Monday, September 30, 2019
Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Dust Storms over Kuwait
Introduction Dust storms are more frequent in summertime in the Arabian Peninsula, and can be highly influential on the climate and the environment in the region. In this study, the influence of climate change in the Middle East and especially in Kuwait will be investigated by high-resolution (48, 12, and 4 km grid spacing) dynamic downscaling using the WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting) model. The WRF dynamic downscaling will be forced by reanalysis using the National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) model for the years 1997, 2000, and 2008. The downscaling results will be first validated by comparing NCEP model outputs with the observational data. The global climate change dynamic downscaling model will be run using current WRF regional climate model (RCM) simulations (2006–2010) and WRF-RCM climate simulations of the future (2056–2060). They will be used to compare results between the present and the middle of the century. In general, the dominant features from (NCEP) runs are predicted to be consistent with each other, as well as with WRF-RCM results. The influence of climate change in the Middle East and Kuwait can be projected from the differences between the current and model future run. The average temperature showed a positive trend in the future, as in other studies. The temperature was predicted to increase by around 0.5-2.5 Â °C over the next 50 years. No significant change in mean sea level pressure patterns was projected. However, amongst other things, a change in the trend of the surface wind speeds was indicated during summertime..Climate change is perceived as a significant global and regional issue and hasbecome a significant concern in the Middle East, making it all the more important to investigate (Almazroui, 2012). The short rainy seasons and the long dry hot summer seasons put more stress on water resources. The matter of increasing or decreasing the summer dust season canmodify the radiation budget between earth and t he atmosphere system; the aerosol can affect the incoming radiation by absorbing or scattering, and can change the outgoing terrestrial radiation(Almazroui, 2012).Therefore, this process may lead into changing the radiative balance, the increase of atmospheric albedo candecrease the percentage of radiation reaching the surface, which leads to cooling the surface (Almazroui, 2012). Background Since 1985, seawater temperature in Kuwait Bay, northern Persian Gulf, has increased on average 0.6 degrees Celsius per decade(Kulkarni, 2012).This is about three times faster than the global average rate reported by the intergovernmental panel on climate change. Differences are due to regional and local effects. Increased temperatures are having profound effects on key habitats and on power generation in the Persian Gulf (Kulkarni, 2012). Dust storms have large impacts across the Arabian Peninsula region. Because of the highest recorded frequency of dust, Kuwait is of great interest in the Arabian Peninsula. Dust has a huge impact on maximum temperatures in Kuwait, where it can decrease the 2 m temperature by as much as 5 Â °C. Dust storms in Kuwait also hasve a huge impacton daily temperatures in summertime. The atmospheric aerosol which mostly consists of dust particles can scatter and absorb radiation, which will affect the radiative impact (Kulkarni, 2012). The scattering and absorption process can alter the incoming and outgoing radiation. Scattering increases the atmospheric albedo, leading to decreasing in surface radiation, resulting in surface cooling (Kulkarni, 2012). Usually, during dust storm days, the maximum temperature is reduced by 3 to 5 Â °C in summertime. Global models can illustrate climate change globally, but it is difficult to perform or illustrate regional circulations (Rajendran, 2013). Therefore, this study will not only attempt to find out the impact of climate change on both the frequency and intensity of dust storms in Kuwait, but it will also analyzethe number and magnitude of dust storms in the future. Problem Statement A common synoptic system in the Arabian Peninsula during the summer is the intense pressure gradient, resulting from the Indian monsoon arising east of the Middle East and the East Mediterranean high pressure west of the region. This causes a strong northwesterly wind across the Arabian Peninsula which is known as the Shaman wind(Rajendran, 2013). Purpose of the Research The main purpose of this research is to find the impact of climate change on the dust storms in Kuwait. The research aim is to find whether the number and magnitude of dust storms will increase or decrease in the future. Moreover, this research also aims to investigate the changes in the number of dust storm days in future summer seasons. Research Questions Considering the aim of this study, the follwing research questions are designed. These research questions are designed to spefically adress the current issues associated with the climate change in Kuwait. What is the impact of climate change on both the frequency and intensity of dust storms in Kuwait? Whether the number and magnitude of dust storms will increase or decrease in the future? Significance of the Research The increasing importance of understanding dust and its role in the Earth’s climate is driving new research and analysis of past data. Dust storms are becoming more frequent in some parts of the world, transporting prodigious quantities of material over very long distances, affecting human health, coral reefs and climate change (Kulkarni, 2012). Being able to predict the production of dust in the future is critical to the climate, environment, and human health. It is very important to investigate whether the number and magnitude of dust storms will increase or decrease in the future, as it will provide an idea of how the Earth’s ecosystem will change. Literature reviewMiddle East and the Arabian Peninsula ClimateMuch of the summer season in the Arabian Peninsula consists of a period of high diurnal