Wednesday, October 30, 2019
ILLUSTRATING THE WAYS WHICH MEDIA COVERS THE EUROPEAN CRISIS TODAY AND BEFORE FIVE YEARS IN GREECE AND FRANCE - Literature review Example ia was more concerned about the issues affecting the Greek economy and the possible benefits that Greece as a country would derive from the economic collaboration in the euro zone (Schulmeister 21). As the global economic crisis hit the euro zone in 2008 and subsequently the European crisis that followed, the media in the two countries took divergent trends in the way they covered the crisis (POV news). Particularly, the French media created euphoria with negative rhetoric about the crisis which is believed to have caused public panic especially in France with most of the citizens developing negative perceptions of countries such as Greece and Italy, which the media had overly blamed for the escalating crisis. The echoing of the French president’s sentiments about Greece by the French media heightened the perceptions by French citizens (Picard 59). On the other hand, the media in Greece concentrated more on the position of Greece as a nation in the crisis and especially the measures that the European Union expected the country to undertake in order to avert the crisis (Hope 653). In essence, the media focused more on the expected impact of the measures to the Greek economy and citizenry as a whole. POV news. Greece: International Conference, The Greek Financial Crisis and the European Media.  Retrieved from
Monday, October 28, 2019
Burma’s Peaceful Transition to a Democratic Future Essay Example for Free
Burma’s Peaceful Transition to a Democratic Future Essay Burma is an Asian country that attained its independence on 4th January 1948 and is bordered by China on the North and Thailand on the East. it was referred to as the union of Burma in 1948. On January 4th 1974 it changed its name to the union of Burma and then on 23rd September, 1888 it reverted to the union of Burma. In 1989, then it changed the name again to the union of Myanmar and this was through the efforts by the state law and order restoration council (SLORC). It is a country whose population has had a lot of significance in Burma’s politics. The Burmese government is known as Myanmar and assumed an authoritarian feature that is dominated by a military leader. There have been substantial efforts to switch to a more democratic moves but these efforts have be hampered by the military which is against this move for example in 1990, a parliamentary government was elected but the Burma’s military could not let it to convene. Burma has a population of about 50 million people and has 500,000 troops who have been helping the government to create a regime of fear by denying the citizens most of their basic rights. Some democratic leaders have come up and visualized a viable idea of freeing the people from the torture they get from the government. In 1992 with his party the National League for Democracy, managed to scoop 82 % of all country’s parliamentary seats but the military regime which used dictatorship principles declined to transfer power to the leaders that were democratically elected. For more than ten years later, Aung San Suu kyi was put on house arrest and was released only in 2002. Her release was viewed by many as the only hope to the establishment of Burmese democratic government that would be sensitive to the people’s needs unfortunately in 2003 herself and many of her supporters were killed by a rowdy mob that was sponsored by the government. This conflict between the majority and the minority became evident after Burma achieved independence in 1948. It was at this time that Aung San Suu was given the mandate to control all those areas that traditionally were not controlled by only single community. After 1948 when the Burmese constitution was signed, constitution right have not been exercised on the minorities, they also do not have pieces of land and especially those that formerly belonged to their people. Since the war period, the Burman minorities have been sidelined by the majority who are the Burmese Burma was a British colony from the 1920s and this continued up to 1948. Though the Burma’s heartland was ruled directly by the colonial powers, the surrounding regions were allowed to rule themselves and this led the loyalty to split along the ethnic lines. The dominant ethnic group is the Burmese that comprise of 68 percent of the whole population and minority accounts for the remaining 32 percent. Religion in Burma has played a key role in causing further divisions. There are many religious in Burma for example there are Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. These religious divisions have been aggravating the situations for example in 1991; more than a quarter million Muslims were evicted from their homes. This was exacerbated by the fact that there were many alliances formed. They were forced to cross the border to Bangladesh where they were accepted as refugees by the Bangladesh government but were helped by the international community with the basic needs. Today, the Burmese government is led a prime minister whose regime is greatly accused of displacing thousands of Burmese communities both internally and externally, some community such as Karen, Mon and Kareni were forced to seek refuge in Thailand. Those that are internationally displaced receive a better treatment than those that are internally displaced as the later are mistreated by the military. It is estimated that about 600,000 citizens have been internally displaced and are constantly looking for ways they could avoid slavery. They are used as slaves by this government as many of them are conscripted in the army by force or are left with no other choice except from joining the drug network that is sponsored by the state. There are various movements that have been trying to free the population of Burma from military. Some of these are; the Junta, the Karen National Union and the Moi Tai army though their efforts did not materialize because most of the current military officials are from the community with the majority that oppresses the minorities. So, it is really hard to make any advance but there is one very vibrant group that has mobilized the minorities to participate in a non-violent peaceful demonstration. Led by Buddhist monks, these people protested against the abuse of human rights and matched in groups of more than hundred thousand protestors in the streets. The Head of the State, General Shwe who is also the chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) is greatly criticized by the United States and the European governments which have imposed various sanctions that are enforced thorough consumer boycotts. The United States of America and the European governments using their influence led other Western nations to stop cooperating with Burma. Though these governments have been relentless in enforcing bans against Burma, some western companies are still cooperating due to some loopholes in sanction application. Most of these are the oil companies. Such as the American oil company and the French oil company. Also Cherron and the Yadana natural gas pipeline that runs from Burma all the way to Thailand is so much in use. There are still Asian businesses that operate in Burma for example the Daewoo Company that invests in extracting resources. The United States government in collaboration with the European governments also imposed sanctions on Burma’s clothing as well western nations to stop sourcing from Burma and more particularly those shops that were either partially or wholly supported by the government. After those peaceful protests, a good number of people stopped getting their products from Burma and these were led by an individual like Levi Strauss who was very vibrant in keeping up with the fight against the government products for example from 1992,many American cloth and shoes companies stopped acquiring their properties from Burma. In 2003, the united government banned Burma’s imports as in accordance with the Burmese freedom and democracy Act that was amended in the year 2003 however, some people have attacked this United States strategy of forcing this government to step down as has led many people to suffer greatly. Despite these critics, the move was supported by the Burmese democratic movement and has supposed by the Burmese democratic movement and has vowed to keep encouraging the western world to impose harder and stricter sanctions against the military government (Smith M. 1991) Burma insurgency and the politics of ethnicity London and New Jersey. Zed books. The human watches in Burma have highlighted all the crimes against humanity but there is no judiciary to address the problem any such move faces strong opposition from the military government. There is no free communication that is allowed by the Burmese military government in fact no one is allowed to access the internet and the search engines such as Google, G mail, hotmail and yahoo so the Burmese citizens are less informed. What the government has done is that it does not allow these companies to operate in its territory and as such they are blocked. If people have to access materials from the internet, they must first of all be filtered and censored by the military government. They use US filtering soft wares such as the Fortinet to censor emails, web pages and pro-democratic pages. In Burma, child soldiers are forcefully conscripted. They are also forced to punish their fellow military friends by being giving death threats incase they do not as they bare told. Children are conscripted in army by force. These children are promised to be jailed if they do not accept to join the army. Since the military regime usurped power in 1962, after overthrowing sthe democratically elected government, this regime has been one of the worst violators of human rights in the whole universe. The climax reached after the (SLORC) State Law and Order Restoration Council was changed To State Peace And Development Council sometimes back in 1997, November. This party in 1988 seized the states powers established itself and forcefully removed the little pretence that was there that they were upholding the dignity of the citizens and took part in massacring the demonstrates who were demonstrating against the creation of this undemocratic regime. They were marching in the streets of Rangoon and Burmese towns and cities when the military forces descended on them killing thousands. According to the comment that was made by the amnesty international human rights violation and torture were like a Burmese institution and they even listed various forms of abuses that were perpetrated by this corrupt regime. This report was further affirmed by the United Nations and other human rights watchdog. These abuses that they listed were for example torture, murder, litany abuses, forced displacements of citizens, holding or arresting individuals and keeping them in detention houses without trials and various litany abuses. These were the activities that were characteristic of this military regime and citizens have suffered enormously under it. Children were also abused by the military that forcefully conscript them in the army and also the villagers were forced to work for the military. Children are reportedly said to have been raped and defiled by the troops. The military operations that are from time to time conducted in various villages and these led to deterioration of living standards for example this was witnessed in Karen state and Shan state in 2001. This has forced many to be to run away to the neighboring states such as Thailand while those who are unable to move out of the country were internally displaced. The internally displaced and lived in the camps for internally displaced received very harsh treatment by the ruling military regime than those who manage to seek refuge in the neighboring states. The military regime do not in any way follow the internationally agreed freedoms for example the civil and political rights though Burma is a signatory to various international peace accords. Everything that happens in this country must be censored including the exhibitions. There is completely no freedom of expression. Even publications are not spared as they are censored by the government infact it is only sports and romance magazines are not censored. The broadcasting media houses are state owned and the government has the monopoly over them. They only air information that is favorable to them for example you it is common to see junta’s generals making speeches and from these stations and instead they go for less biased information. The SLOPCS has been very determined in curtailing the freedom of speech. Though they try to censor the information given by the public media, there are international ones that give more accurate information and these are what people rely on. These are stations such as the British broadcasting corporation (BBC), the democratic voice of Burma, radio Free Asia and the Voice of America (VOA). Apart from