Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Les Miserables Essays (639 words) - Les Misrables,
Les Miserables Les Miserables known in English as "The Terrible" is a musical portrayal of the French Revolution. It is a musical tragedy, which served as a major powerhouse competitor for Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals in the early eighties and nineties. When first debuting on Broadway in 1987 it traveled a long hard road to compete with musicals of the decade. However, in time many well-known performers were proud to associate themselves with this wonderful work of art. The musical play begins with its lead character named Jean Valjean. Jean Valjean was released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang. In this initial scene the audience can almost immediately feel the tonality of the play with the constant reference to the number 24601. 24601 were the prison number that became Jean Valjean's identity for 19 years. The dark and dreary ambiance set the tone for the first song of the libretto, "Look Down. The lyrics to look down coincide with the chain gang, overseen by brutal wanders, working in the hot sun. It is this series of songs in Act one that take the audience through many turns of feelings and emotions. These emotional songs are used to portray poor men and women working in low class factories, women selling their bodies and more importantly a class of people struggling to scrape by. The most vivid songs used to identify the various themes of poverty and prostitution are Lovely Ladies, A Heart Full of Love, and Master of The House. Moreover, it is a song titled Do You Hear the People Sing? That prepares the audience for the ending of Act one. Most if not all of Act one uses song, tonality, character, pitch and tone to depict the various themes of the play while the story is beginning to unravel. Throughout the second and final act the musical content within the play acts as a story of it's own through theme and variation. Each separate song represents a feeling and or mood and is enhanced as it is varied throughout the act. Like the first act, the songs are used to portray poverty, suffering, hardships, and even death. However, unlike the first act, there is also a theme of love and happiness. Closure is brought about with a sense of warmth and this is often heard through the display of the tempo. When the times were tough the tempo decreased and was often slow and morbid like. When happy times were brought about, the tempo increased to a song and dance farewell. The final song of the musical really brings the whole story together. The loose ends are tied and the audience's hearts are left captivated and moved. This musical would not be complete without the dramatization of the performers. It is each individual performer that brings song into the story. Each of the eight main characters represents, in a sense, their own theme and motivation towards the story. Without these characters the notes and chords wouldn't bring about any music. It would merely be song without feelings or words. Each of them sings to sing to us in their own different way and exemplify their role within the story. Together these two important ideas make this play an excellent musical. My personal reaction to this musical was surprisingly a good one. When my girlfriend first told me that we were going to see a Broadway play I wasn't initially excited. However, after just about 30 minutes into the opening act I was beginning to recognize and comprehend musical terms that we had discussed in class. I then decided to be open minded and take notice of not only musical but also theatrical happenings of the story. It was amazing to be able to hear the tempo change, the timbre (tone color), and also identify the theme and variation. It was often difficult to understand the opera like approach to the play but all you needed was a good ear and total concentration. I found that I actually enjoyed Les Miserables and I wouldn't be too quick to say no to another one.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Arguements against cloning essays
Arguements against cloning essays In 1997 the world was introduced to a six month old lamb named Dolly, the first successfully cloned mammal, putting everyone around the world into shock. The time has come where our technology in science and medicine have advanced so much that human cloning has left science fiction and has now progressed into science. A high percent of people feel that there could be nothing good we could get out of cloning human beings and nothing scientifically or medically important would be lost by banning colonal reproduction (Kass). According to a poll taken by CCN of 1,005 adults in 1997, 69% said they are afraid of the possibility to clone humans, 89% feel it is morally unacceptable, and 74% believe human cloning is against Gods will (Robinson). There are, however, those who support the cloning of humans. A select amount of scientist feel that research cloning will lead to cures and treatments for the sick and cloning would also allow people to produce or raise a child to whom they are b iologically connected (Wachbroit). Although these are a few hopes of creating a human clone, such processes should be banned not only because they are extremely risky for the clones and the women who would birth them, but it would also diminish our world that is valued for individuality, despite the feelings of cloning supporters on the contrary. Although many scientists who support cloning do so in good intentions to help create cures for those who have diseases that we do not have treatments for, there are other ways of doing so without cloning. It would almost be impossible to restrict some forms of human cloning without banning it completely. The lives of humans are more valuable than to risk one for the benefit of another. Also, once research cloning is allowed and embryos become available, even the tightest regulations would not be able to prevent to birth of cloned babies (Robinson). Instead of using cloning to m...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Adult nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Adult nursing - Essay Example Jane David is a 35-year-old female who presented with the complaint of feeling unwell for 2 to 3 weeks. On questioning, it appeared that her symptoms are vague. She complains of loss of energy and feeling generally unwell. On closer questioning, it was apparent that she has had some dysuria and frequency of micturition. She also states that she is now passing much less urine than her usual. It was also revealed that she is slightly nauseous and has no appetite. Despite these, she is feeling heavy. Student nurses suggested she has probably urinary tract infection (UTI).Symptomatic acute bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections treated by health care professionals. Cystitis accounts for most of these, whereas more than 100,000 patients are admitted to a hospital annually for acute pyelonephritis treatment. Women have many more UTIs than men. Bacteria ascending from the colonized urethra enter the bladder and perhaps the