temperature variation and hazy weather. The strong pressure gradient which is usually developed in June and July in the Arabian Peninsula creates a strong wind that results in dust storms (Marcella, The strong Shamal wind tends to ease the temperature in the summer by decreasing the maximum temperature by 5 Â °C on average due to dust. In other cases, the Shamal wind can be caused by a dry cold front in the Arabian Peninsula, which further reduces the maximum temperature in the area. By mid-July the strong pressure gradient in the area weakens considerably, leading to periods of light northwesterly winds. When there is a lack of a pressure gradient, the Shamal winds become weak, and its direction shifts to easterly to southeasterly in the afternoon due to the sea breeze effect near the coastal area in Kuwait. The thermal lo w that usually develops over Iraq causes the weak pressure gradient near Kuwait and the eastern region of Saudi Arabia (Rajendran, Climate ModelingGlobal climate models (GCMs) have the ability to simulate large scale global circulation for the atmosphere and the ocean. The GCMsare used worldwide by scientist to study different climate variables in different regions to investigate climate change. Global climate models can simulate possible future climates model, and can compute several simulations with various greenhouse gas emissions (Graff &LaCasce, 2012).Wind SpeedScientists investigated the changes in mean wind speed globally and in different regions in the past, present, and future. Declining wind speeds in middle and lower latitudes are critical to the prediction of future global wind speed changes (Karnauskas, However, it is significant to understand how climate change can influence wind speed and direction, because they are controlled by atmosphe ric circulation patterns, which have been indicated by many studies to change globally. In most studies that are based on climate change, results showed that wind speed has changed over the past and will continue to change in future, but it varies between regions and seasons. In the future, some regions may experience an increase in wind speed while some other regions may experience a decrease. Investigating increase or decrease of wind speed regionally will provide a future look in terms of dust storms expansion or shrinking in the Arabian Peninsula (Gillett, 2003).TemperatureChanges in extreme temperatures over a long time period were analysed by Yan, (2002). They determined that not only low temperatures have been decreasing and high temperatures have been increasing during the last decades, but also that there have been earlier changes in these extremes. A high increase in temperature took place between 1910 and 1945 and from 1970 to the present, when the temperature increased by 0.16 Â °C and 0.17 Â °C per decade, respectively, which is about three times more than the increase during the past century(Yan, This has been a major cause for concerns for public heatlh as fluctuation in the environment temperautre increase global warming. This may increase air pollution, and thus thr risk of air borne diseases.Regional Climate ModelingClimate scientists around the world are investigating climate change by using the downscaling model to ensure higher resolution for more enhanced results (Bichet, The higher resolution model or the regional climate model that have been downscaled from the global climate model provide a better picture over complex terrain, land-water contrast, regional variations in land use, and regional circulation (Catalano & Moeng, 2010). The regional climate model is becoming the tool of preference in their research. Regional climate model simulations for regions similar to the Arabian Peninsula are few.Foc using on the eastern region where Kuwait is located, the model simulation shows a decrease in surface wind speed in both scenarios. Wind speeds are the main cause for dust storms in the region, so a decrease of wind speed in the future should lead to a decrease in dust storms in Kuwait and the Arabian Peninsula (Chu, MethodologyResearch DesignThe research design in this research shall be based on the secondary data and this is the reason that the following research study is based on qualitative eesearch design and therefore, the proposed study will be exploratory in nature. Data are to be collected and information wwill be gathered by using a number of secondary sources, such as the media, publications and literature. By considering goals of the present study, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) will be analyzed as a modelin order to find the impact of climate change on both the frequency and intensity of dust storms in Kuwait and whether the number and magnitude of dust storms will increase or decrease in the future.As a sample size, GCM will be used to provide lateral forcing for WRF runs for two five-year time periods in which first five years run will be in 2006-2010 and second five years run will be in 2056-2060.The purpose is to investigate the frequency of dust storms comparing the pres ent simulations with future simulations. Since the WRF does not simulate dust storms directly, the research will focus on identifying regional conditions conducive to dust storms and analyze the change in frequency of these synoptic conditions under a selected climate scenario.Ethical ConsiderationsEthical considerations will be prioritised to first place during this research and all the primary and secondary sources of data will be collected in accordance with the privacy policies. The research analysis and findings will be incorporated at the end and they will be entirely based on the observation of the researcher, and the analyis of data will be made. Conclusion The main of this project is to investigate the effect of climate changes in dust storms in Kuwait. These aims were targeded with the view to creating an awarness in regards to possible detrimental effects that can be induced by such changes. It is predicted that knowing the effectsof such changes will also help to predict whether the number and magnitude of dust storms will increase or decrease