these international radio stations, any other person who goes against this decree risked twenty years imprisonment as per the 1996 decree. These are some of the laws that are enforced by this government without any regard to the international law standards. Burma is a resource-rich country that suffers from government controls and abject rural poverty. The military regime took steps in the early 1990s to liberalize the economy after decades of failure under the Burmese Socialism, but those efforts have since stalled. Burma has been unable to achieve monetary or fiscal stability, resulting in an economy that suffers from serious macroeconomic imbalances including a steep inflation rate and an official exchange rate that overvalues the Burmese kyat by more than 100 times the market rate. Burma is a nation that is rich in various natural resources for example the country has precious such as pearls and rubies. The country is also rich in natural gases. In 1962 its economy was performing well when compared to other economies of the developing nations but the socialist party which assumed power later changed the economic status of Burma for example it replaced the capitalism mode of economy with socialism that advocated for central planning as opposed to central planning. Due to this economic change it became one of the poorest developed nations of world. In addition, most overseas development assistance was cut after the junta suppressed the democracy movement in 1988 and subsequently ignored the results of the 1990 election. A crisis in the private banking sector in early 2003 followed by economic moves against Burma by the United States, the European Union, and Japan including a US ban on imports from Burma and a Japanese freeze on new bilateral economic aid further weakened the Burmese economy. Burma is data poor, and official statistics are often dated and inaccurate. Published estimates of Burmas foreign trade are greatly understated because of the size of the black market and border trade often estimated to be one to two times the official economy. Better relations with foreign countries and relaxed controls at home are needed to promote foreign investment, exports, and tourism. In February 2003, a major banking crisis hit the countrys 20 private banks, shutting them down and disrupting the economy. In July and August 2003, the United States imposed a ban on all Burmese imports and a ban on provision of financial services, hampering Burmas ability to obtain foreign exchange. As of January 2004, the largest private banks remained moribund, leaving the private sector with little formal access to credit outside of government contracts. In Burma the rate of unemployment is very high and the prices of commodities are very high and life standards are very high. According to one businessman said that the situation in Burma was moving from bad to worse and that there was looming danger of social unrest, lectures, professors and pipeline construction workers are poorly paid. Due the constant mass uprising by the democratic movement against this regime, it was rendered bankrupt in 1988 in the onset of the 21st century, it was on the lowest income generating countries in the world but it has greatly reversed this situation because it dropped its economic isolationism. It has also welcomed the foreign investors in its economy so that it would strengthen its military bases. In response to its call, UNOCAL and TOTAL oil companies came to its rescue. In Burma, there are military controlled economic sectors such as Myanmar economic holdings limited and the Myanmar economic corporation that is, UMEH and MEC respectively. These two industries which are controlled by the Burmese military are the ones that dominate the economic sector of Burma. UMEH is geared towards military strengthening while MEC is geared towards shifting the defense cost from the public sector to the private ones but both corporations have a part to play in strengthening the military base of Burma. Though European Union has been imposing economic sanctions to Burma its sanctions are not as stricter as those of the United States. It has invested a lot in Burma and it doesn’t want to lose the much that it has invested. United States has been very keen in reinforcing the bans or sanctions that have been imposed on Burma. The US government particularly has imposed a ban on its investments in this country and has also placed a ban against Burmese exports. Since the bans were proposed, US is the only nation that has implemented them. In the past, the European Union has not been imposing strict sanctions but starting from last year it has increased economic sanctions on precious metals and on imports such as gemstone and timber but they still demand for fresh elections to be held and human rights to be respected. It is only thorough these ways that the country can witness a transition from military rule to a democratic one. It had eased its sanctions basing its reasoning on its above conditions. Japan has been very friendly to Burma. It has never failed to support this military regime though on a small scale. Infact it is one of the major donor in Burma but it is reconsidering its foreign policy on Burma especially after a Japanese journalist was killed. It said that it would cut the aid that Burma gets from it. The other reason for it to withhold its financial aid was in 2003 when San Suu Kyi was kept in detention by the Junta. They believed that was the only best move that would pressurize the military regime to address the democratic principles that have never been allowed to take root in this regime. In 2002,Japan supported Burma’s government with 17 million US dollars on top of that it gave Burma the technical support it needed Japan which was all this time shying away from enforcing sanctions on Burma as the US and UK were doing, it changed its policy after this saga. The British government pressurized the European Union to increase sanctions until san Suu Kyi was realized but it was assured that these sanctions would be eased if Suu Kyi was released. That nation that seems to support Burma or appears or appears or appears to be annually to Burma face violation by the US and UK government and this has occurred to china and North Korea. This is based on misconception that these close friends would be providing economic support to this government that has little regards for its citizens. The United States for example was very bitter because Burmese government suppressed democracy and imposed its will on people and that is why it has imposed sanctions. The heroic stature of Aung San Suu Kyi has greatly helped in making Myanmar to be recognized world wide. China has been blamed for helping this region for its support. The western world cannot sway the Juntas government for this to be effective, then the regional ASEAN countries such as India, Thailand and especially china must first be willing to transform this government. China has been asking Myanmar to quell violence and control protesters but it seems this is falling on deaf ears. China has been helping Burma in international affairs management for example it has been very vibrant in keeping the issue of Burma out of the United Nation’s agenda but the United States and the British governments have been on the other side. Due to many economic sanctions that have been imposed on this regime, it finds it even hard to provide aid to its people who living in poverty. The aid that Burmese gets is below par and is the lowest in the region especially when it compared with that of the local countries for example, an individual’s aid is counted as 2. 5 dollars per head while that of Laos’s stands at 63 US dollars. China has been accused of providing Junta with military aid thus limiting the chances of democracy being realized. It has continued to conduct business relations with. Burma but it is because of some factors that are understandable and some of these are that Burma is rich in useful natural gases that china is interested in again Burma provides China with an overland route to the Indian ocean so Chinese government would not do anything to destroy its relations with Burma. Though there have been calls for better treatment of protestors, they fall on deaf ears. The amnesty international has been pressurizing the United Nations to impose embargos and sanctions on China so that peace in Burma would be realized. This is based on understanding that the Burmese military government relies on china for most of its assistance so, if china was to cut its military aid then, the Burmese government would be unable to control the nation there by creating a platform of peace transition. If the new government would come in place, it would not find it hard to sustain itself even without getting any financial aid from other countries. There are a lot of minerals that aid from other countries. There are a lot of minerals that would help the government to finance its entire government projects. The new government should create confidence among its citizens so that they would participate in the economy thereby making the economy of this nation even stronger. This government should also extend its business relations with other nations as many of them do not have those minerals and definitely they would be so much interested in them. Work cited. Altsean-Burma: Alternative Asean Network on Burma campaigns, advocacy and capacity-building for human rights. 2008. Accessed on Wednesday, March, 2008 at http://www. altsean. org/ Andrew S. Burma’s Armed Forces: Power without Glory. Norwalk: East Bridge. 2002; 45-56 Burma net News. Accessed on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at www. burmanet. org BBC News. Analysis: Burmas economic Crisis. 15th March, 2002, 13:47 GMT Accessed at http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/business/1871326. stm Brookings. Quality, independence and impact. Retrieved on April 30, 2008 at www. brookings. edu Donald M. S. Burma-China Relations: Playing with Fire. Asian Survey, Vol. 37, No. 6, 1997; 533 International Crisis Group. Working To Reduce Crisis World Wide. Retrieved on April 30, 2008 at http://www. crisisgroup. org/home/index. cfm Myanmar. com. New Light of Myanmar. April 30, 2008 Accessed on April 30, 2008. At http://www. myanmar. com Philip S. Robertson: Sanctions Are Working in Burma. 2003. Online commentary at www. irrawaddy. org/com/2003/com31. html Accessed on August 2003. Smith M. Burma insurgency and the politics of ethnicity. London and New Jersey. 1991; 78
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome :: Health Vision Computer Essays
Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome Many people in today’s world experience a number of discomforts in relation to spending too much time in front of a computer. These discomforts are especially common for students at Iowa State University because computer technology is used for most of the classes taught here. Many students are unaware of the damage that they are doing to themselves by staring at computer screens for extended periods of time. This paper will describe some of the effects that these students may experience which include: dry, burning eyes; blurred vision; delayed focusing; altered color perception; headaches; tired eyes; eyestrain; sore eyes; red eyes; contact lens discomfort; glare sensitivity; excessive tearing; neck, shoulder and back pain (intersights). Collectively, these symptoms have been termed Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) by the American Optometry Association (eye2eye). The purpose of this paper is to make students aware of some of the effects of long hours spent in front of a computer, and what they can do to prevent these effects. This paper will cover the causes of common effects of Computer Vision Syndrome in detail so that students are aware of the causes as well as the effects of extended amounts of computer usage. When the students know that their computer is the source of the discomforts described below, they will be able to easily prevent these discomforts. Ultimately, this paper will help students become much more efficient in their computer work when they know what causes the effects of Computer Vision Syndrome are and how they can prevent them. What Are the Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)? When a person is looking at a computer screen, that person is processing information at a very rapid rate. The human eye is designed to see clearly at distances of three to twenty feet away without any accommodations, and at this range our eyes traditionally experience no discomfort. When the average person is looking at a computer screen, that screen is usually around twenty inches away from the eyes. The eyes must continually expand and contract to continually refocus to compensate for this small distance. The eye is just not designed to be able to handle staying contracted for any amount of time, and the result is tired, dry, and very sore eyes (eye2eye). The images and text on a computer screen are composed of pixels. Pixels are tiny dots that are bright in the center and fuzzy on the edges and are usually accompanied by backgrounds that do not lend a strong contrast to the written text.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Philippine Marriage Customs Essay