kidneys. The short length of the female urethra allows easier access by bacteria to the bladder. Contributing to contamination, the warm moist vulva and rectum are both in close proximity. Similarly, sexual intercourse increases bladder inoculation. Infections result from the interaction between bacteria and host. Bacterial virulence factors are important, as they enhance colonization and invasion of the lower and upper urinary tract. The principal virulence factor is increased adherence to either vaginal or uroepithelial cells. The bacterial species most frequently recovered from infected urine culture is Escherichia coli. Bacterial cystitis almost always results from the entry of bacteria colonizing the anterior urethra and periurethral skin into the bladder. Hematogenous or lymphatic spread from sites of infection elsewhere is very unusual. The short female urethra is an insufficient anatomic barrier to the entry of urethral bacteria, which may be massaged easily into the bladder. This may explain the association of urinary tract infections and bacteriuria with sexual activity. Presumably, bacteria are massaged into the bladder during sexual intercourse. Once within the bladder, bacteria may ascend within the ureters, enhanced by vesicourethral reflux, into the renal pelvis and cause upper tract infection. The renal parenchyma also can be infected by blood-borne organisms, especially during staphylococcal bacteremia. Mycobacterium tuberculosis gains access to the kidney through this route and also perhaps by ascension. Signs and Symptoms There is a broad spectrum of symptoms in UTIs, ranging from patients who are completely asymptomatic to those with symptoms referable to the urethra, bladder, or both, and to those with the full-blown syndrome of acute pyelonephritis with fever and loin pain. Acute bacterial infection of the bladder is referred to as acute cystitis. Acute cystitis is characterized by inflammation limited to the superficial mucosal layer of the bladder. Patients with cystitis generally complain of dysuria, urgency, and frequency. Hematuria, low back pain, and lower abdominal pain also may be present. Fever and costovertebral-angle tenderness are both absent in most cases. Clinical signs and symptoms are notoriously inaccurate in localizing the site of infection, however, and up to 50% of women with symptoms and signs of cystitis on clinical examination are found to have silent renal infection. Diagnoses The most frequent presenting complaints in otherwise healthy, immunocompetent nonpregnant women are dysuria, frequency, urgency, and incontinence. For a culture specimen to be informative, it must be accurately collected. A "clean catch" midstream voided urine specimen is usually sufficient. It is mandatory that a patient understands the reasons for and the steps associated with urine specimen collection, which are designed to prevent contamination by other bacteria from the vulva, vagina, and/or rectum. More than one bacterial species
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Position analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Position analysis - Essay Example Theologically, we learn Jane’s socialization since she was full of social life after living alone for long period. Before Timothy meeting Smith, she had undergone brain injury after sustaining an injury. Unfortunately, she developed a cancer at a very tender age. The fate of midwife through the dying process is one of its kinds and needs patience and perseverance. On the other hand, the articulation goes further to analyze on how the author goes further to create a social relationship with Jane. By then Timothy was practicing his own medical practice and he was happy to learn that Jane indeed decided to change her insurance plans and remain Timothy patient. Through professional level, Timothy gave all the support and provided necessary help to Jane and through this caring perception, timothy generated a strong bond with Jane. One of the reasons for Jane decided to leave insurance perception was because she was suffering asthma and with time while under Timothy medication, she sustained and developed emphysema too. It was a tough time to Jane, since in that process she developed complex rheumatoid arthritis since her serology tests on her blood was confirmed positively. Nevertheless, this does not cut the strong bond timothy had created with Jane. As a medical practitioner, Timothy continued to attend to Jane despite of her being out of her medical clinic and it is evident from the writings that this two met on several occasions (Quill, 17-21). As far as the issue of midwife through the dying process is concerned, Medical risk becomes a reality that any medical practitioner comes across. From the articulation, we find that Jane in her status experienced a tough breast cancer status that needed total care and support from both the doctors and midwife. It is administered from her behavior that she hates being in hospital and depends a lot on others for her care. The complications that get rid many patients’ acts as a challenge to midwife career pathw ays. When midwife interacts with their patients, as administered from the Jane case, commitment perception is acquired. In line to the history of Jane and what Timothy learned from her is perseverance and hope to live. This is articulate d further from the history given by Jane about her friend known as Bill. From her story towards Bill is that, the man was a physically and energetic in his mid-seventies. At this time he was still able to work even during part time even he never participated in any athlete’s activities. But with time, no one would anticipate that Bill would one day feel sick and be hospitalized. Bill out of nowhere was hit by macular degeneration disease, one of the causes that made Bill become legally blind hence was unable to read, drive as well as enjoy sports that required fine hand eye coordination. From the Story of Bill as articulated by Jane, patients are in need of midwife care, it is at this particular moment that perseverance, and commitment comes on top of the agenda. Many patients suffering from cancer totally undergoes tuff times and full concentration towards them is of high consideration. Timothy is his career has encountered various challenges that he terms as a possibility to one who have a heart to help while working as a doctor as well as a midwife. Timothy unveils that Jane was a retired nurse and former hospice
Sunday, November 17, 2019
London Stock Market and Capital Budgeting Essay
