not want their taxes going to something they do not support such as abortion. In a claim to protect their 10th amendment right, people are trying to get out of paying taxes. But, eventually everyone in America will have health care, and for the people with preexistingRead MoreWhat Is The Effects Of The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act?747 Words  | 3 Pages The American Health Care Act of 2017 is the US congress bill passed to repeal the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act release by the House of Republicans on March 6, 2017. The ACA was one of the leading reform of the healthcare industry in USA which was enacted by 111th congress under President Barack Obama in 2010. The major reason behind the AHCA bill of 2017 is to repeal the parts of Obamacare in vicinity of federal budget including individual mandates, employer mandates and various other
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Summary Of The Novel O Pioneers ! - 970 Words
O Pioneers!: A Journey into the Western Frontier Willa Cather is an author who uses similar aspects and events of her life and puts them into her novels. This approach allows the reader to know what inspired the events happening throughout the novel. After reading the novel O Pioneers! by Willa Cather, I began to search for ideas leading me deeper into the meaning of the novel as a whole. O Pioneers! is a novel in which several of the key concepts and character qualities can be better understood by learning more about the life of Willa Cather. Aspects of O Pioneers! that involve the life of Willa Cather include where the novel is taking place, the description of Alexandra’s disposition, and the dominance Alexandra exhibits in her family.†¦show more content†¦This negative environment is clearly depicted in the previous quote. This setting portrays a secluded and self reliant society which is not very suitable for younger residents. Although Hanover may not have been an ideal place for Alexandra to be, she proves tha t she can hold her own and tends to have a rather manly disposition. â€Å"She wore a mans long ulster (not as if it were an affliction, but as if it were very comfortable and belonged to her; carried it like a young soldier), and a round plush cap, tied down with a thick veil†(1.1.2). Alexandra is the most comfortable when she is wearing men’s clothes, and she does not want the clothing that she wears to have an impact the way that she is perceived as a person by others. Alexandra asserting her dominance is apparent in the statement reading, â€Å"...stabs him with a glance of Amazonian fierceness and drew in her lower lip--most unnecessary severity. It gave the little clothing drummer such a start that he actually let his cigar fall to the sidewalk and went off weakly in the teeth of the wind to the saloon. His hand was still unsteady when he took his glass from the bartender. His feeble flirtatious instincts had been crushed before, but never so mercilessly†(1.1.2). This is similar to Willa Cather’s appearance as a child which also seems to demonstrate so me â€Å"manly qualities.†â€Å" Sometime shortly before her thirteenth birthday, Cather KriseShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Quality Management Essay2009 Words  | 9 Pages Large scale manufacturing conveyed colossal groups of individuals together to take a shot at particular phases of creation where one individual would not as a matter of course finish an item from beginning to end. In the late nineteenth century pioneers, for example, Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford perceived the limitations of the techniques being utilized as a part of large scale manufacturing at the time and the ensuing shifting nature of yield. Evolution 1920s †¢ Some ofRead MoreA Critique of the Critical Chain Approach to Project Management3777 Words  | 16 PagesTO PROJECT MANAGEMENT†3,000 words excluding reference list and summary for Dr. Tom Mullen Anthony C Mould October 2003 Reprinted with the kind permission of Anthony C Moulds. This essay should be viewed as an example of a well written, structured, referenced and argued assignment. It has been issued to MBA students on commencement of their studies, prior to submission of their first assignment. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report reviews the Critical Chain approach to project managementRead MoreMonsanto Balances Environmental Ethical Factors Case Study2446 Words  | 10 PagesUNIT 2 COMPLETION QUESTIONS: Monsanto Balances Environmental Ethical Factors  CASE SUMMARY: Summarize the key facts of the case in a paragraph. 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Essay on Dreams The True Form of Therapy - 1390 Words