in the future. Since dust storms frequently hit Kuwait, it may affect human health and coral reefs, as well as have direct association with climate change in Kuwait. Wind speeds are the main cause for dust storms in the region, so a decrease of wind speed in the future should lead to a decrease in dust storms in Kuwait and the Arabian Peninsula (Chu, REFERENCES Almazroui, M., M.N. Islam, and H. Athar, 2012: Recent climate change in the Arabian Peninsula: annual rainfall and temperature analysis of Saudi Arabia for 1978-2009, International Journal of Climatology, vol. 32, pp. 953-966. Bichet, A., M. Wild, D. Folini, and C. Schar, 2012: Causes for decadal variations of wind speed over land: Sensitivity. Geophysical Research Letters, vol.39, no. 11, pp.1107-1111. Catalano, F. and C.H. Moeng, 2010: Large-eddy simulation of the daytime boundary layer in an idealized valley using the Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model. Bound.-Layer Meteor, vol. 137, pp. 49–75. Chu, C., X. Yang, X. Ren, and T. Zhou, 2013: Response of Northern Hemispheric storm tracks to Indian-western Pacific Ocean warming in atmospheric general circulation models, ClimDyn, vol. 40, pp.1057-1070. Gillett, N. P., F.W. Zwiers, A.J. Weaver, and P. A. Stott, 2003: Detection of human influence on sea-level pressure. Nature, vol. 422, no. 292-294. Graff, L. S, J. H. LaCasce, 2012: Changes in the extratropical storm tracks in response to changes in SST in an AGCM. J. Climate, vol. 25, pp. 1854–1870. Karnauskas, K.B., R. Seager, A. Kaplan, Y. Kushnir, and M.A. Cane, 2009: Observed strengthening of the zonal sea surface temperature gradient across the equatorial Pacific Ocean. J. Climate, vol. 22, no.16, pp. 4316–4321. Kulkarni, A., 2012: Weakening of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in warming environment, TheorApplClimatol, vol109, pp.447–459. Marcella, Marc P., Elfatih A. B. Eltahir, 2012: Modeling the summertime climate of Southwest Asia: The role of land surface processes in shaping the climate of semiarid regions. J. Climate, vol. 25, pp. 704–719. Rajendran,K., S. Sajani, C. B. Jayasankar and A. Kitoh, 2013: How depended is climate change projection of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and extreme events on model resolution?. Current Science,Vol. 104, no.10, pp. 1409-1418. Zhang, Y., V. Duliere, P. W. Mote, and E. P. Salathe, 2009: Evaluation of WRF and HadRMmesoscale climate simulations over the U.S. Pacific Northwest. J. Climate, vol. 22, no. 5511–5526.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
An Explanation of Point Illustration
This semester, I learned point illustration explanation (PIE) in y writing skills which will be valuable in my future college papers. The topic that stood to me the most was point illustration explanation (PIE). PIE makes the reader understand one's purpose better. When using PIE, the flirts thing a person starts with Is the P which stands for point. The point Is the topic sentence and this sentence will be one of the claims the entire essay addresses which is pretty much the reader's the argument. Next is the I which stands for illustration.During the illustration phase, the writer shows the proof of one's argument I. E. , the writer can provide evidence to purport the point, or topic. Depending on the type of essay, this can take many forms. Whether it's textual evidence, a memory based on the point, or a supporting quote from an outside source. Last but not least we have the E which stands for explanation. This is where the writer must find the reasoning between the point and the Illustration, which Is kind of Like a conclusion because one is tying the Illustration back to one's point.While writing paragraphs may seem like an intuitive kind of skill, there are some easy things to keep in mind while writing to make sure paragraphs do hat they're supposed to do: illustrate an idea and end when it's done. This strategy helps prove one's point through the reader. This semester we read â€Å"How to watch Your Brother Die†by Michael Lease†. When writing this paper, I learned how to observe the types of strategy the author uses by providing the evidence (quotes) from the text and this is valuable because when a person Is writing a paper stating their point, that person has to prove that point.One can't Just state their point and expect the reader to agree with them. For Instance, In How to Watch Your Brother Die†the author uses vivid imagery; the quotes he uses to invite the reader in were: â€Å"Remember the time he was Jealous and opened you r eyebrow with sharp stick†(Lasses 479). â€Å"Feel the lover's hand on your arm restraining you. See In the guard's eye how much a man can hate another man†(Lasses 480). â€Å"Stand beside a casket covered in flowers, white flowers. Say Thank you for coming,' to each of several hundred men who file past in tears, some of them holding hands†(Lease†481).In â€Å"How to Watch Your Brother Die†, Lasses uses vivid imagery. His Imagery Invites readers go threw his Journey with him, the narrator takes the reader with him in the past when his brother â€Å"broke his skin†causing him to bleed to watching him be buried, with his brother's gay friends being at the funeral for support. This semester we also watched a movie called the â€Å"Dead Poets' Society'. By watching the movie, I learned to pay close details to certain characters and I will value this in the future because I will be able to see the different methods the 1 OFF poetry affects t he students throughout the course. The Dead Poets were dedicated o sucking the marrow out of life. That's a phrase from Thoreau that we'd invoke at the beginning of each meeting. You see we'd gather at the old Indian cave and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley; the biggies. Even some of our own verse. And in the enchantment of the moment we'd let poetry work it's magic†(Keating: Dead Poets' Society). Mellon chapter. The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings.I'll now read the rotational opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau. ‘l went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life†(Neil: Dead Poets' Society). In the â€Å"Dead Poets Society' The boys create a club called the dead poets' society to express their thoughts to one another. Professor Keating encouraged them to believe in their own beliefs and to strive for their own voice. Professor Keating gives them clues to start something that has to do with language which is poetry and he showed the boys how language works and how it's all around us.I feel like using PIE has improved my writing skills from high school papers to college papers. If I had watched the movie the â€Å"Dead Poets' Society without having learned the PIE structure, I would of Just watched the movie without examining the details of the actual meaning of the movie. But having learned the PIE structure, I had the opportunity to go beyond the movie. And I loved it because of the way the characters acted and Just the movie itself. There was a lot of poetry through the professor's teachings but I don't think it's the actual poetry that changed his students o react the way they did which was by creating a secret club.And Neil ending up killing himself. I think the thing that really influenced his students was th e professor, the way it taught the class and made them read the poems and do activities inspired them. If they were to read the poetry on their own, they wouldn't have gotten the same reaction. Society then was not as good as it is now and by society I mean parents; all the parents controlled their child on what school that is good for them and what career they should do.But the professor changed that towards his dents, he also influenced them to think for their own no matter what anybody says â€Å"l always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for your self†(Keating: Dead Poets' Society). While learning the PIE structure, I had few difficulties throughout my papers. Looking back at my three essays I see how my writing has evolved. What I learned from my first essay that helped me write my second essay was being clearer when writing my explanation in PIE. For instance when using we or they, I need to be more specific on who I'm referring to.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Boston Matrix - Refresher Essay Example for Free
Boston Matrix – Refresher Essay According to those two figures and based on some sales figure from Unilever’s marketing department, it is clear that most of its products are in the maturity stage and ‘Cash-Cow’ products except for some new products which are undergoing the introduction stage or growth stage because there are many similar new products which are developed in China and focusing on Chinese consumer. The annual sales figure appear that, in personal care sector, its products have been kept in a slightly increase or decrease lever and tend to grow to a stable maximum level. However, because of in the huge market, the amount of sales normally is significant. This situation, therefore, could be effective for Unilever China run and maintain its business owing to the enormous cashflow. It also contributed to launching Unilever’s sixth Research and Development (R & D) Laboratory in China, 2000 in order to meet the everyday needs of the Chinese consumer and develop more products for the Chinese market. Facing the pressure form not only another large firm ‘P & G’ but also a lot of local booming manufactures, Unilever China has adopted a lot of effective measures in order to compete with them. For instance, frequent products promotion with the purpose of offering more profits to the customers and keeping the lower price. In addition, in order to maintain the awareness of brands, Unilever launches a lot of brilliant advertisements by using many famous pop stars in every season. Commentary on the three underlying systems: Technical, People, Economic (including: Organisational use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) A. Technical When I was working in ChinadotCom corporation Shanghai branch, I had had a lot of opportunities of communicating with IT staff of Unilever China. According to the information which I have gained form them, it is clear that if there was no supporting from Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), possibly, all of its business and management would be out of control. ICT plays a significant role of management in lots of successful western firms as well as in Unilever. Thus, when Unilever re-entered China in 1990, it also brought some advanced management systems especially Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software which it had already operated in most of its subsidiaries into Unilever China. Throughout six years’ development, based on original ERP system, Unilever China has been building a brand-new Management Information System (MIS) which is different between the common MIS during current years. This new MIS concentrates in generating and analysing date source which forwards to provide efficient reports rather than the function of information communication. Unilever China has launched a number of separated information systems such as Dealer Management System (DMS), Sales Information System (SIS) and Supplier Management System as well. All of them have integrated with MIS through ERP in order to offer standard data source. Moreover, it has planned to launch a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system owing to maintain high proportion of royalty among its consumers. As we know, most multinational companies adopt single united globe standard for their IT equipments including hardware and software as well as Unilever. It should be easy and effective for the companies to manage and maintain the whole systems for example, once any engineer of Unilever turns on any PC of Unilever, there would be the same operation system and application software in the PC. However, for Unilever China, this situation could lead to some problems when it would like to merge other companies. It also has cost Unilever China much money and labour to integrate all the different systems which the fourteen joint ventures had been used, when it was carrying out the two revolutions. B. People