London Stock Market and Capital Budgeting - Essay Example Winning in business is characterised by net profits. There are two ways of generating funds. They are borrowing and investing. The best place to invest funds is visiting the London Stock Exchange. The following paragraphs explains clearly why investing in capital assets is a risk that can be tailored to generate profits and not left to chance (Datta, and Jones 1999, 21). The above computation shows that sales for the first year is 7,000,000. The direct materials and variable operating expenses amount is 2,500,000. The direct labor amount is 2,000,000. The factory overhead is arrived at by multiplying the direct labor amount by fifty percent. The amount arrived at is 1,000,000. The annual depreciation of 675,000 is arrived at by dividing the investment cost of the equipment amount of 3,375,000 by five years. The net profit result is 825,000.The cash inflow is arrived at by adding back the annual depreciation expense to the net income because there is no actual cash outflow generated by the depreciation expense. The net cash inflow computed for the first year is 1,500,000. This generates a first year present value using the net present value discount table for varying annual cash inflows is 1,485,000(Dayananda et al. 2002, 5). The above computation shows that sales for the second year is 7,700,000. ... The net profit result is 975,000.The cash inflow is arrived at by adding back the annual depreciation expense to the net income because there is no actual cash outflow generated by the depreciation expense. The net cash inflow computed for the second year is 1,650,000. This generates a first year present value using the net present value discount table for varying annual cash inflows is 1,617,000. The above computation shows that sales for the third year is 8,400,000. The direct materials and variable operating expenses amount is 3,000,000. The direct labor amount is 2,400,000. The factory overhead is arrived at by multiplying the direct labor amount by fifty percent. The amount arrived at is 1,200,000. The annual depreciation of 675,000 is arrived at by dividing the investment cost of the equipment amount of 3,375,000 by five years. The net profit result is 1,125,000.The cash inflow is arrived at by adding back the annual depreciation expense to the net income because there is no actual cash outflow generated by the depreciation expense. The net cash inflow computed for the second year is 1,800,000. This generates a first year present value using the net present value discount table for varying annual cash inflows is 1,747,000. The above computation shows that sales for the fourth year is 6,300,000. The direct materials and variable operating expenses amount is 2,250,000. The direct labor amount is 1,800,000. The factory overhead is arrived at by multiplying the direct labor amount by fifty percent. The amount arrived at is 900,000. The annual depreciation of 675,000 is arrived at by dividing the investment cost
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stem Cell Research Philosophy Essay
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stem Cell Research Philosophy Essay Stem cell research. Straightforward words that mean a lot more than a newfound field in the scientific field. Stem cells have the chance to change everything that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal wounds and damaged organs. Yet using stem cells for research causes much debate and anger from those opposed to stem cell research but they are only focusing on the process and not the results of it. Many oppose embryonic stem cell research because it kills a living human embryo in the process, which Pro Life advocates see as murder. There is an unending conflict between those who see as the potential to save lives, and those who see it as murder. Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are cells that are created when a blastocyst is created after sperm enter the female egg. These stem cells are cells that havent been given a specific task yet, allowing scientists to extract them and use them for therapy. The cells, which are derived from several-day-old embryos, can theoretically differentiate into virtually any type of human cell, from blood cells to skin cells. Scientists hope to find ways of using them to repair damaged tissue. The potential use for these stem cells includes curing/treating a myriad of diseases, conditions, and disabilities including Parkinsons disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury, HIV, burns, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis (AAAS). There are multiple types of stem cells, which include adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the widest range of treatment because they can be differentiated into any type of cell, while adult stem cells can only be made into a few types of specific cells (Stem Cell Science). There are two main positions on embryonic stem cell research. The main reason the topic is controversial is because Pro life advocates, Christians, and many republicans see the destruction of the human embryo as murder or the ending of a potential human life. Critics argue that this destruction of human life is not worth the benefits because life is destroyed to potentially save another. The argument comes down to the same one as abortion, but at an even smaller scale. Blastocysts, which are destroyed in embryonic stem cell research are only made of 200 cells (there are 50 trillion in a human body) (Stem Cell Science). Pro life advocates argue that any destruction of potential human life is wrong, which creates tension between the scientific community and critics (Religious Tolerance). The Pro life argument targets those with strong religious backgrounds, and actively advertises that embryonic stem cell research is unethical. Opponents of hESC research believe that human life begins as soon as an egg is fertilized; and they consider a human embryo to be a human being. They therefore consider any research that necessitates the destruction of a human embryo to be morally abhorrent. Many critics of embryonic stem cell research, or ESCr, suggest that adult stem cell research is a better alternative because it does not destroy human embryos. Adult stem cells cannot be made into as many different types of cells that hESC can, which leads to disagreements. The pro life argument takes a strong ethical standpoint on science and medicine, which is a powerful and effective technique for making sure research is halted (NIH) (AAAS). The other side of the argument is the scientific viewpoint. Medical professionals and scientists hold that of stem cells have the potential to cure everything from Parkinsons to HIV. (NIH) The scientific community sees ESCr and its potential as a major breakthrough in medicine and science. The reason for outrage in the scientific community is that there is a large potential for life saving through ESCr, and that funding and public support is being threatened or ended because of the opposing side. Many scientists agree that ESCr has huge possibilities to cure Parkinsons and other infamous and deadly diseases. The main reason that scientists talk about the probability and potential of hESC is because due to opposition, much research hasnt been allowed to occur (Popular Issues) (PBS). Taking sides over embryonic stem cell research has its drawbacks. Scientists and politicians who take the pro-research side get attacked by people that are against it. Politicians especially come under fire due to the large support of anti-research that comes from many ethical foundations like the church. These foundations then lobby other politicians to fight funding for this research. This creates a conflict between the two opposing