A dream is the experience of having images, sounds, or other sensations while sleeping. Many dreams come from various activities from throughout the day but some offer symbolic expressions. There is a connection between the conscious and the unconscious that can fill in the gaps of self-knowledge and provide the information needed. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung have two theories on dreams. Sigmund Freud’s theory was that dreams are an expression of what one is repressing during the time being awake. Carl Jung believed that dreams provide messages about â€Å"lost†or â€Å"neglected†parts of ourselves that need to be reintegrated. Why do we dream? Dreams are wish fulfillment. They reveal wishes or emotions that one did not realize they had. Dreams†¦show more content†¦The argument of left brain vs. right brain comes into play when dreaming in color and black and white. â€Å"The right side controls the left side of the body associated with creativity, an d the left side controls the right side of the body associated with logic and reasoning†(Hubpages). The more dominant the left hemisphere is, the more likely they will experience black and white dreams and vice versa. There are eight different types of dreams, but the three most important are recurring, venting, and wish fulfillment dreams. Recurring dreams deliver messages and will try again and again until the message is received. Every dream is unique to the person and their own experiences. Although, there are common recurring dreams. Most common ones are losing control of a vehicle, having the ability to fly, nakedness in public, being held back or failing a test in school, and the losing the ability to speak. Dreams pertain to certain life situations: it could be a transitional phase or problem that keeps coming back. â€Å"Dreams paradoxically protect us from and inform us about unknown truths†(Schneider). Either way it reveals valuable information about oneself. Venting dreams, are dreams where the learning of letting go of the little or big things that happen throughout the day, takes place. Venting dreams are usually nightmares, but end in a positive outcome. They let go of encou nters in waking life, allowing for moving on in waking life.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Dream Analysis768 Words  | 4 Pagesof people rely on therapy to solve personal problems. The kind of problems that a person can’t work out by him/herself. No matter what kind of a problem a person may have there is always help available through therapy to resolve those problems. There are over fifteen types of therapies out there that I know of. 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Lucid dreaming could be a possible treatment for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who suffer from nightmares. During lucid dreaming in a nightmare, the PTSD patients would be able to let go of their fear by recognizing the threats they have in their dreams are not real. PTSD patients can also transform their dreams into s omething more pleasant or try to wake up from their sleep. A case study proved this idea to be true; the reoccurringRead MoreEvaluate the Methods Used by the Psychodynamic Approach1096 Words  | 5 PagesCharlotte King Orion 12 Psychology EXAM QUESTIONS Evaluate methods used by the psychodynamic approach. One of the methods used by the psychodynamic approach is case studies. Case studies are used to practice their therapy on to see if it actually works. The therapy created by Sigmund Freud, is called psychoanalysis. An example of one of the case studies would be the case study of Little Hans. Hans was at the age where he noticed he had a penis and therefore played with it a lot. His motherRead MoreEssay about Gestalt Therapy1161 Words  | 5 PagesGestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy was largely developed by Fritz Perls and his wife, Laura. Together they created a theory that is based on the premise that individuals must be understood in the context of their ongoing relationship with the environment. To better understand that, one must review the key concepts, therapeutic process, and the techniques of application. The first key concept of Gestalt therapy is its view of human nature. Perls believed that genuine knowledge is the product ofRead MoreThe Influence Of Shimin On Hong Kong1678 Words  | 7 Pagesof development, young adults should have developed a sense of self-identity where they are then able to have intimate relationships with others. Fortunately, Shimin is still able to reclaim a favorable outcome of this stage if he enters therapy to establish a true ego identity and basic trust of other (Ryckman). In addition, Shimmin’s behavior can be a result from his stage in identity development. The stages of development, as theorized by James Marcia as an offshoot of Erikson, include IdentityRead MoreThe Process of Change: Changing your Perspective or Mental State1668 Words  | 7 Pages1.Process Of Changes 2. Gene Therapy 3.Cystic Fibrosis 1. Process of Changes Change is described as the act or instance of making or becoming different. My theme involves how something can change like your perspective or mental state. To portray these changes through rusted metal as a medium, objects I pick up in the karoo, organic materials inviting nature to the table and pencil sketches usually on the objects I have chosen to work with and then I built up a sculpture with these objectsRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development1550 Words  | 7 Pagesadult has a desire for the opposite sex and wants to fulfill their need to procreate. Freud says that this stage ensures the survival of the human race. Freud’s next major theory is his Dream theory, which he wrote a book on this theory in 1900 called â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams.†Freud started to analysis dreams so that he could better understand personality aspects in relation to pathology. Freud was a big believer that anything anyone did didn’t happen by chance, and that every action and thoughRead MoreWhat We Learn: Nature or Nurture1150 Words  | 5 Pagestypes in vast numbers that are able to compete in industry globally extremely well in a world dominated by globalization. Culture can affect intelligence by only giving us certain schemas to operate in or by giving us limited amounts of contexts to form our intelligence in. Furthermore, environment seems to play a larger role for intelligence then some studies have shown. An example of this is the Genie case about a 13 year old girl who had little to no social interaction and was tied to a pottyRead MorePsychodynamic Approach And The Existential Approach865 Words  | 4 Pagespsychotherapy is the person-centred therapy that was introduced by Carl Rogers in the 1940s. Person-centred therapy (PCT) focuses on the quality of the person-to-person therapeutic relationship; it places faith and gives responsibility to the client in dealing with problems and concerns (Corey, 2009, p. 30). On the other hand, for the psychodynamic approach, Sigmund Freud, the core founder of this approach developed psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a therapy aimed to treat mental disorder. It is
Consumer Law of Malaysia Trading Country †
Question: Whether trade should not superseded consumer rights? Answer: In Malaysia, consumer holds an important place. The term consumer has been defined under section 3 of the Consumer Protection Act 1999 as a person who buys certain goods for his personal or other use[1]. Under the Malaysian law, consumers have accrued certain rights by which they are able to secure their interest as against any coercion or undue influence made by traders or manufacturer. Malaysia is a trading country. The economy of Malaysia has reached its highest peak due to the tremendous growth in the sector of trade and commerce[2]. The marketing environment of Malaysia has become more competitive as the traders are intended to gain profits and the consumers become confused regarding this. It becomes necessary to let the consumer well informed about their rights mentioned under the Consumer protection Act. The increased growth in Malaysia had given birth to unfair trade practice. The traders are mainly misleading the consumers to earn profit by providing them defective products. Traders are not maintaining the standard of the goods and they used cheap material regarding the manufacture of goods. These steps are against the consumer policy. In this way, the trade practice in Malaysia has affected the consumer rights[3]. It has been stated that the economy of Malaysia is mainly based on the trade and commerce[4]. The term has been defined under section 3 of the Consumer Protection act 1999. With the huge growth in the trading sector, certain unfair trade practices have been taken place. The main aim of the Consumer Act is to protect the interest of the consumers[5]. There are a number of cases, where it has been observed that the consumers of Malaysia are in a great dilemma regarding the product sold in the continent. The ultimate motto of the trade practice is to gain profit. Therefore, if the trade supersede the consumer rights, the interest of the consumers will be affected as the traders will deceive the consumers to feather their own nest. The word supersede means something replaced by a new thing for the development of the economy. Trading is the main economic backbone of Malaysia and for the development of the financial sector regarding the issue, it is important to enact certain treaties with the other countries to enhance the business relation. In Malaysia, there is a Fair Trade Agreement enacted to deal with the situation. Malaysia had signed many treaties in the international level. Malaysia is a member of ASEAN and WTO. In the recent trading rate, Malaysia becomes the third trading partner of Europe. The economic models of Malaysia helped the country to develop the private sector and enable the government to rearrange the policies regarding the same. By the growth of the economic sector, the business tendency goes on high rate and the provisions regarding the consumer protection is compressed tremendously. Many of the consumers do not have any knowledge about their rights. The private companies are targeting the m and trying to earn profit by misleading them. The clauses regarding the trade treaty are Bi lateral treaty, MITI, FTA etc[6]. A treaty had been signed by Malaysia with Rome and Article 7 and Article 59 of the said treaty caused serious price discrimination and the interest of the consumers become vitiated by this. Under the consumer Protection Act 1999, an initiative has been taken to secure the rights of the consumers so that they could not be suffered by the acts of the traders. There are certain provisions in the CPA 1999 where penalties and clauses have been stated regarding the violation of the interest of the consumers[7]. Part II of the Act consists of 11 sections amounting section 8 to section 18 that specifically deals with the misleading conduct. Part III of the Act provides certain norms regarding the safety of goods and standard of the same. Part IV of the Act contains certain penalty provisions that will be imposed if any violation made regarding the provisions of Part II and Part III. In A others v National Blood Authority Another QBD 26 MAR 2001, it was held by the court that if defect regarding any product is unknown to the consumer, he will get the opportunity to claim damages from the manufacturer. In Puncak Niaga v NZ wheels Sdn. Bhd. (2012) 1 MLJ 27, the plaintiff had bought a Mercedes car but the car was not started on seven occasion and due to this, plaintiff has to face a number of difficulties. The Consumer court of Malaysia observed that the quality of the car is unacceptable in nature and directed the defendant to replace the same[8]. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Health Care Professionals Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct
Question: Discuss about theHealth Care Professionals Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct. Answer: Professional misconduct is the behavior outside the bounds of what is well thought-out satisfactory or worthy of its involvement by the governing body of a profession. It is therefore in order and true that doctors or practicing nurses found guilty of misconduct should be deregistered(Koutoukidis, 2012). Healthcare professionals should be deregistered because they can endanger the health and comfort of patients and the excellence of nursing control team-work, it can also set patients into risk or really hurt because a healthcare worker lacks skills or offer careless care and appears impotent or reluctant to alteration the condition, some of the health workers even go to an extent of stealing drugs from the hospitals and even they have opened a chemist where they sell them. They should also be deregistered for wrong medication where a patient is wrongly mistaken and given a wrong example of a patient who was having leg fracture and was to be operated, was mistakenly operated on the brain for suffering from a brain tumor. There are two categories of professional misconduct, misconduct which is linked with incompetence and that which is related with impairment, In the case of incompetence, a health worker operative is damaged as an outcome of shortages in information and aids and in the case of impairment a health workers reasoning, relational or psychomotor aptitudes are extremely impaired due to individual condition that interrelate with the situation such as material exploitation, violent behaviour, mental infection or physical incapacity. Examples of misconducts seen generous to the investigation were sexual harassment to a patient by especially male health workers, this is where when a female patient is attended by a male doctor, he abuses her sexually for her to get proper treatment, unlawful or wrong suggesting and unsuitable medical care(Wykes, 2013). The study was also practical that physical injury happened to patient 9% of the cases reported and 8% deaths (Association, 2011). It was a disaster when an eight-year-old boy died in Australia due to poor understanding, poor conclusion and incorrect action by doctor Hamid (University, 2014). The boy who was suffering from septic shock caused by a ruptured appendix. In the duties of the nurses and doctors, they are subjected to be true in their undertakings, a doctor should not take an operation he or she is not sure of, the doctor should not administer any drug to a patient without performing the test to know the exact disease just from the symptoms and sign he sees from the patient since many diseases share symptoms. A medic should not also lie to the patient that he or she is suffering from a given infection just to obtain a lot of money from him or her. Such codes of ethics for the medical operation should be highly checked and any nurse or a doctor who violates these codes of ethics should be deregistered. It is fair to deregister such a professional since he or she is not following the ethics of work. If such medics are allowed to continue with such behaviors they may bring more harm in the health sector which is not only overexploitation and harassment but also in some cases may lead to death. The health sector is a very strategic sector which doesn't require any misconduct in the operation. If a doctor gives a drug which he or she is very sure that cannot treat the intended disease but he or she does it just to earn income will highly affect the patient in different ways(Funnel, 2014). First, the patient will not receive the correct treatment for the disease, secondly, the patient may contract another disease as a result of drug abuse lastly the patient is conned as he or she pays for the service not delivered. Hence to avoid all these misfortunes vices in the health sector it is highly proper to deregister such professionals(University, 2014). Conclusion In summary, it is very right and highly healthy for the concerned bodies to deregister doctors, nurses and other medics who violate the codes of ethics of the practice of the medic. The aforementioned reasons fully give enough reasons why such medics should not allow to continue practicing as either a doctor or a nurse. And if such nurses or doctors are deregistered it will also act a warning to other medics who might have such evil minds of misconducts. References: Association, A. M. (2011). Medical Journal of Australia. Manchester: Australian Medical Publishing Company. Berman, A. (2015). Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing Australian Edition. Beijing: Pearson Education. Funnel, R. (2014). Tanners Nursing Care: Theory and Practice. Hawaii: Elsevier Australia. Koutoukidis, G. (2012). Dabbers Nursing Care: Theory and Practice. New York: Elsevier Australia. University, I. (2014). India Today. Florida: Aron Purie. Wykes, T. (2013). Violence and Health Care Professionals. Hull: Springer.
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