In a world where technologies and markets are speedily changing, as well as in China, both local knowledge and globe proficiency have been required to deeply understand and meet the complex needs of the 150 million customers who choose Unilever’s products everyday. It is very important, therefore, for Unilever China to make its employees localising as possible as it could. At its beginning stage, Unilever China had employed more one hundred foreign staffs including managers and professionals. Although they had more working experience and good management approaches, there still had been some disadvantages of this state. Firstly, it had led to the high cost of labour because Unilever should pay nearly six times more than employing local people. Secondly, most of foreign staffs, they had not had enough knowledge of Chinese economy environment. This might provide some wrong decisions in both marketing and manufacture areas. Finally, because they had been so proud of their characters and positions, they tended to be difficult to communicate with local people. All in all, thus, Unilever China has modified its mind to reduce the number of foreign staffs and offer more opportunities to local employees. (Unilever China, 2001) In every recent year, Unilever China has sent numbers of its local managers abroad to practise for senior positions in their own countries. Its target of 95 percent local management in China includes five percent of local managers who are also working overseas at any given time. On the other hand, in purpose of reducing the cost of workforce, Unilever China decided to cut down the number of workforce in Shanghai which is in the highest level of working payment in China, and move its manufactures to the lower cost place. C. Economic Inside Unilever China, the significant motive of two revolutions is to decrease their working expenditures and utilise all the business resource efficiently. The production lines of most its products such as shampoo and shower are quite similar including the raw material as well. There had been several same production lines among the fourteen joint ventures, before Unilever China re-structured them. In addition, the waste also happened to the IT departments, administration department and supporting department. Once Unilever China had held a new joint venture, it had had to build an individual business system for it. It seems to be more efficient and having more abilities of competition, when the two revolutions have been accomplished. Furthermore, the changes also facilitate Unilever to concentrate its brands in order to meet the needs of different markets. For instance, in Shanghai which is the huge developed city in China, its key products are in the personal care and wash area including Lux, Dove, Hazeline and Ponds. Due to the changing of Chinese government economy policy, China is going to be more open for the foreign companies. As a result that China has joint World Trade Organisation (WTO), more foeign companies will enter China. Most local manufactures tend to become stronger because they will have more chance to gain the advanced management approaches and learn the business skills by competing with more foreign companies. They also could the big challenge to the Unilever China. Another purpose of its changes, thus, is to maintain its leader position in China. Since these changes, Unilever China becomes more flexibility because it clearly to allocate its business targets to three groups. Every group has its own responsibility of manufacturing and selling particular products. Thus, both of them could be the professional in their own economical environment. Discussion of management activities and approaches (including â€Å"typical†errors) Until this section, it seems that there has been no obvious evidence which could show that Unilever China has made some clear mistakes of management so far. However, there might be no completely perfect result once you have accomplished some changes. In the short-term, we could regard it as more positive than negative but no one could image the future. Also, before the two revolutions happened, there had been some typical management errors which Unilever China had made. Inside most of joint ventures in China, there are two different manager teams: one group of them are assigned straight by foreign companies; another are the people who have already worked in the companies which are going to co-operate with the foreign companies. However, both of them have the responsibilities of managing the new companies which we exactly classify as Chinese-foreign joint ventures in China. Thus, because of different working background in different economics system, these two manager teams provide two different management styles. For the managers who have been worked in Unilever world group for a period of time, because of underlying the western developed management theory, their management approach could be considered as ‘Proactive & Positive’. The management approaches have been argued and developed by a lot of western researchers for a long time. Those effective management approaches, such as ‘team work’, ‘business culture’ and ‘management information system’, have been widely utilised in Unilever. This also could contribute good forecast of marketing and sales, efficient decision making and powerful capability of competition. Those advantages could be clearly embodied in the two revolution of Unilever China. In particular, in order to avoid more waste of resource, Unilever China terminated some business in 2002 in Shanghai and transferred them to the low cost place which was in HeFei. During this process, certainly, it should deal with the loss of re-investment and high risk of changing. Nevertheless, due to some typical management errors which it had made at the beginning of re-entering China, it has had to change its temporal situation. The typical mistakes could be ‘Market Share wars’ and ‘The â€Å"big project†‘. The evidences of these errors could be discovered by some investigation in its process of growth. For instance, only in a decade, it had constructed fourteen joint ventures in China to take the leader position of Chinese market and compete with ‘P & G’. Following its step, ‘P & G’ China also carried out some measures which might beat its challenge. Finally, that lead to both of these two firms had to reduce their products’ price in order to obtain more market share. Those fourteen joint ventures had caused numerous waste of fix assets, labour and operation cost. Boston Matrix – Refresher. (2017, Aug 20).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Information Systems Project ,, application design Coursework