sides. Embryonic stem cell research is a topic that is contested by many, and would not be considered work safe due to the deep positions people take on the topic. The embryonic stem cell debate is a national argument, being more accepted in other countries than in America. There has been infamous legislation banning the funding for it by George W. Bush, and then the restoration of funding by President Barack Obama. Each party has their own view on the topic, with Republicans being generally more against ESCr, and democrats more for it. The Republican Party uses religious ethics to justify their standpoint on the topic, which is a very effective technique in America. Many people are very religious and so they immediately decide to be against ESCr (PBS) (Religious Tolerance) (Pros and Cons). A part of the controversy is over the use of adult stem cells. Many religious figures and politicians give adult stem cells as an all around better alternative to ESCr. This is contested by the scientific community due to the fact that adult stem cells can only be differentiated into less than half the cells that embryonic ones can. (NIH) Some opponents of ESCr also argue that research on stem cells obtained from adults is just as promising and makes research unnecessary. Most scientists, however, contest this claim citing great potential in the field of adult stem cells but several downsides with embryonic stem cells. Proponents of ESCr research advocate funding for both fields. Embryonic stem cells can be made into any type of cell in the human body. This allows hESC to be used to help with diseases like AIDS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, brain cancer, and injuries such as spinal cord damage. Adult stem cells are a very popular alternative, but many scientists believe that cures lie in the study and research of all types of stem cells, not just adult ones. Lately, a new way to harvest stem cells has been proven effective; to take human skin cells and trick them into becoming stem cells (NIH). However, this is not an end to the moral issue, but instead may prove to make acquiring new types of stem cells harder, because Pro Lifers will say this is a way to avoid killing an embryo, even if it is already given up for science. A few major problems with the cells, is that they are simply not tough enough to undergo reproduction to create the new organ or cell type necessary. Also, the cells simply are physically older, and therefore cannot produce as well as embryonic stem cells, and are unsuitable for many operations. (Popular Issues) Though it is important to study this new kind of stem cell group, the use of embryonic stem cells cannot be discounted; as they are the most studied and have been established to be the most useful. Politicians and Lobbyists have put a stop to the growth of stem cell research, which can mean millions to those who are rightful to the treatments, while the research gained by the government is open to the public, which allows scientists to search for more cures. Former president Bill Clinton, under demands from the general population and elected officials, permitted stem cell research to be slowed down with the Dickey Amendment. This put a stop on all federal funding for stem cell research. While Clinton was still in office in, an ambiguity was found in the law that allowed for the embryo to be destroyed with non-governmental funds, and then experimented on with funding from the government. During this time, there was an increase in stem cell research, and numerous types of stem cells were discovered (AAAS) (PBS). President Obama passed legislation that allows funding for ESCr, which is a major step forward for research. Each political party opposes one another on this topic, so it is important for politicians to tell their followers which side theyve taken. The national community in the United States is divided on the topic of ESCr. Many are concerned about the ethical concerns of destroying embryos, but they also see the unbelievable benefits it could reap. Many are also faithful followers of the church, which mandates that no human life be destroyed. Pro Life advocates tell their followers that this is murder, which leads to opposition to ESCr. These attitudes reflect the Christian principles that America was founded upon. It also shows that a large amount of American politics and policies are affected enormously by religion (Religious Tolerance) (Popular Issues). I believe that the government should fund embryonic stem cell research and allow scientists to investigate the unbelievable potential in this field. Scientists have decided that they wont create embryos to destroy to get the stem cells for research, but use the many left over ones from in vitro fertilization, a technique of creating many human embryos to fertilize a woman, which often ends in many extra embryos being created. In-vitro leftovers allow embryos that would already be frozen and later destroyed to be put forward for a higher cause. People against ESCr argue that the use of leftover in-vitro embryos will lead to more abortions and embryos being destroyed (Religious Tolerance) (Science Daily). Much has been proven for the abilities of stem cells; one of the most recent is the creation of a hESC entirely from stem cells (PBS).This creates tension because people have always been against human cloning, as it poses the ethical difficulty of whether or not we can play God. Another problem with the stem cells is that if they are studied by mixing them with another organism, the new organism could become more humanlike and that is another moral problem that afflicts many people. These are very important ethical questions, but they should not be quarreled over by Congress, by politicians serving their citizens, who ironically consist of lobbyists; they should instead be debated and rules set by the scientific community, to protect the veracity of science, and prevent chaos through misunderstanding. Although there are many issues with the system, there is a large necessity to discover more types of stem cells. Without new stem cell lines we could otherwise see this type of scientif ic examination become purely theoretical in nature, which is like counting the number of how many angels you can fit on a pin. Stem cells are gifts to mankind, and are able to save untold amounts of people. We cannot allow an issue of religion and political partiality to discourage us from saving the people who need these stem cells the most. Stem cell research may be an ethical problem for some, but the prospects of growth and of treatment for the ill, far overshadows any hypothetical moral debate, as the lives of those who hurt, certainly should have treatments examined to provide a happy, and healthy life for them. The government should fund stem cell research, to provide the next person who needs help the treatment they ought to have.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Malcom X: Movie and Real Life Comparison