The Filipino people have strange marriage customs. Among the Mangyans in the southern end of Oriental Mindoro, courtship takes a romantic flavor. Under the magic splendor of the moonlight, young man takes his native guitar and blanket, goes to the girl’s hut, and sings to her. The girl comes out and goes with him to a forest. There, in some secluded spot, the man spread out a mat. The girl lies on it, while her suitor sits at her side pouring out his feelings in love songs the whole night through. The maid answers him in songs also. When the girl finally gives her consent, the two go to the girl’s parents for their blessings. In the Bicol lagpitaw (slingshot) custom, the parents of the boy propose by letter. The other party answers verbally or in writing. Sometimes, a son learns that he has proposed and been accepted only on his wedding day. One of the easiest and quickest marriage ceremonies in the Philippines are performed among the Bagobos in Mindanao. Portions of rice are laid out on a banana leaf. Then the bride and bridegroom serve each other some rice, bump their heads together and are pronounced married. Up north in Benguet, Mountain Province, Cupid wears a G-string; he is usually an older man armed with plenty of gab. It is during kanyaos that the Benguet Cupid begins to feel the match itch. Warmed up by the ricewine, the impish oldster known as kalon scouts for a prospect from among the men of marriageable age: from 16 up. The â€Å"chosen†would be enlightened on the joys of matrimony and the horrors of bachelorhood. After the victim has been properly â€Å"softened†he has only to name the girl and the rest would be taken care of by the matchmaker. In the land of the Ibanags, when a young man’s fancy turns to love, his father turns poet. Usually, the father’s first concern is the right time for their sons to marry, usually between the ages of 16 and 18. The parents decide who will be the right girl. They employ the help of two respected and prominent friends to do the actual proposing. These two men called kumakagon intercept for the boy’s parents. On an appointed day, they go to the girl’s parents to ask for her hand in marriage. Marriages among the Batangans of Mindoro are partly by parental arrangement and partly by choice of groom and bride. When a child is born, the prospective bride or groom simply signifies his or her intention by telling the parents, â€Å"he or she is mine.†In this manner, the newborn becomes bethroted, without the cumbersome formalities of signing contracts or requiring witnesses. When the child is big enough to leave the parents, for instance at age three or four, the prospective husband or wife, as the case may be, claims it from the parents. Thereafter he or she cares for the child until it is mature enough for parenthood. In Sulu, the wedding, usually attended by relatives of the bride and the bridegroom dressed in very bright and flowing custom†s, climaxes months of careful preparation and negotiations between families. To them, marriage units not only two persons but two families as well. The Kalinga marriage is celebrated with a feast. The boy’s parents usually ask for presents from the girl’s parents. These are given as soon s the wedding is performed. Divorce is allowed. If this happens, the girl returns the dowry, usually resulting in a long family feud and a lot of vengeful killing. In Oton, Iloilo, it used to be the custom that both the bride and the groom have to cope with the wedding preparations or the timetable for planning marriage. Some Morong people who adhere to their marriage customs don’t simply announce any day for their marriage or wedding day. They believe that a wedding on Thursday brings suffering and sacrifices; on Friday some losses; Saturday will bring bad licks. For wealth, Morong people wed on Monday, Tuesday for health. But above all, they usually wed on Wednesday for good luck. In Quezon, a young man desiring to take a maiden for his wife must first be put to a test. He lives with the maiden’s family but he has to show the best he can along all lines of work. He must be the first one to wake up in the morning. Every water container in the house should be filled before everyone gets up, a pot of coffee should have been boiled and firewood properly ready for cooking. After breakfast he goes to the kaingin and there he works until the sun is overhead. The rest of the day is spent either in the kaingin or in some other useful work. This trial marriage usually lasts several years.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Pantheon: Temple Dedicated to All Gods
Pantheon, temple dedicated to all the gods. The Pantheon of Rome is the best-preserved major edifice of ancient Rome and one of the most significant buildings in architectural history. In shape it is an immense cylinder concealing eight piers, topped with a dome and fronted by a rectangular colonnaded porch. The great vaulted dome is 43. 2 m (142 ft) in diameter, and the entire structure is lighted through one aperture, called an oculus, in the center of the dome.The Pantheon was erected by the Roman emperor Hadrian between AD 118 and 128, replacing a smaller temple built by the statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in 27 BC. In the early 7th century it was consecrated as a church, Santa Maria ad Martyres, to which act it owes its survival (see Architecture). The term pantheon also refers to a building that serves as a mausoleum or memorial for eminent personages of a country. The most famous example is the Church of Sainte Genevieve in Paris, designed (1764) in the classical style by t he French architect Jacques Germain Soufflot.It was later secularized, renamed the Pantheon, and used as a temple to honor the great of France. Built in Rome, AD c. 118-28, in the reign of Emperor Hadrian, the Pantheon is the best preserved and most impressive of all Roman buildings. It has exerted an enormous influence on all subsequent Western architecture. The Pantheon asserts the primacy of space as contained volume over structure in the most dramatic fashion.From the time of the Pantheon onward, Roman architecture was to be one of spatial volumes. The Pantheon was designed and built by Hadrian to replace an earlier temple established by Agrippa (the misleading inscription in the entrance frieze refers to this earlier edifice). The existing structure is an immense round temple covered by a single dome, fronted by a transitional block and a traditional temple portico of eight Corinthian columns carrying a triangular pediment.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Heat of Vaporization Example Problem
Heat of Vaporization Example Problem Heat of vaporization is the amount of heat energy required to change the state of a substance from a liquid into a vapor or gas. It is also known as enthalpy of vaporization, with units typically given in joules (J) or calories (cal). This example problem demonstrates how to calculate the amount of energy required to turn a sample of water to steam. Heat of Vaporization Problem What is the heat in joules required to convert 25 grams of water into steam? What is the heat in calories?Useful information: Heat of vaporization of water 2257 J/g 540 cal/g Note: You wont be expected to know enthalpy or heat values; they will be given in a problem or can be looked up in a table. Solution You can solve this problem using either joules or calories for heat. Part IUse the formula q m ·ÃŽâ€Hvwhereq heat energym massÃŽâ€Hv heat of vaporizationq (25 g)x(2257 J/g)q 56425 JPart IIq m ·ÃŽâ€Hfq (25 g)x(540 cal/g)q 13500 cal Answer The amount of heat required to change 25 grams of water into steam is 56425 joules or 13500 calories. A related example illustrates how to calculate the energy when water changes from solid ice into steam.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Computer Viruses3 essays
Computer Viruses3 essays Almost every End-user in the world has heard of computer viruses and/or has had one at one point in time. Dont worry if you havent heard about them, you wont find it in your bloodstream. Unfortunately you may find one in your computer memory or disk storage. Some may be as benign as the common cold and others as deadly to your hard drive as the Ebola virus . ~ Usually defined as a malicious code of computer programming it is actually just another software, only written with not so noble intentions. ~ A computer virus is designed to install, reproduce itself and cause damage to computer files and data without the users knowledge or permission. ~ A computer virus can only survive and attack in computer memory, which is usually RAM and disk storage. ~ You will not find a computer virus in your monitor or keyboard. How will the virus invade your computer? ~ All viruses enter the system through two main points. ~ Disk drives may be any type (hard, floppy, CD and whatever you have). This makes anything you insert in your drive a possible source of infection. ~ The network adapter card is most likely your connection to the Internet. Viruses enter here most likely disguised as e-mail attachments. These attachments are often program files and office documents containing macros. Besides e-mail attachments, there are certain WebPages that contain harmful programming codes that may transfer into your computer as virus or virus-like codes. ~ After entering the computer memory, A virus often immediately sets out to multiply and spread duplicate copies of itself across the main data storage device. It does this by copying itself into as many files as it can on the disk drive. Later when users transfer or copy these files to their friends and colleagues, the virus can gain entry to all of their systems. If the virus has come this far on its path, the user may have permanent damage ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tips to Searching the Google News Archive
Tips to Searching the Google News Archive Google News Archive offers a wealth of digitized historic newspapers online - many of them for free. The Google newspaper archive project was discontinued by Google many years ago but, although they stopped digitizing and adding new papers and removed their useful timeline and other search tools, the historical newspapers that were previously digitized remain. The downside of this is that, due to poor digital scanning and OCR (optical character recognition), a simple search of the Google newspaper archive rarely pulls up anything but major headlines. In addition, Google News has continued to deprecate their newspaper archive service, making it extremely difficult to search for content prior to 1970, although they have hundreds of digitized newspaper titles prior to this date. You can improve your chances of finding great info in Google News Archive with a few simple search strategies. Use Google Web Search Searching within Google News (even the advanced search) no longer returns results older than 30 days, so be sure to use web search when searching for older articles. Google Web Search doesn’t support custom date ranges earlier than 1970 or content behind a paywall - but that doesnt mean you wont find content prior to 1970 by searching, you just cant restrict your searches to only that content. Check Availability First A full list of the digitized historical newspaper content is available online at the Google News Archive. It generally pays to start here to see if your area and time period has coverage, although if youre looking for something interesting or potentially newsworthy (a railroad accident, for example) you may find it also reported in papers from outside the area. Restrict Sources While it is most common to search for individuals in a specific location, Google no longer offers the option to restrict your search to a particular newspaper title. Each newspaper does have a specific newspaper ID (found after nid in the URL when you select the title from the newspaper list), but the site search restriction does not consider this. Instead, try using a newspaper title in quotes, or use just a single word from the title of the paper to restrict your search; thus a source restriction for Pittsburgh will turn up results from both the Pittsburgh Press and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Date Restrict To search content older than 30 days, use the Google advanced web search page to restrict your search by date or date range. You can bypass the restriction on dates older than 1970 by using Googles site search feature on the news archive alone. This isnt precise, as it will include any mention of that date or year and not just papers published on the date youve selected, but it is better than nothing. Example: pittsburg 1898 Use Generic Terms Browse through several issues of your newspaper of interest to become familiar with the general layout of the paper and