Information Systems Project ,, application design - Coursework Example Following these needs, it is paramount that businesses and non-business establishments to develop technical solutions aimed at meeting customer needs at all times. Hence, this is a research proposal which seeks to authenticate the validity of developing web-based mobile application whose purpose is to ensure customers are able to follow up events that matter to them such as the schedule of favorite movie at the cinema, where to buy tickets for major sporting events, and finding business establishments such as supermarkets, medical facilities, and grocery stores through the use of an integrated map and navigation tools. The need for faster service delivery is a universal business consideration that take into account the need for better time management. Based on this need, a proposal for the development of a website that intends to serve specific customer requirements such as navigating through busy streets to access services such as therapists, dentists, restaurants, and restaurant menus developed to facilitate better time management and self-efficiency for customers from all around the City of Riyadh. The functionality of the website, which will have the potential of being ported into a mobile application will take into consideration the aspect of navigation through real-time city maps showing categories of establishments meeting a customer’s needs. The project’s aim will be to integrate the concept of shared local experience targeting Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, customers such that business establishments and the customers are connected through a virtual network facilitating better time management, flawless navigation through busy city streets, accounting for clicks per page for businesses that will integrate their services and product offers to the proposed website and subsequent mobile application. The mobile application development will take into consideration the most popular mobile operating systems
Thursday, September 26, 2019
SOCIALIZATION ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SOCIALIZATION - Assignment Example It seems clear I am not a carbon copy of my parents. I suspect that the greatest socializing influences on my values and beliefs have been my religion, the city where I grew up, and my school. I am a Muslim, from United Arab Emirates, in the Middle East. I spent my childhood and teen years in Abu Dhabi, and went to an international school. I meet many people for whom religion is just something they were born into and direct no effort toward. For me, being Muslim is an active organization of beliefs. By active, I mean it is more than rules and doctrine. It is a way of life that is visible every day, every choice, every relationship with others. I pray toward our holy city, Mecca, and I am reoriented and refreshed in my soul. I pray because God is God, and I feel a part of something very beautiful. I feel the effect of our prayers on the world is a helpful thing. It is a time for quiet, a time for connection to Allah and to the Prophet, (peace be upon him). No matter where I am, in the world, and no matter who are my friends and what are my influences, I pray and know, again, who and what I am. Islam is a religion of which I feel proud. When I read the Holy Qur’an, I am connected into a history of my people and instructions for how to live a right way. Islam is a religion that is not confined to the region of my birth, but has spread all over the world. Some people misunderstand and think it is a religion of conflict, but actually it is a way of peace. We Muslims greet each other in peace, and return the blessing of peace when we are greeted. This greeting is a cultural symbol. It includes us with the Muslim we are greeting and with all Muslims because that idea of inclusiveness is part of the phrase we speak. Muslims have contributed many good things to the world. From the invention of algebra and hospitals to the building of the Hamarabi and the Taj Mahal,
Multicultural Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Multicultural Education - Research Paper Example This definition is a way of adding prospective and diverse material to make it more inclusive in traditionally underrepresented groups. Other people talk about classroom teaching styles or climatic issues that serve certain people while presenting obstacles for them. Still, others insist on education change as part of the larger societal transformation, in which humans closely explore and criticize the oppressive foundations of the society and how education serves in maintaining the status quo foundations, such as capitalism, white supremacy, exploitation and global socioeconomic situations. Despite the existence of multiple conceptualization of multicultural education, shared ideals provided a basis for its understanding. Some shared ideals focus on individual teachers or students while some are much more macro in scope and are about transformation. Multicultural education is a progressive approach that transforms education that holistically critiques and addresses current failings, short comings, and practices in education that are discriminatory (Nieto 67). It is brought up in ideals of, social justice, education equality and dedication to facilitating educational experiences, in which all students participate to their fullest potential as learners and as socially aware and active beings, nationally, locally and globally. Multicultural education agrees to the fact that that schooling is essential in laying the