In 1992, director Spike Lee combined his artistic vision with historical events to create the controversial and much hyped film Malcolm X, a biographical and historical account of the slain civil rights leader. Staring as Malcolm X was Denzel Washington who has been noted that this was his best role in a movie to date. As controversial as the flesh and blood Malcolm X was in life, so was the film version of his life as depicted by Lee.Lee made sure to not make the film just based on entertainment purposes as he focused on Malcolm X’s life and achievements by depicting actual events into his movie. Furthermore, Spike Lee tells the story of a not always likable, sometimes reluctant man. He shows Malcolm X as a man who is constantly learning and developing his ideas. Instead of depicting Malcolm X as an unlikeable man, Lee tries to show different sides of Malcolm X and that people (Malcolm X) can change and grow from who they once were.In retrospect, it would seem that Malcolm X represented the exact opposite of the peaceful protests advocated by his contemporary, Martin Luther King, Jr. An example of this is shown in the movie through Malcolm X’s speeches and actions that he thought violence was the only way that the conditions would change between the whites. In viewing the film, one can see that Spike Lee, from the start, was not going to take the safe route in the direction of this motion picture.It was easy to tell in the beginning of Lee’s film that the classification of Malcolm X’s times in life and the period of discrimination were accurate in the movie. The opening credits featured an American flag slowly being consumed by flames and burning to ashes. This is symbolic not only of the nation in turmoil which Malcolm X preached the idea of racial equality. But also as a symbol of a place where people in the wrong position, such as African-Americans faced with prejudice, hatred and worse, could literally and socially be scolded be yond recognition. Lee confronts reality head on in his film.What is depicted in Malcolm X is a story within a story; watchers see the actions and progress of Malcolm X as a social advocate. But as the sub-context of his controversial crusade, we also learn as the film unfolds that Malcolm X's mother, father, uncles, and countless other relatives and friends were direct victims of the hatred and violence of the white majority in America, during a time when the nation was supposed to be free and equal for all. A scene in the movie that best depicted the racism and the violence was the scene outside the Little’s family house, a black family.In this scene the black legion starts to pass around gasoline cans and then flames roar through the room and the Little kids are hysterical. Louise, the wife, rushes in and pushes them past the fire, she has infant in hand covered in a blanket. They barely make it outside when they are confronted by a black legion member who threatens them and tells them to leave the community. In conclusion, what is seen in Spike Lee's Malcolm X is a break from the traditional cinema of its time which was a film of historical fact, biography and political commentary with the intended effect of raising social consciousness.Lee pushed the limits and dared to create controversy and shock viewers. Furthermore, Denzel Washington portrayal of a much wounded young boy who evolves into a very powerful speaker and political figure is outstanding and helped shaped the movie into an incredible historical depiction of Malcolm X’s life. As one opinion, Lee and Washington did this very well, and opened the door for others who come after them to do the same.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Love and Logic Philosophy
Benson, Galbraith, and Espeland, (1995) defines love and logic as a philosophy concerned with raising children in such a way that makes both the teachers and students more satisfied and contented, empowered, skilled and able to relate in a mutually beneficial manner that allows for the students to learn in a free environment. The philosophy ensures that, adults demonstrate enough love to children which in turn makes the children to feel freer and at ease in the learning process. This is very important to a learning environment. Benson, Galbraith, and Espeland, (1995) notes that, a learning environment should be devoid of barriers such as noise barrier, communication barriers and also psychological barriers such as the negative relations between teachers and children. The incidences of disruptive behaviour from school children has been on the increase for the past few decades yet the education system has either been unresponsive to the emerging challenges or the educators and policy makers have been totally aloof to the situation. This has led to a lot of children dropping out of schools and therefore disrupting their lives. This has had other far reaching consequences such as that; the children who discontinue studies may end up engaging in criminal activities. For the teachers, the above trends have led to special challenges in that, the public expects them to deliver oblivious of the unique classroom difficulties. As Benson, Galbraith, and Espeland, (1995) notes, indiscipline negatively affects the learning environment and therefore an undisciplined class is more likely to perform poorly than a disciplined class. According to (Cline, & Fay, 1990), America has experienced a significant increase in disruptive behaviour in school going children such as; violence, intolerable behavior, as well as substance misuse. In a study carried out by (Benson, Galbraith, & Espelland, 1995), it was found out that punishment, does not actually reduce cases of classroom indiscipline but on the contrary, it causes an increase in indiscipline incidences. All the above led to combined efforts to find a solution for the increasing cases of indiscipline and ultimately resulted in the experimentation of the love and logic philosophy which was rather correctional approach as opposed to a punitive one (Finn, 1989). The love and logic philosophy holds that, children can succeed in the classroom for as long as the teacher shows compassion, demonstrates tolerance. This leads to the children to connect compassion and love to logical consequences (Finn, 1989). In a study of 270,000 students carried out by Benson, Galbraith, and Espeland, (1995) found out that criminal behaviour, academic failure and substance abuse are easily avoidable by applying the principles of love and logic. Such principles include, supportive and loving family and school environment, a positive relationship between children and adults, high achievement and motivation, good communication between parents and children as well as decision making skills and optimism about the world and the children’s future. All the above are developmental concerns which a teacher can address in the classroom. In another study by (Weir, 1997) which involved the implementation of love and logic program in an elementary level, the results overwhelmingly pointed to the effectiveness of the love and logic philosophy. After implementation teachers were required to give feedback on some variables. It was reported that, 87% of teachers experienced an improvement in student behavior, 84% noted experiencing improved relationships with students, 