the terms used most often in your sections of interest. For example, if youre looking for an obituary, did they commonly use the term obituaries, or deaths or death notices, etc. to head that section? Sometimes section headers were too fancy to be recognized by the OCR process, so also look for words frequently found in the general text then use that search term to look for content. Consider whether your term is appropriate for the time period as well. If youre searching contemporary newspapers for information on World War One you will need to use search terms such as great war, because it wasnt called World War One until after the commencement of World War Two. Browse This Paper For best results when searching digitized historical newspaper content in Google, there really is no way around using the browse feature rather than search. All things considered, its still better than having to go down to the library to look at microfilm. Begin with the newspaper list to browse directly to a specific newspaper title in the Google News Archive. Once you select a title of interest, you can easily navigate to a specific date using the arrows or, even faster, by entering the date in the date box (this can be a year, month and year, or a specific date). When youre in the newspaper view, you can get back to the browse page by selecting the Browse this newspaper link above the digitized newspaper image. Locating a Missing Issue If Google appears to have newspapers from your month of interest but is missing a few particular issues here or there, then take time to view all pages of the available issues both before and after your target date. There are many examples of Google running together several newspaper issues and then listing them only under the date of the first or last issue, so you can be browsing an issue for Monday, but end up in the middle of the Wednesday edition by the time you browse all of the available pages. Downloading, Saving, and Printing Google News Archive does not currently offer a direct way to download, save, or print newspaper images. If you want to clip an obituary or other small notice for your personal files, the easiest way to do this is to take a screenshot. Enlarge your browser window with the relevant page/article from Google News Archive so that it fills your entire computer screen.Use the enlarge button in Google News Archive to enlarge the article you want to clip to an easy to read size that fits entirely within your browser window.Hit the Print Screen or Prnt Scrn button on your computer keyboard to capture a screenshot.Open your favorite photo editing software and look for the option to open or paste a file from your computers clipboard. This will open the screenshot taken of your computer browser window.Use the Crop tool to crop the article in which youre interested and then save it as a new file (try including the newspaper title and date in the file name).If youre running Windows Vista, 7 or 8, make it easier on yourself and use the Snipping Tool instead. If you cant find historical newspapers in Google Newspaper Archive for your area and time period of interest, then Chronicling America is another source for free, digitized historical newspapers from the United States. Several subscription websites and other resources also offer access to online historical newspapers.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
UK Luxury Fashion Online Retailer Net-A-Porter Coursework
UK Luxury Fashion Online Retailer Net-A-Porter - Coursework Example From this paper it is clear that Net-a-Porter is a luxury fashion retailer that provides products and services to customers online. The main USP of the company’s website is that it is designed like a magazine. Presently the company has many brands popular that it retails including Yves Saint Laurent, Diane von Furstenberg and Stella McCartney. Although the economy of UK and US is experiencing a general slowdown after the global financial crisis, the company shows no signs of holding up operations. It has recently launched a beauty products segment, a new publishing business, and planned logistics expansions in the Asia-Pacific regions. The company also added a dedicated sportswear section to their website.This discussion highlights that the company presently operates in three offices located in two countries, US and UK. It is headquartered in London and it has distribution centres in US. The business model of Net-a-Porter is e-commerce based and hence it provides 2 4/7 services to customers. It has 2600 employees and it is also planning to expand full-scale operations in emerging economies such as China where the demand is very strong. The main products of the company may be classified into major segments, apparels and accessories. Different types of luxury clothes are offered by the company including beachwear, coats, bridal, Denim, gowns, jumpsuits, shirts, sportswear, premium suits, jeans and jackets. The accessories include products like belts, gloves, jewellery, hats, shoes, etc.  Â
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Marketing - Essay Example Was their objective to change their image from a conservative clothing store to a more fashion-updated store? Did they want to reposition their products? Are they willing to sacrifice their conservative market just to tap another segment of the market? These are essential questions which should have been addressed before deciding to come up with the ad. Another important aspect which Penny might have overlooked is the pre-testing stage of the advertisement. They should have randomly picked out a â€Å"consumer jury†who will view the ad and see how they would react to the ad. The â€Å"jury†should be representative of their target market, to include their present consumers and the market which they want to tap. Had they done this process, they could have gotten outright feedback on the impact of their ad. 2. How could Penney use public relations strategies to counteract the bad publicity it received as a result of the ad and the t-shirts? As a result of its television commercial entitled â€Å"Attitude Adjustment†, Penny suffered from bad publicity. Their customers reacted negatively. This same problem was encountered by Penny when they came out with a T-shirt design with a slogan â€Å"Home Skooled†. To counter the negative publicity that they experienced from these instances, I think Penny should try to redeem itself and beef up its reputation again.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 40
Case study - Essay Example Beverage cost percentage is rising because of the increased production cost and decreased selling. The awareness about the harmful ingredients in beverages and the global economic problems forced the consumers to reduce their drinking habits as much as possible. As a result of that beverage cost percentage is increasing day by day. Jack might be facing problems in maintaining adequate inventory levels in the central stores and preparation kitchen stores because of the problems in the reception and supply of goods. From the case study, it is evident that Jack is allowing the outlet managers and supervisors to take goods from the stores, outside of normal stores operating times. Such a habit would definitely allow the managers and supervisors to misuse their freedom. When items are dispatched outside the normal dispatching hours, it is difficult for Jack to record all the stores operations properly. Trainees definitely may not have the necessary skills to maintain an adequate inventory in the stores all the time. It is necessary to take the inventory of goods in the stores and that in the kitchen periodically to know the details of available stock against the consumption of items. It is necessary to purchase more goods when consumption increases and decrease the purchasing of goods when consumption decreases. Experience and skill are necessary to balance the store activities against the kitchen activities. It is easy for the kitchen managers to mislead the trainees with the help of wrong data. Since trainees are inexperienced, kitchen managers can force the trainees to allot more items than actually required for the kitchen operations. As an F & B manager, the first action I would take to improve the situation would be stopping of allotment of goods outside the normal operating hours of the stores. Secondly, I would ask the company to arrange
Marketing Limited Capital Resources Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing Limited Capital Resources - Term Paper Example This is about marketing the company products through an efficient distribution channel. Indeed, the associated retailers, whole sellers, distributors, direct selling agents and business partners would personally influence their customers separately so that sales objectives could be accomplished. In simple words, the company’s marketers have to endorse this R&D through effective Push marketing of these tea brands. Promotional techniques such as free sachets, boxes of teabags, free cups of tea at densely populated public places taste, gift hampers etc. should be used to enhance brand awareness and recognition. Sales incentives such as discounts on bulk buying, periodic purchase schemes, commission on additional sales etc. should also be disbursed among distribution channel members so that they would use Push Marketing strategy to attain desired outcomes and accomplish sales targets. Customers will welcome innovated and differentiated tea products in top quality packaging with excellent taste. Once, they become satisfied with the trial or introductory packs, they will start switching from existing tea products to Newfoundland’s Bentley brand. In addition, the satisfying and happy customers will also increase awareness in their social networks, which will, of course, be called ‘marketing for free’. Indeed, the research has shown that peers may influence the buying behavior.   The launch of new tea flavors and seasonal blends may attract new segments, especially, customers from elite, upper – middle and lower – middle households with relatively high purchasing power. Also, consumers from these classes usually do not compromise over taste and quality, convenience, comfort etc. as well as they endorse the new ideas and innovations. The long-run benefits of this strategy in terms of value and relationship building will be higher because this will certainly help increase market share and future expansion.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Complete Persepolis and The Sand Child Essay
The Complete Persepolis and The Sand Child - Essay Example In comparison to the first book of Tahar Ben Jelloun’s trilogy, The Sand Child, it talks about the story of a young girl, Zahra, who is raised as a man, Ahmed. As her father’s eagerness to have a son as his heir arises, it has been decided that the 8th kid will be a son. Zahra’s identity crisis emerges since her early years when the natural emotions of a girl come into surface. As she conceals her true identity in accordance to her father’s image, a tyrant figure, she becomes distorted as she realizes and enjoys the advantages of being a man but at the same time empathizes with the society’s cruelty to women – her true identity. This paper compares and contrasts the most important theme in the two novels – identity. In Search of Identity Marjane, being a daughter to liberal parents, grows up as someone who thinks outside the box. In the early part of the first book, The Story of a Childhood, she has conversations with an imaginary frie nd that looks like God and tells him that she would be the ‘last prophet.†She announces one day in school that she would be it but all laugh at her and her parents have been Last Name 3 summoned to discuss the incident. Her parents instantly defend her to her teachers. In this scene, it will be noticed that Marjane’s parents do not succumb to the Islamic doctrine, which gives a good background on Marjane’s character and defines their family as modern. ... As a result, she rebels on the deeply-rooted Islamic society and professes herself of being different. It is explained that she wears her veil sideways with her sneakers on, giving a punk image, which makes the Guardians of the Revolution question her. â€Å"The reason for my shame and for the Revolution is the same: the difference between social classes. (Persepolis, 33) In this quote, Marjane rebels on the idealism of her parent’s political stance and the reality of their social class. She realizes the class divisions at a very early age when she discovers that Mehri, her maid, cannot be with the man she in in love with due to their class difference. She feels a great deal of disagreement in herself from this fact, which affects makes her identity revolt from the class conflicts. Marjane’s life is a study of inconsistencies and contradictions. She is torn between her â€Å"avant garde†lifestyle and her family’s loyalty to their motherland and everythin g it entails. Her parents have been fighting for the poor for the longest time and yet they also have been holding on to their class distinction. She strongly defines herself as someone born in a religious heritage yet her family is secular. These contradictions during her coming of age make her feel a sense of disenfranchisement from the only land she knows. As the story progresses, Marjane finds her identity in the midst of all political chaos. As she continuously enjoys the privileges of her Last Name 4 family’s she finds herself in rebellion towards those fanatics of the current Shah regime. She hits her principal for trying to take her jewelry from her and proclaims the truth behind the lies her professor is professing to her