foundation for the transformation of society and elimination of injustice and oppression. Every child goes to school with an ethnic identity (Arel and Ruble 77). The ethnic identity might be conscious or unconscious. The identification must be recognized and respected by the teacher since it forms the basis for learning activities in the classroom. The point is to acknowledge differences rather than ignoring them. It is equally critical that the students recognize and show appreciation to their own ethnicity and also learn to appreciate those of the ot her students in the class. The recognition of individual ethnic identities forms the beginning point of learning (Draper 211). It is the connector of both student to student and teacher to student. Ethnicity appreciation is the basic building block in the learning process, which requires knowing where the student id relative to him/herself and content to be put under consideration. Ethnic identification forms are continual points of focus throughout the process of education and it is also the basis for developing the next level of identification. The next level understanding is the national identification. The national identity of a people requires their understanding and commitment to the democratic ideals such as human equality, justice and dignity. In the national identity of an individual, the focus is put on becoming effective members of the demographic society. The strong national identification of an individual is essential to his/ her development of global identification. Mu lticultural education has had five dimensions, which include; the knowledge construction process, content integration, prejudice reduction, empowering school culture and social structure and equality pedagogy. The dimensions are widely used by schools in conceptualizing and developing programs, course and projects in multicultural education. The dimensions are interrelated. Content integration explains the acts in which accidents examples and content from a variety of groups and cultures to demonstrate key
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Clinical Focus and Advocacy in Patients Care in Specialist Nursing Literature review
Clinical Focus and Advocacy in Patients Care in Specialist Nursing Practice - Literature review Example The current trend of offering master’s programs in nursing schools was seen to start begin around the 1970’s with the gradual phasing out of the public health nursing programs in most of the schools offering public health studies. The very first programs to start preparing and offering Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) courses started doing so in the 1950’s (Fulton, Lyon and Goudreau 2010). A clinical nurse specialist (CNS) can be described basically as an advanced practice and registered nurse who has undergone graduate preparation resulting in their earning a master’s or doctorate from one of the programs that prepares clinical nursing specialists. Clinical nurse specialists are generally experts at the diagnosis and eventual treatment of illness that fall in their area of expertise. The focus of clinical nurse specialist generally falls into three basic areas; these areas are administration, patients and their respective families and nurse management. Although these three spheres are seen to be interrelated and it is quite normal for them to overlap, they are quite different and possess distinctive focus from each other. In all three areas of influence, the primary role of the CNS is to ensure that there is continuous improvement of the nursing care and patient outcome in general (Fulton, Lyon and Goudreau 2010). The rest of a medical facilities nursing staff tend to look to the Clinical Nurse Specialist to help them improve the efficiency in the work place as well as to receive guidance as they perform their everyday nursing duties. Some of the key elements of practicing CNS is to ensure that there is the creation of an environment that can be seen to implement effective system changes and mentoring programs that will help in the empowerment of nurses who are better able to adequately respond to the diverse patient needs, and develop caring best practices that are not only evidence based but are also able to alleviate
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
End of geography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
End of geography - Assignment Example The disappearance of national barriers that divide the world and the increasing interconnectedness open a wide range of opportunities for the information exchange. In all these processes the language plays one of the most important roles. In this paper, we consider borrowings from English language in the Japanese and also we critically evaluate its impact on society of Japan. In the mosern world the international language is English and in many countries it is considered to be (officially or not) the second language. This phenomenon makes it possible to say that the nations unite in a single society, speaking the same language. Does this mean that we are witnessing "the end of geography"? The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the proposition that globalization is leading to the end of geography using the example of Japanese language and the English borrowings in it. During the work over this paper we analyze and evaluate that the phenomenon of the ‘end of geography’ is not so vivid and the boundaries between countries are slightly blurred but not completely washed away, so geography remains vital to its study. Ulrich Beck, the research worker who studies globalization, argues that: "Globalization affects mainly the social micro-level, structured on the genesis of certain forms of cultural, socio-cultural systems and the genesis of ethnic and cultural systems." (Beck, 1999) The most successful model developed in relation to globalization, belongs to Japan. Throughout most of its history, Japan has shaped their culture on the basis of borrowing religious doctrines of Buddhism, Confucian ethical and religious system, arts and crafts from China, however, since the Meiji Restoration, the country has become, so to say, westernized very rapidly. The peak of this Westernization of Japan accounts for the years of American military