68% reported that as a result of the love and logic program, student disruptions had significantly decreased, 71% noted getting time for more teaching as a result of decreased disruptions, while 82% noted that, discipline had improved and they felt that they were in charge of the classroom. When adults demonstrate love, the children feel less threatened and are therefore more likely to learn in unthreatening environment whereby the children are not afraid of making mistakes (Cline, & Fay, 1990). Through logic, children are empowered to accept the consequences of their actions as well as decisions and are therefore more likely to cope with consequences arising out of the choices the children make. According to (Cline, & Fay, 1990), love and logic are a prerequisite for a working relationship amongst teachers, children and parents in which the parents and teachers take control over the children and their actions. Love and logic are very important to teachers in that, they give the teacher the necessary control needed in classroom environment for learning to take place effectively. The logic and love philosophy instills in children a sense of responsibility which is crucial especially when it comes to learning activities which teachers assign to children such as assignments and homework. With a more disciplined class, the teacher is more likely to gain control over the class and therefore become more efficient in delivery of the subject content. Love and logic, are important for teachers in that, besides passing knowledge, teachers act as caregivers and are mandated to ensure that the students learn life’s skills such as social skills and decision making which are important in bringing up responsible and disciplined children. This goes a long way in making sure that, when the children come out of school, they do not have difficulties in coping with the outside world. (Benson, Galbraith, & Espelland, 1995) notes that, logic and love is a good alternative for counselling with the added advantages such as the fact that; logic and love approaches are realistic, simple and easy for the children to learn (Bandura, 1977). Logic and love has been noted as one of the few philosophies which do not depend on age in that, children of all ages can learn important life skills even at a very tender age. Therefore teaching using the logic and love approach allows a learner to gain in the maximum way possible due to the usually close ties with the teacher. The teachers as well benefit mutually in that, the self direction the student demonstrates is an empowerment in the classroom and it allows the learner to grow up into better citizen ready to face the future challenges which lie ahead of the students once they leave the classrooms. Love and logic takes into consideration teacher and student relations by encouraging the two parties to connect easily. By enforcing the concept of self, shared control, shared thinking as well as empathy and consequences, logic and love as a philosophical approach of teaching results into a well rounded child who proceed to the outside world ready to meet the numerous challenges and able are to overcome (Bandura, 1977). Love and logic, results into a classroom environment in which the culture is that of; self determination, self dedication, self discipline as well as self empowerment for the children. On the other side, the teachers are able to execute their professional duties with zeal and in total confidence that the objectives and goals of learning will be achieved. Conclusion Love and logic philosophy is grounded in the belief that every child has positive traits and has the potential to grow and develop into useful and resourceful members of the society. The children learn in a non-confrontational environment and are able to relate well to the teacher. It saves time which otherwise goes into solving indiscipline cases. For the school, logic and love saves valuable time and it is easy for the school to improve on performance. Love and logic is a very effective approach in dealing with disruptive students who threaten the smooth learning in the classroom. When such children are shown love, care, concern and patience, they easily transform and are capable of reforming and are very likely to become some of the best and cooperative students in the classroom. Reference Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ. Prentice-Hall. Benson, P, Galbraith, J, & Espelland, P. (1995). What kids need to succeed: Proven, practical ways to raise good kids? Minneapolis, MN. Free Spirit Publishing. Cline, F & Fay, J (1990). Parenting with love and logic. Colorado Springs, CO: Pirion Press. Finn, J (1989). Withdrawing from school. Review of educational research, 59. Weir, B (1997). An evaluation of the effects of love and logic at McCullough Elementary School. Unpublished outcome study. Â
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Crazy HOrse Electric Game essays
The Crazy HOrse Electric Game essays The story starts of while they are playing their first baseball game of the season against the Crazy Horse Electrics. They decide to put beer in the opposition team's water bottles as a prank, so that they could win. After that Willie decides to go fishing with his dad. They have deep conversations, and they start talking about why Willie's mom does not fish like she used too. Then they get into talking about Missy, Willie's little sister who died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). After that the book cuts into another baseball game, they are playing against the Crazy Horse Electrics. Sal, a big guy on the Crazy Horse, and Johnny get into a verbal argument, and then Johnny says something personal about him and he wound up and decked Johnny one. They break it up and continue the game. When Willie was about to pitch he looses his balance and Sal hits a good pitch. Then out of pure luck and talent, Willie stretches himself out and robs Sal of a sure triple. Willie become s a minor legend. On their way home from school Jenny and Willie hook up. Then on the weekend, Jenny, Johnny, Willie and his family decide to go to the lake. Willie and Jenny set the table for a picnic when Johnny is out skiing. Willies mom complains about him never being safe enough. Next it is Willie's turn to water-ski. As Willie was doing a 360Â ° turn, he caught the tips of his skis under the water and he crashed. Willies dad was in shock, Jenny had to give Willie mouth to mouth, and save his life. The left the boat, got into the vehicle, and drove to the hospital. Willie ends up with a speech impediment, and problems walking. He ends up doing crazy things, like acid, and drinking. He talks to a counselor whom he really likes. Willie does not want to go into a Special Ed class that the school is referring him to. He feels hopeless, and even jealous of his girlfriend for her athletics. He tries to play racquetball, but his dad gets fru...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Biblical Word Study