Cry, the Beloved Country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cry, the Beloved Country - Essay Example The novel’s setting is in South Africa. This article will review a clear plot of the novel by including some short text quotes. The essay will also discuss some of the themes portrayed by the main character in the novel. The novel was published before the apartheid system was implemented in South Africa. Basing on the book, one can tell that the village dwellers led a desolate life. The setting of the story is in South Africa where the main themes of the book are presented. Paton portrays the book as a social gripe against the societal structures that later led to the rise of apartheid (Paton 1). In his view, he tries to establish a purposeful analysis of what is entailed in the black society. According to his judgment, the black society endured from moral concerns and social volatility while, on the other hand, the whites were affected by native crime. These factors were influenced by the breakdown of the tribal organization, crime and migration of individuals to urban center s (Paton 1). The book’s chronicles reveal Paton’s message through themes like reconciliation, inequality, injustice and Christianity. Paton clearly reveals how reconciliation between members of a family is of vitality in reuniting the family members. On the one hand, inequity and injustice are based on the same category whereby, these issues are prevalent in the setting of the book. Paton presents the village life as desolate since the local government was not funding community projects in the area. In essence, the whites had brought tragedy to their homeland. Paton states â€Å"The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again. The white man has broken the tribe†(Paton 23). This was a revelation of how tragic the whites had turned out to be even in countries inhabited by the Africans. In addition, Paton also features on the detrimental effects of the characters fear in relation with the South African society. He presents the fear in his characters in chapter 12 where he says, â€Å"For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much†. Even though fear is prevalent in this society, some characters were able to overcome it through their abilities. The portrayal of Stephen Kumalo in the novel depicts his courageous nature while facing worldly challenges. This can be established from his search of Gertrude; his immoral sister, and his son who was involved in murder and other shameful acts in the city of Johannesburg. The book presents this as a journey for Stephen when Paton writes â€Å"The journey had begun. And now the fear back again, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the great city where boys were killed crossing the street, the fear of Gertrude’s sickness†(Paton 13). The narrator shows the Christian religion in the novel as a significant theme that was incorporated in the strangles of injustice. This reveals quite a vital lesson to readers in general. The presentation of Chr istianity in the setting of this publication was unjust and also resulted from the invasion of the whites in the country. Even though the religion factor helped characters like Stephen to face tremendous hardships, the religious world was incorporated in unjust ways. Paton is quick to reveal the unjust acts involved in Christianity. He notes that the black priests were paid less wages as compared to whites. This reveals that even though the white priests were living luxurious lives, they were rooted in injustice. These acts had placed the needy community in the wrong leadership hands. In
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Complete Persepolis and The Sand Child Essay
The Complete Persepolis and The Sand Child - Essay Example In comparison to the first book of Tahar Ben Jelloun’s trilogy, The Sand Child, it talks about the story of a young girl, Zahra, who is raised as a man, Ahmed. As her father’s eagerness to have a son as his heir arises, it has been decided that the 8th kid will be a son. Zahra’s identity crisis emerges since her early years when the natural emotions of a girl come into surface. As she conceals her true identity in accordance to her father’s image, a tyrant figure, she becomes distorted as she realizes and enjoys the advantages of being a man but at the same time empathizes with the society’s cruelty to women – her true identity. This paper compares and contrasts the most important theme in the two novels – identity. In Search of Identity Marjane, being a daughter to liberal parents, grows up as someone who thinks outside the box. In the early part of the first book, The Story of a Childhood, she has conversations with an imaginary frie nd that looks like God and tells him that she would be the ‘last prophet.†She announces one day in school that she would be it but all laugh at her and her parents have been Last Name 3 summoned to discuss the incident. Her parents instantly defend her to her teachers. In this scene, it will be noticed that Marjane’s parents do not succumb to the Islamic doctrine, which gives a good background on Marjane’s character and defines their family as modern. ... As a result, she rebels on the deeply-rooted Islamic society and professes herself of being different. It is explained that she wears her veil sideways with her sneakers on, giving a punk image, which makes the Guardians of the Revolution question her. â€Å"The reason for my shame and for the Revolution is the same: the difference between social classes. (Persepolis, 33) In this quote, Marjane rebels on the idealism of her parent’s political stance and the reality of their social class. She realizes the class divisions at a very early age when she discovers that Mehri, her maid, cannot be with the man she in in love with due to their class difference. She feels a great deal of disagreement in herself from this fact, which affects makes her identity revolt from the class conflicts. Marjane’s life is a study of inconsistencies and contradictions. She is torn between her â€Å"avant garde†lifestyle and her family’s loyalty to their motherland and everythin g it entails. Her parents have been fighting for the poor for the longest time and yet they also have been holding on to their class distinction. She strongly defines herself as someone born in a religious heritage yet her family is secular. These contradictions during her coming of age make her feel a sense of disenfranchisement from the only land she knows. As the story progresses, Marjane finds her identity in the midst of all political chaos. As she continuously enjoys the privileges of her Last Name 4 family’s she finds herself in rebellion towards those fanatics of the current Shah regime. She hits her principal for trying to take her jewelry from her and proclaims the truth behind the lies her professor is professing to her
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Concepts - Essay Example only way inmates can deal with these problems is by resorting to the facilities provided them by the informal prisoner subculture as their only hope in order to have a semblance of ‘normal’ life. The inmates take on lifestyles and roles similar to those they had in the ‘free-world’ and form associations as they would have on the outside. New inmates must adhere to the customs if they wish to fit in and to be respected by their counterparts and ensure personal security for themselves. In such a criminal environment, social hierarchy is determined by the extent of criminal conduct. A hardened criminal who displays a complete disregard for the law through demeanor and actions, is considered ‘a stand up guy’. Fanatical allegiance to the code is looked upon with respect and fear. of indigenous politics. Courts have passed several judgments granting the prisoners rights such as the freedom to practice and preach religion, a practice which has been misused widely by groups and leaders for gaining prominence. There are several roles that the prisoners take on. Drug suppliers, strong arms, brains, pimps, jailhouse prostitutes, etc., are some of the roles in a prison society. A ‘fish’ or a new inmate is expected to refrain from interfering in dealings. A weak inmate is often abused sexually or physically by a strong inmate. Most inmates are active participants in the system and form a link in the chain of internal politics in one way or another. Some inmates might resort to keeping to themselves while taking care not to offend others by showing them down or challenging their authority. Not borrowing or lending, abstaining from gambling, not accepting favors, etc., is a safe way of serving a sentence. Privileges like visitation rights, telephone and mail has made it easy for inmates to smuggle contraband, and the trade in these, most of which are goods easily available outside but are considered luxuries within the walls of a jail, has given birth to a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Marine Pollution Essay Example for Free
Marine Pollution Essay From our early years in school, our science teachers have taught us that two thirds or roughly 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered by water. And yet it is probably the most neglected element in the environment. The oceans are home to a diverse number of wildlife and an important source of food for most of the inhabitants of the earth, including humans. From this fact alone, the importance of the ocean can’t be more emphasized. Besides being a source of food, the ocean also provides us with various medicines through the abundance of life that it produces. Around 500 types of sea species have potentially cancer curing chemicals (WWF fact sheet, n. d). Marine Pollution In layman’s terms, marine pollution is simply the destruction of the quality of water through contamination, but in scientific terms, marine pollution is the â€Å"distortion of marine environment health†(Sinha, 1998). Anything that we dump to a body of water that is not supposed to be there is marine pollution. The question whether the act of dumping is intentional or not is irrelevant because the intention does not reduce the damage done to the body of water. It has been once thought that the ocean is so vast that it would be able to dilute all the wastes that are put in it. Of course we know now that this is not true. We have polluted the oceans so much, and in a lot of different ways, that we are now feeling the effects of our neglect. We have to stop marine pollution now if we, and the generations after us are to enjoy our world’s number one resource. Sources of Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions Oil Pollution – according to the National Research Council, the oceans suffer more than it seems in the news. Occasionally, major oil spills reach our television screens but so much more is dumped into the ocean every year and they are not even because of accidents (NRC, 1985). Major oil spills are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to oil polluting the ocean. Oil spills are just more visual, because they are televised most (or some) of the time, but oil spills from ships or platforms are just some of the reasons on how oil can be dumped into the ocean. The following graph shows that major oil spills is second to the least source of the total oil that reaches the oceans. Source: Ocean Planet. Oil Pollution. The part that shows the most contribution to oil pollution is known as the run-off effect. It is the combination of all the oil that is spilled in land that seeps through the soil and find its way to the ocean. Run-off pollution is very harmful to the environment and our health. Not only does it damage the oceans but it also damages the smaller bodies of water that the oil used to reach the ocean. The oil can disrupt marine life, and ultimately destroy it (MarineBio, n. d. ) Lots of marine animals are killed due to oil spills because they come in direct contact with the oil, hindering their movement, and therefore their chances of survival, not to mention that the oil is toxic. Despite the decreasing popularity of oil, it would be always there as long as humans can extract them from the earth, so we can’t stop collecting them. What we can do, is to pass laws that would make present laws on the oil production business stricter, and therefore safer. But as mentioned, direct oil spills on the ocean are the least of our worries. We must properly dispose the oils