Biblical Word Study Abstract This paper develops a study of selected words from the bible. Under the counseling category, the paper examines the meaning, usage and derivatives of the words counsel, wisdom and help. Under the addiction category, the study examines the meaning, derivatives and usage of the words wine, desire and restraint.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Biblical Word Study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The study seeks to examine the usage of the words in the old and new testaments, which are arranged in different paragraphs for every word. Biblical words related to counseling This section examines the biblical usage of the words counsel, help and wisdom. The Blue Letter Bible, a resource site that provides links to other bible versions, is used as the primary study material. Through this site, the study examines the usage of these words in the New American Standard Bible, King James Version and the New King James Version Bibles. Counsel In the bible, the word counsel is the Aramaic translation of ‘dethabar’ in the Old Testament and the Greek word ‘bouleutes’ in the New Testament. In addition, it is the translation of the Hebrew word ‘etsah’ or ‘atsa’. Usage in the Old Testament The word counsel has a number of meanings applied to it in various cases. In other cases, the word is used to mean purpose, devise, and plan or to counsel. The first appearance is in Exodus 18:19, where Jethro was advising Moses to be the people’s representative before God, taking their disputes to Him. Usage in the New Testament There are only two instances of the word counsel in the New Testament. In Zechariah 6:13, the word is used to mean perfect harmony or peace. In Ephesians 1:11, the word counsel is used to mean ‘guidance of the Lord’s plan†(New King James Version Bible, [NKJV], 2011) Wisdom The word wisdom is used to mean kno wledge, understanding or excellent ability to apply knowledge or understanding.Advertising Looking for critical writing on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usage in the Old Testament In the Old Testament, the word is mostly used in Job, proverbs and psalms. For instance, it is used to mean human knowledge or understanding of an idea. In Exodus 35:31, it is used to mean excellent human understanding or experience with a subject. This is also similar in a number of other instances where it is used (American Standard Edition [ ASV], 1901). In job 32:13, the speaker says â€Å"we have found wisdom†while in Job 33:33, the speaker says â€Å"keep silent so that I can teach you wisdom†(King James Version [ KJV], 2000). These cases show that the word also means knowledge obtainable through learning and teaching (Tan, 2011). Usage in the New Testament The word also appears several times in t he New Testament. Like the Old Testament, the word is used to have similar meanings in the New Testament. It is used to mean knowledge, excellent experience with a subject or the right ideas that reside in humans. For instance, in Mathew 13:54, it is used describe the extraordinary knowledge expressed by Jesus as â€Å"where did this man get this wisdom and powers from?†(New American Standard Bible [NASB], 1995) Help This word appears 147 times in the NASB and is used several times in both testaments. In most cases, it is used to mean any form of aid that a person or group of persons can obtain from another person, group or God. In most cases, it is used to show God’s aid, favor, leadership or even mentorship to his people. Usage in the Old Testament In the Old Testament, the word â€Å"help†appears several types and is used to mean the role of God in sustaining his people, protecting them from bad events and enemies and guiding them through difficult times. I t first appears in Genesis 4:1 where Eve says, â€Å"I have received a child with God’s help†Usage in the New Testament In the Old Testament, the word is widely used in reference to any type of aid that a person can get from another or from God. It includes material and immaterial aid. For instance, in Luke 4:38, the word is used to mean immaterial aid given to Simon’s mother-in-law, who was suffering.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Biblical Word Study specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Biblical words related to addiction This section attempts to examine the biblical usage of the words ‘wine’, ‘desire’ and ‘restraint’. The Blue Letter Bible, a resource site that provides links to other bible versions, is used as the primary study material. Wine Wine was a type of alcoholic drink tradition in the Jewish society. In most cases, it is used together with other types of food. However, it was a highly controlled drink because of its alcohol content. In the Old Testament, wine was a common type of drink among the Israelites as well as their neighbors. For instance, in Genesis 14:18, the bible says that Melchizedek, the king of Salem brought bread and wine (NASB, 1995). It shows that wine was a major offering to the Lord. In addition, drinking wine was a form of entertainment and cerebrations (Froma, 2010). Some cases show that drinking excessive wine was considered unholy (Froma, 2010). For instance, in Judges 13:4, the people are advised, â€Å"do not drink wine or strong drink†(KJV, 2000) Usage in the New Testament In the New Testament, it appears that wine was a highly valued product. It was preserved in special wineskins. In Mathew 9:17, the bible says, â€Å"they put new wine in new wineskins and both materials are preserved†(Froma, 2010). For example, in the book of John, Jesus made wine from water and allow people to drink. Nevertheless, it is also considered as a way of destroying the righteousness.†(NKJV, 2011). In other cases, wine is used as a part of treatment given to injuries. For instance, in Luke 7:33, the bible shows how wine and oil were used to treat wounds. Desire The term desire is used to express a number of meanings in the bible. For instance, it is used to show the willingness to obtain something or physical and emotional drive to take an action of fulfills some need.Advertising Looking for critical writing on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Usage in the Old Testament The word â€Å"desire†is used several times in the Old Testament to express several meanings. A number of instances show that the word means the emotional drive to satisfy some need. The first instance is seen in Genesis 3:16 where women are advised to have a desire for their husbands. Similarly, in Genesis 39:7, Pharaoh’s wife developed a great desire for Joseph and ordered him to have sex with her. In other instances, it is used to show the non-emotional drives to achieve something. For instance, in Deuteronomy 5:21, people are required not to desire other people’s property. Usage in the New Testament The word desire is used to show emotional need to take an action or non-emotional willingness to achieve something. In some cases, ‘desire’ is condemned. For instance, in Colossians 3:5, the bible condemns â€Å"impurity, evil desire, passion and greed because they amounts to idolatry†(NASB, 1995) Restraint This wo rd appears only 4 times in the bible. It is used in both the new and old testament to express different meanings. In the Old Testament It is used in chronicles 28:19, God humbled