that we use in land because it contributes the most in mixing that oil with our waters. Toxic Chemicals – oil is just one of the pollutants that contribute to the destruction of marine environmental health. There are a number of toxic chemicals out there that are spilled in to the ocean. These chemicals don’t just contaminate the water, the creatures of the sea are also contaminated and create a domino effect on all those that belong to its food chain. We should be concerned about these toxic chemicals because we are part of that food chain (assuming that most people eat fish). â€Å"†¦many pollutants accumulate in marine organisms, humans are exposed to pollutants when they consume food from polluted areas. †Some studies have shown that humans that eat a lot of seafood are prone to chemicals such as dioxins, furans, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) and a number of heavy metals (Dewailly et al. 1999). Like oil, toxic chemicals also find their way to the ocean due to the run-off effect, although sometimes accidents at sea can cause direct spillage of toxic chemicals into the ocean. These are chemicals being transported by ships and somehow, by whatever reason, end up where it should not be. These chemicals destroy the environment much like how oil does, the only difference is some toxic chemicals are invisible. Seemingly harmless seafood products can be contaminated by these chemicals and be transmitted to our body if we consume them. One of these toxic chemicals is a marine antifouling paint ingredient called tributylin. Trubutylin is known to have some bad effects on gastropods and molluscs (Matthiessen and Law 2002). Perhaps the best way reduce chemical spills is to minimize our use of these toxic chemicals. They are toxic anyway ,so we might as well not use them. Use of alternative products in place of these chemicals might be possible, safer, and more environment friendly products. Anything that is harmful to the environment should be phased out or at least be used in moderation. The effects of these chemicals to the environment and our health are far too great for us to continue to use them. Other Pollutants – apart from oil and toxic chemicals, there are other toxins that add up to marine pollution. Some of these are sewage, plastic, and dredged materials. Most sewage still find their way to the ocean, sewage contain nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus is what some toxic algae thrives on. These toxic algae consume the oxygen of an affected area making it a dead zone. One incident happened just a few years ago and is mentioned in the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Fact sheet for marine pollution: A few years ago a massive slick of poisonous algae spread through the channels, which separate the coasts of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The slime affected 200km of coastline, killed millions of fish and forced tourist beaches to close (WWF, n. d). Plastic is the most common trash found on the ocean. They are non-biodegradable materials, they take an eternity of years to be broken down by nature. While at their current un-broken state, plastics can be mistaken by marine creatures for food which is most of the time lethal to them. If animals aren’t killed by eating them mistakenly, they are caught by it, strangling them until they drown, or reduce their capacity to move, making them prone to attack from predators. Finally, dredged materials are things that are removed because of construction purposes. Dredged materials may contain harmful chemicals that are dumped into the ocean and cause sediments to form on coral reefs (WWF n. d) Conclusion These are just some of the reasons why we should stop polluting our oceans and our environment in general. Our oceans surround us, any ill effects that it experience would surely be felt by the inhabitants of the earth. The effects that are caused by marine pollution can be so devastating that it can alter our way of life as we know it. Food supplies, possible medicines, and the overall health of the planet is based on the health of the oceans. We must do everything we can in order to preserve it, for our own, and our children’s sake. Reference World Wildlife Foundation. (n. d). Fact Sheet no. 30: Marine Pollution. November 7, 2008. from: http://www. wwf. org. hk/eng/pdf/references/factsheets/factsheet30. PDF Sinha, P. C. (1998). Marine Polution. November 7, 2008. from: http://books. google. com. ph/books? id=XcWGR-w4-HkCpg=PA19lpg=PA19dq=Marine+Pollution+Argumentssource=blots=fnpHZgsWKIsig=WiDQH-ietk7MZPJviDXhjEC6tkchl=tlsa=Xoi=book_resultresnum=2ct=result#PPP1,M1 – National Research Council. 1985. Oil in the sea. National Academy Press, Washington D. C. November 7, 2008. from: http://seawifs. gsfc. pl? per1+1 Marine Bio. org (n. d). Ocean Dumping Grounds. November 7, 2008. From: http://marinebio. org/Oceans/OceanDumping. asp Dewailly E, Mulvad G, Pedersen HS, Ayotte P. , Demers A, Weber JP, et al. 1999. from Concentration of organochlorines in human brain, liver, and adipose tissue autopsy samples Greenland. Environment Health Perspective 107:823-828. Matthiessen P, Law RJ. 2002. Contaminants and their effects on estuarine and coastal organisms in the United Kingdom in the late twentieth century. Environment Pollution 120:739-747.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Hilton Hotel And Resorts | Marketing Mix
The Hilton Hotel And Resorts | Marketing Mix According to Philip Kotler marketing strategies are the combinations of all important marketing goals into a comprehensive plans, it should be from marketing research and its centre of attention should be right marketing mix to achieve maximum profit and sustainability for the organisation. Hilton Hotel and resorts is a Hospitality industry founded by Conard Hilton in 1919 in Cisco, Texas (U.S) and has 540 hotels worldwide. Its first brand was opened in Business travel and leisure travel are the two marketing emphasis the company is focusing on. Hilton Hotel and Resorts are mostly located in city centres, near airports etc for the easy access for the customers. This assignment is on Hilton Hotel (HHonours) near Heathrow Airport; with in Heathrow area it has three branches. Easy access from all terminals Heathrow central and terminal 5. It has partnership with different airlines and car rental companies. It just 6 minutes walk away from T4 and 10 minutes away by courtesy shuttle bus from T5. Hilton London Heathrow Airport hotel Exterior ( Marketing: Marketing in Hospitality industry is one of the main elements to increase profits and success of the business and it is playing very important role in hospitality. It helps the organisation to get success through understand their customers, what they want, their needs; priorities and demand from the organisation and what are their expectation level from customer service point of view, leisure and infrastructure etc. It is really easy these days through internet. The organisation can also put surveys on internet, blogs, websites, social media, etc. For example Hilton hotel is available on face book where anyone can like, comment and post their views and also customers can check their updates, offers etc. ( Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a mixture of four fundamentals product, price, place and promotion. That actions used to satisfy the wants of an organisations target market and at the same time achieve its marketing objectives. (Stanton) 1994. Product- this feature of marketing mix is including planning, developing and producing the right category of products and services in the market by an organisation. In short words what is the quality of the product, size of the product? How is it looks like, design of the product, value of the product, about packaging, testing and range etc? Product of Hilton Price- To fix a right price of product is a most difficult task. Price of the product should be reasonable and affordable so organisation can sell their product easily and successfully in the market. There are lots of steps between set the right price for example: determination of unit price of the product, pricing policies and strategies, discounts, credits, cost, terms of delivery, payment, competitive price credit policy etc. Price of Hilton hotel Place- It is called distribution channels, storage and warehousing, coverage channel, inventory management, selection channel, distribution logistics etc. Management of organisation is responsible to choose and deal with distribution channels so customers can get the product at right place at right time. They should develop physical distribution. Wholesalers and retailers are most important channels which are used for physical distribution of goods. Place for Hilton hotel Promotion- the fourth p is promotion it does include determination about direct marketing, sales promotion, advertisements, publicity, exhibitions, public relations activity etc. Most important tools are advertisements and sales promotion which are used to promote the sale of products of organisations. Promotional activities are free distribution of sample of product, contests etc. These types of tools are expressive which does help to beat the competition in the market to organisation. Advertisements are used to communicate and pass the information to customers and consumers about the features of product through television, internet, newspapers and magazines, radio, billboards, banners and posters etc. Limitations Doing advertisements or promotion is expensive tool but there is lots of advertisements on the television and internet so people can get fed up thats why mostly people ignore the advertisements on television they just skip the channels when the advertisements comes in front of them. Some people do not read the advertisements on newspapers and magazines. Promotion about Hilton Branding- branding is a unique name and identity of the company. It is a procedure of mark and stamp to the product with identify look, design and logo etc. So customers and consumers can get idea about the features of product from the name, look, logo, mark and design. Brand name or design should be attractive, which can attract to the customers. From brand name customers can recognise the product. When they give a symbol or name to the product organisation should always keep in mind there is lots of competitor in the market. Brand should be like that which is no one can copy it easily. Customer loyalty- it is about to encourage the customer, attract towards brand, buy the product often and in extra amount. It is about satisfaction level of customers, confidence, and their needs and wants. Organisation should build relationship with customers using e-market via email, messaging on mobile phones, so customers can stay keep in touch with them. Organisation should give points to the customers on loyalty cards. They should show to customers to care for them what are their choices and what they do not want. Network and customer relationships marketing strategies- Marketing take place in public relationship. For an organisation should have good and strong relation with society to fight the competition in the market. They should build strong network into the market with stakeholders. Now a days every organisation have customer care department to sort out the problems of customers and they have call centres as well as they have online customer care facility via internet so customers can call them or email them regarding their problems. In an organisation network and customer relationship is how does effective staff deals with customers and employers with employees. Hilton Hotel company appreciates the value of its staff and uses internal marketing to retain them and make them feel valued. At the Hilton organisation management realises that the companys team member added value and quality to the business. In fact it is the people working for the organisation that makes the Hilton hotels corporation such an international success. A hotel is an actual physical product, but a lot of the experience of visiting a hotel relates to the service offered by its staff to the customers. At Hilton hotel organisation management realises that staff treat customers with about same degree of respect as they themselves are treated by their employers. If staff are not treated and valued well they in turn will not respect or treat customers very well. Obviously this is very bad for an organisation..The Hilton hotel corporation invests a lot of time and money in its staff. It takes training and staff development very seriously. It involves staff in all aspects of it s marketing plans and strategy so that everyone knows what is going on and how they make contribution. Organisation gives rewards to its staff for effort with awards and promotion. It includes its staff by allowing them access to extranet which is also share with its business partners. Management offers a comprehensive befits packages to its staff, including: medical, dental and vision care coverage, life accident and disability insurance, the Hilton stock purchase plan, the flexible work arrangement. Other benefits including vacation and holiday pay plus and special privileges when staff stays at Hilton hotels. At the Hilton group management really try to retain good staff and do everything possible to make working for the Hilton hotel organisation rewarding and satisfying experience. Marketing communication activities and strategies-marketing communication is a way which is used by an organisation to change the behaviour of stakeholders towards product. They present to product into the market in such way, people can get information about the product from designing, promotion, exhibitions, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, mobile phone marketing etc. Marketing communication can be develop by direct marketing and indirect marketing. Personal selling, sales promotion, advertising, public relations these are all marketing communication. Those all tools are used for communication about product, which tells to public about the features of product. Organisation use marketing communication to achieve the market objectives and target sales. Communication is messages between one person to other person and in marketing it is between seller and buyer. E-marketing- e-marketing is an internet marketing, which is also called as an online marketing, web-marketing. Now a days every organisation use electronic technology for advertisements to gain the objectives. Technology plays a vital role for an organisation such computer based technology. Organisation create their websites, they send information about products online. Internet offers unique opportunities for organisation and customers to communicate with each others. It is a good way to build relationship with each other. Companies do promotion by direct email, advertisements on internet, by text messaging on mobile phones as well. People can know about the organisations and their manufactured goods to visit on their websites through internet. Organisation can do advertisements through social media for example: face book, twitter etc. On other hand some people do not trust on online information. These types of people prefer to go to the organisation personally so they can get information about the product from someone face to face. Guerrilla marketing activities and strategies- this type of strategy is a weapon for marketers and it is not very expensive it is low cost strategy. Guerrilla marketing is a unusual methods of promotion. This type of marketing does not focus on sales just focus profits, on primary success. It does expect highest results from minimum resources. But sometimes these methods of marketing represent the false image of brand, which is not good to get success for an organisation and survive for long time in the future. Viral marketing- it is blog marketing, forum marketing, email marketing and article marketing. This type of marketing is passed from one person to another person for example messengers are used for viral marketing. Social media is the best way for viral marketing. Public relationship strategies:-Public relation strategies are one of the promotional Mix (advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, corporate image and Exhibition). According to Bill bernbach:- People cant believe you if they dont know what you are saying and they cant know what you are saying if they dont listen to you, and they wont listen to you if youre not interesting. Any news, planning, presentation, job advertisement etc organisation wants to give to public and any feedback organisation want from public different media such as speaker opportunities (conferences, seminars, public forums), trade show support (press appointments, private demos), public launch, magazines, newspaper, (articles, report), TV, internet, PR blogs (such as face book, twitter, online Pr) etc. Public relationship is a relationship of sharing information relation to organisation not only between organisation and customers; it is also with employees, staff, consumers, general public, competitors etc. Public relation plays a vital role and its essential to make public aware and up-to-date about new policies, procedures, jobs, vacancies etc. Marketing and marketing communication theory Conceptual frameworks Recommend marketing and customer loyalty strategies that would secure and/or enhance the organisation competitive advantage.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
1st Battle of Bull run :: essays research papers
The first major battle of the Civil War was fought in Virginia, near the Manassas, Virginia railway junction, after which the battle is called (or First Bull Run, named after the flowing stream on the battlefield, if of the Union persuasion). The armies in this first battle were not very large by later Civil War standards. The Federal forces under Brigadier General Irvin McDowell were organized into four divisions (five, if one includes Runyan's division), of about 30,000 men. These divisions were commanded by Tyler, Hunter, Heintzelman, (Runyan), and Miles. The Confederate command structure was somewhat more unwieldy, including two "armies", with no division structure and thirteen independent brigades under Bonham, Ewell, Jones, Longstreet, Cocke, Early, Holmes, Kershaw, Evans, Jackson, Bartow, Bee, Smith, and a cavalry brigade under Stuart. The Confederate Army of the Potomac was under the command of Brigadier General Pierre G. T. Beauregard, and the Army of the Shenando ah was commanded by Brigadier General Joseph E. Johnston. These two forces would equal McDowell's strength. Interestingly enough, each commander had planned to initiate an attack on the other side with a feint attack on the enemy's right flank and a massed attack on the opposite flank. Had this been done simultaneously, and both been successful in their purpose, the two armies would have simply pivoted around each other and ended up in each other's rear, able to march unopposed to Washington or Richmond, as the case may be. As it turned out, the general least successful in initiating this movement was the winner. McDowell had planned to use Tyler's division as the diversionary attack at the Stone Bridge, while Davies' brigade did the same at Blackburn's Ford. At the same time, Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions would cross Bull Run at Sudley Springs and attack from the north. McDowell's green troops involved in the flanking column, reached their jumping off positions two and a half hours behind schedule. Tyler's and Davies' attacks at the Stone Bridge and Blackburn's Ford were already well under way, and the Confederate high command was beginning to sense a ruse because the Union attacks were not pressed very hard. When Beauregard was notified that Federal troops were massing on his left flank, he realized that this must be the main attack so began to shift his own troop dispositions. The Federals had about 18,000 men in the main attack column and it was only thanks to the quick reactions of Colonel "Shank" Evans and his small brigade that Beauregard did not suffer a major disaster.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonic Theory
In the early 20th century, German scientist Alfred Wegener published a book explaining his theory that the continental landmasses, far from being immovable, were drifting across the Earth. He called this movement continental drift. Wegener noticed that the coasts of western Africa and eastern South America looked like the edges of interlocking pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. He was not the first to notice this, but he was the first to formally present evidence suggesting that the two continents had once been connected. Wegener was convinced that the two continents were once part of an enormous, single landmass that had split apart. He knew that the two areas had many geological and biological similarities. For example, fossils of the ancient reptile mesosaurus are only found in southern Africa and South America. Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile only one meter (3. 3 feet) long, could not have swum the Atlantic Ocean. The presence of mesosaurus suggests a single habitat with many lakes and rivers. Wegener believed that all the continentsâ€â€not just Africa and South Americaâ€â€had once been joined in a single supercontinent. This huge ancient landmass is known as Pangaea, which means â€Å"all lands†in Greek. Pangaea existed about 240 million years ago. By about 200 million years ago, this supercontinent began breaking up. Over millions of years, Pangaea separated into pieces that moved away from one another. These pieces slowly assumed their present positions as the continents. PLATE TECTONIC THEORY Plate tectonics is the theory that the outer rigid layer of the earth (the lithosphere) is divided into a couple of dozen â€Å"plates†that move around across the earth's surface relative to each other, like slabs of ice on a lake. There are seven or eight major plates and many minor plates. Where plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of boundary: convergent, divergent, or transform. Earthquakes, activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries. The lateral relative movement of the plates typically varies from zero to 100 mm annually. Tectonic plates are able to move because the Earth's lithosphere has a higher strength and lower density than the underlying asthenosphere. Plate movement is thought to be driven by a combination of the motion of the seafloor away from the spreading ridge and drag, downward suction, at the subduction zones. Another explanation lies in the different forces generated by the rotation of the globe and the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon. The relative importance of each of these factors is unclear, and is still subject to debate. The geoscientific community accepted the theory after the concepts of seafloor were developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Fun Facts: * The highest mountain range above sea level, the Himalayas, was formed 55 million years ago when the Eurasian and Indo-Australian continental plates converged. Due to ongoing convergence, the Himalayas, including Mount Everest, continue to rise by approximately 2 centimeters (?1 inch) each year. * The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs down the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Along its crest, the ridge has a deep rift valley that, on average, is similar to the depth and width of the Grand Canyon: 1 to 3 kilometers (0. 6 -1. 8 miles) deep and 6. 5 to 29 kilometers (4-18 miles) wide. * Scientists are able to calculate average rates of tectonic plate movement for a given time period. These rates of movement range widely. For example, the rate of spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Iceland is relatively slow, about 2. 5 centimeters (1 inch) per year. This is similar to the rate at which fingernails grow. The fastest known rate of plate movement, 15 centimeters (6 inches) per year, occurs on the East Pacific Rise in the South Pacific. SEAFLOOR SPREADING Seafloor spreading is a process of plate tectonics. New oceanic crust is created as large slabs of the Earth's crust split apart from each other and magma wells up to fill the gap. The large slabs of rock that make up the Earth’s crust are called tectonic plates. As they slowly move away from each other beneath the ocean floor, hot magma from the Earth’s mantle bubbles to the surface. This magma is then cooled by seawater. The new rock forms a new part of the Earth’s crust. Seafloor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridgesâ€â€large mountain ranges rising from the ocean floor. New bodies of water and even continents can be created through seafloor spreading. The Red Sea, for example, was created through seafloor spreading, as the African plate and the Arabian plate tear away from each other. Today, the northern Sinai Peninsula connects the Middle East (Asia) with North Africa. Eventually, geologists predict, seafloor spreading will expand the Red Sea so that it will completely separate the two continents. . Seafloor spreading disproves an early part of the theory of continental drift. Continental drift was one of the first theories that the Earth's crust was dynamic and always in motion. Supporters of continental drift originally theorized that the continents moved (drifted) through unmoving oceans. Seafloor spreading proves that the ocean floor itself is the site of tectonic activity. Subduction is the opposite of seafloor spreading. Subduction happens where tectonic plates crash into each other instead of spreading apart. In subduction zones, the edge of the heavier plate subducts, or slides, beneath the lighter one. It then melts back into the Earth's mantle. Seafloor spreading creates new crust. Subduction destroys old crust. The two forces roughly balance each other, so the shape and diameter of the Earth remains constant.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Do Voilent Video Games Cause Violence in Children?