Ahaz, the King of Israel for his unfaithfulness to the Lord and lack of restraint in Judah. Here, it is used to signify the ability to maintain harmony. This is also seen in Isaih 23:10 Usage in the New Testament It is used to show humbleness and ability to sustain harmony. For instance, in Timothy 2:15, women are advised to â€Å"continue in love and faith and restraint†Core biblical themes Counseling is seen as an important aspect of the Jewish community. God, elders, judges, prophets and priests, provided counseling. In addition, there were two types of help- material and immaterial help. Wine was an expensive but addictive product due to alcoholic content. The bible shows the negative impact of excessive drinking of wine. On the other hand, desire is both an emotional and physical passion to ach ieve something. Emotional desire is condemned in some instances for its ability to lead into sin. Summary Counseling was a part of the society. Every community had specialists who provided counseling while God provided help. Addiction was common and mostly seen in wine drinking and the desire for sexual contact. References American Standard Edition (1901). New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons. Froma, W. (2010). Biblical Facts about Wine: Is It a Sin to Drink Wine? New York: Author House. King James Version. (2000). Edinburg: Thomas Nelson Inc. New King James Version Bible. (2011). Edinburg: Thomas Nelson Inc. Tan, S. (2011). Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective By Siang-Yang Tan. London: Baker Academic. New American Standard Bible (1995). New York: The Lockman Foundation.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Balanced Score Card Implementation & the Internal Business Process Coursework
Balanced Score Card Implementation & the Internal Business Process Perspective - Coursework Example It further aids in the enhancement of the future of the clients. The three objectives expounds on the provision of opportunities, encouraging of responsibility, ensuring of integrity, facilitation of purpose and lastly promotion of the family and community at large. Walmart’s mission is â€Å"saving people money so they can live better†( The comparison and impacts of three new objectives on financial objectives is relatively negative. While financial objectives aims at encouraging larger income to the firm, the new objectives aims at increasing costs or expenditures on the introduced sectors, for instance, buying of new accounting software or segregation of job (QuickMBA, 2010). Comparison of the objectives to customer experience indicates a positive essence. Clients are likely to acquire new, and a better services form the new objectives. This is notable by consideration of the better shopping experience and excellent environment. The objectives help in fulfilling the customer experience by complementing the customer satisfaction. The objectives fail to fulfil the financial objective since the financial objectives bases on reduction of expenditure while expanding income segments. These objectives recommends introductions of segregation of duties and consideration of authorization process that creates additional expenditures to the company as more funds will spent on recruiting very skilled and academically qualified staffs. Production output may increase gradually as time goes, but it’s a long term investment in a competent staff body. These internal business objectives are important in lining out the operational activities of Walmart with regards to management and supervisions of workers and use of current software in managing the operations of the supermarket especially the accounting sector. I do not wish to make any change to the previous write ups
Friday, November 1, 2019
TOYOTA IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
TOYOTA IN THE BUSINESS WORLD - Term Paper Example This has become possible through globalization which eliminated the barriers including finance so that the company could open up its way into the world market. Actually, Toyota has managed to achieve the top position in the world market owing to its successful approach of the market development and the accomplishment of the efficient management style. Toyota's first car matched American and European cars, like Dodge but these days Toyota produces its own unparalleled models on the groundwork of new technologies. The multinational giant in the beginning had its strategic functioning oriented on the international markets as the local, Japanese market was not able to physically consume the products produced by the company. According to Volti (2005) Toyota has its manufacturing and assembling plants for cars not only in countries like the US, Australia, South-Eastern Asia, the EU, but it has also entered markets of other countries like China, Argentina, Mexico, and others. Sakichi Toyoda, a productive inventor, instituted the Toyoda Automatic Loom Company. This company was based on his innovative designs. One of the innovative plans was licensed to a British company for 1 million yen with the money going towards the creation of the Toyota Motor Company ( accessed 9 November 2009). Between the years 1936 and 1943 only 1757 cars were produced out of which 1,404 sedans were produced and 353 phaetons. Actually Toyota had more success in producing their trucks and buses. The Toyota KB, a 4x4 was a two ton truck which was produced in 1941. Its loading capacity was 1.5 tons and it could go up to around 43 mph. ( accessed 9 November 2009). The Crown Toyotas' first luxury car was produced in the year 1955. This car was provided with a four cylinder, 1.5-liter engine and had a three-speed column shift. The luxury car was followed by the 1-liter Corona. Only about 700 cars per month were produced in 1955, 11,750 in 1958, and 50,000 per month in 1964(http://www.toyoland. com/history.html accessed 9 November 2009). In the year 1959 Toyota's first plant outside Japan that is in Brazil was instituted. From then on, Toyota observed an attitude of localizing both production and design of its products. The company believed that this would help them to build long-term kinships with local providers and local labor. Toyota has thus established a network of design and R&D facility in North America and Europe (http://www.toyoland. com/history.html accessed 9 November 2009). Market of Toyota To a considerable degree, the international market development of Toyota was achievable due to the development of globalization. This process involves the economic integration of countries, removal of financial obstructions between countries and the support of free trade. The production chain of Toyota has spread all over the world thus proving that Toyota is in fact a global company ( /toyota.htm retrieved 9 November 2009). On the other hand, in the modern years, Toyota has elaborated its existence in the world increasing its business in many countries. Several of these countries are third world countries and include Philippines, Venezuela, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Mexico and Argentina (Volti, 2005). Globalization
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