Carolina Hernandez Do Violent Video Games Cause Violence In Children? 1. Introduction A. Attention Catcher: Imagine you’re in your room, all the lights are off, and you TV is on, you sit there holding a game controller, the words GAME OVER are flashing on the screen. The game was hard, you killed as many zombies as you could, and this is what you get?! A game over screen?! You play the level again. Mid-way through the level, someone opens the door to your room.The light stings your eyes, momentarily forgetting about the game, your character dies because a zombie ate his brains. You get so angry; you punch the person who made you lose the game! B. Listener Relevance Link: Most of you in this room play video games, right? Do you ever feel†¦angry after playing a violent video game? If you’re one of the people who don’t, it’s mostly because of your personality. If you’re an angrier person by nature, these video games should affect you more if you a re. C. Speaker Credibility Statement:Let me start this off by saying I love video games. I have a video game in my backpack right now. Most of the video games I play are adventure games that involve fighting. Usually I’m not affected by them, unless I get competitive about it. My brother and I used to fight after playing a game if one of us lost, and sometimes it would result in fist fighting. My brother and I don’t play video games together that much anymore. Still, after playing a particularly violent game, I will not be angry, but my brother will.This is because we’re different types of people with different personalities, which results in different reactions. Video games never made me want to kill someone. D. Thesis Statement: All this results in one questions, do violent video games affect the player’s violent tendencies? E. Preview: In this speech, I’ll talk about the research done on this topic, and it’s results on how it affects chil dren and teen’s violent tendencies. 2. Body A. First Main Point These days, video games about violence are the most popular types of games.The rating system the games are put through should be the answer, but when states have tried to keep underage children from playing â€Å"M†games, they are often challenged in court in favor of the said child who wants to play the game. Though video games DO cause violence, they are over-dramatized to how MUCH violence they cause. In one of my sources, the mild-manner personality types were least affected, while angry people by nature where affected more. 1. Sub Point Professor Patrick Markey Says â€Å"Their personality made a big difference.People who are extremely angry tend to be much more affected by violent videogames than people who are not angry and of course the opposite is true that people who are not angry are virtually unaffected by violent videogames. So it’s both the person and, in essence, the situation. â₠¬ B. Second Main Point In 2003, teenager Devin Moore shot and killed 3 people in a police station in Alabama. After being found and caught by the police, Moore told them in a police interview â€Å"Life is like a video game. Everybody’s got to die sometime. This resulted in a lawsuit against the advertisers of Grand Theft Auto, the game that two of the families of the victims claimed compelled him to do what he did. (The game is like a simulated cop-killer. ) 1. Sub Point What I just told you was an extreme case of violent video games gone wrong. Most of the people who do play Grand Theft Auto play it for fun. Nicholas Hammer, a law student at the time who was demonstrating the video game for the source, says he, like every other person who plays violent video games, plays them for fun.But did you ever think that the reason a person did this was not just the video game, but the person itself and their environment? 2. Sub Point Moore was compelled to do what he did is based on his environment. Moore came from a troubled home and bounced from foster family to foster family. When you are a teenager, the part of your brain that manages things like impulse control and urges, is under development during teen years, not fully developed until our early twenties.David Walsh, a Children’s psychologist says â€Å"†¦ when a young man with a developing brain, already angry, spends hours and hours and hours rehearsing violent acts, and then, and he's put in this situation of emotional stress, there's a likelihood that he will literally go to that familiar pattern that's been wired repeatedly, perhaps thousands and thousands of times,†So it was not really the video game in this scenario, but the type of person and their respective environments.C. Third Main Point Many states have tried to ban sales of rated â€Å"M†video games to those under 17; Minnesota even tried to make a law that would fine children caught with â€Å"M†video games that was unsuccessful. I believe that there should be certain laws made against minors buying â€Å"M†video games. 1. Sub Point I believe that there should be a law that prohibits minors from buying rated â€Å"M†games unless there is a parent or guardian there with them.This would make it harder for children to buy video games that are â€Å"M†because their parents would most likely not approve of them. 2. Sub Point Demos of the video game should be offered to parents for the parent to play before buying it for their child. If a parent is offered a demo, they are more likely to play it to see if they want their child to be playing this before they give them the actual game. 3. Sub PointVideo game stores should have a mandatory ID or Driver’s License check when a minor is buying a rated â€Å"M†video game. 3. Conclusion A. Thesis Restatement Video games don’t really have a large part in violent tendencies, but it still depends on the type of person or their environment. But there should still be laws not allowing minors to buy rated â€Å"M†games. B. Main Point Summary These main points are all about how video games, and how to stop minors from buying rated â€Å"M†games. C. ClincherWhether or not, in the end, video games have a large affect on a certain type of person’s mindset, something should be done to stop minors from playing games that are inappropriate for their age. 4. References Campell, Colin. â€Å"Games Do Cause Violent Behavior (But Not Much). †business week. 25/4/07. Web. 22 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Can A Video Game Lead To Murder?. †60 Minutes, Web. 22 Nov 2009. .
Zion National Park
All-throughout my young childhood I have experienced camping and hiking. It is something that I loved when I was a child, and still love to this very day. From 24 mile hikes in the Grand Canyon, swimming in the pools of Havasupai falls to my favorite, hiking in Zion National Park. Zion is a marvel to behold. The park consists of huge massive canyon walls that soar to the sky. I have walked all-throughout Zion and have experienced it first hand, it is indescribable until you see it first hand.The walls are of mostly sandstone which vary in many beautiful colors. One thing that I can say, is during sunrise and sunset the canyon walls look like a glittering diamond of assorted colors glowing in the sun.. The park is considered to have some of the most elaborate canyons in the United States. Zion consists of many canyons, high Plateau and mesas. The National Park is located at the edge the Colorado Plateau. It is here that one can notice that the rock layers have been changed, eroded to what is called, â€Å"The Grand Staircase†.The mazes of canyons and Plateau’s did not just form over night, but through millions of years of erosion and change. Scientist speculate that Zion was nothing but a flat basin close to sea level. As millions of years of sand, mud and lose gravel eroded change became noticeable. Streams and wind carried these lose materials and dropped them into sections or layers. On one of my research websites the author writes, â€Å"The sheer weight of these accumulated layers caused the basin to sink, so that the top surface always remained near sea level.As the land rose and fell and as the climate changed, the depositional environment fluctuated from shallow seas to coastal plains to a desert of massive windblown sand. This process of sedimentation continued until over 10,000 feet of material accumulated. †(http://www. scienceviews. com/parks/zion. html What I have come to realize is that the features of Zion will change as time passes. In 1000 years Zion could be a completely different place due to weathering and erosion. On my last visit to the Zion National park I noticed that there was a strange criss cross patterns in the stone.I was young and naive and thought that it was a man made phenomenon. Now however after much research I discovered what really caused the patterns. It is known as the Checkerboard Mesa and is made up of Sandstone. The checkered board like patterns are a direct cause of cross bedding, and also different layers of windblown sand. Another reason for the patterns are from years and years of erosion from the rock surface. Also weathering and the wetting and drying of the rock could have possibly caused the checkered cracks.Answers are everywhere we just have to look for them. Another grand feature of the Zion National park is the enticing Mt. Camel Tunnel. The Geology of Zion is very diverse and as I mentioned earlier is constantly changing. A perfect example of this is the Camel Tunn el. The tunnel is 1. 1 miles long and was created in the early 1900s. The first thing that I find amazing about this is that this was done during the early 1990s. This would prove to be very difficult today yet over a hundred years earlier people were cutting through 3000 foot think sandstone!On another reserach page it reads, â€Å"The Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel was a network of scaffolding, set up on the east side of the tunnel going across Pine Creek which flows below. Blasting was used to enlarge the hole and railcars hauled off debris. On the tunnel's south side, work was not an easy task because the drop-off of the canyon below is 800 feet. The whole process is considered a technological wonder and creating the Switchbacks, leading up to the tunnel, was even more difficult. †(http://www. zionnational-park. om/zion-national-park-geology. htm) My personal opinion is that there is nothing more beautiful then the world around us. I feel that everyone should visit Zion, or any o ther national park and witness the true beauty of the natural out door environment. The world is an all most living thing. It is constantly changing and becoming something new. Our existence on the earth is only a splint second compared to the geographic history of our earth. We should all strive to except this fact and learn about the natural changing world around us.
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