Monday, September 23, 2019
Cyber Security and Startups Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cyber Security and Startups - Case Study Example A small company can protect itself from DDoS attacks by registering for website hosting services with giant organizations like Amazon and Google that can hold bulky flows of attack transfer. Another way to protect against DDoS attacks can be through subscribing for mitigation services that monitor the flow of data from servers and other data sources (Perlroth & Wortham, 2014). These strategies enable smaller companies to block the viruses that block the smooth scream of information or access to important resources. Small tech start-ups have become frequent targets of the attacks because they possess valuable data that the DDoS attack can hurt (Perlroth & Wortham, 2014). New companies attract numerous users who visit their websites for information concerning the firm. They do not also install security measures to protect against such attacks, which make them vulnerable to pay the ransom demanded. It is apparent that the attackers target new establishments that do not have the experience of dealing with modern elements of cyber attacks. The post clearly illustrates the meaning of DDoS attack and the various ways of avoiding such challenges. However, the writer does not give a detailed analysis of the attack and how small companies are the prime targets. This causes confusion, especially regarding the ransom charges since the post indicates two conflicting charges of $20 and $2000. The charges posted here reflect the ones that future DDoS attackers might demand and not the current
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Review of the Wrestler Essay Example for Free
Friday, September 20, 2019
Internal Auditors Report On Goodner Brothers
Internal Auditors Report On Goodner Brothers Internal Auditors Report on Goodner Brothers Inc 1.0 Internal Control is a system of checking balances and it is designed to provide a reasonable assurance that assets are protected. Then, accounting data must be accurate according to the information of accounting. Operations should be efficient and also law and policies are compiled with. For this company (Goodners Brothers), We noted that weaknesses in internal control of this company make employee of this company, Woody Robinson was in serious financial trouble. So, the employee took advantage of his companys weak internal controls by stealing a large of inventory, which employee then sold to other parties. We identify that the act of Woody Robinson was a form of major fraud. However, We have stated below that the main key internal control objectives for Goodners Huntington sales office. We also stated that the key internal control weaknesses and its implication that were evident in Huntington units operations and control policies or procedures to alleviate the key internal cont rol weaknesses. On the other hand, We also stated that other parties besides Woody Robinson who partially responsible for inventory losses in the company together with few fraud risk management strategy that could be implemented by this company. 2.0 From this case, we have found that Sales Representative(Woody Robinson) in Goodners Huntington sales office took as an advantage of Goodner Brothers Inc weak in internal controls by stealing a large amount of inventory. So, We believe that this are the following key internal control objectives should be maintain in Goodners Huntington sales office. Firstly, Sales offices staff need to ensure that the every transaction should have a proper authorization to prevent this kind of fraudulent use of resources. For example, Sales offices staff should get the approval from the management or manager for very transactions. By apply this first objective, the shortages of inventory can be minimized and makes all the transactions going very smoothly. Secondly, Physical safeguards and security should have been the key internal control objectives. For example, sales offices staff need to ensure that access to physical assets and information systems need to be controlled and properly restricted to authorized personnel. On the other hand, validity also should have been the key internal control objective. So, sales offices staff need to ensure that all recorded transactions fairly need to be represent the economics events that actually occurred and also should be executed in accordance with managements general authorization. Next, Error in handling also should have been the key internal control objective. So, sales offices staff need to ensure that whatever errors detected at any stage of processing receive prompt corrective action and also should reported to the appropriate level of management. Next, Completeness also should have been the key internal control objective. So, sales offices staff need to ensure that no valid transactions should have been omitted from the inventory records. This five objectives that we stated overall can minimum the bad debts. Furthermore, good control can minimized or maintain of the inventory records. 2.1 On the other hand, we have identify the key internal control weaknesses and that were evident in the Huntington units operations. Firstly, there is lack of sufficient workers in the company to perform the much needed various task because we identify that the company have 14 sales outlets with skeletal crews of 10 to 12 employees. Then, a sales manager supervised the other employees at each outlet and also working a sales district. The remaining staff typically included two sales representative. Furthermore, a receptionist who having double job as a secretary and also as a bookkeeper and seven employees who delivering the tires and working in the units inventory warehouse. So, this shows clearly that one of the major key internal control weaknesses is insufficient of workers is working in the company. Next, another key internal control weaknesses in the Huntington units operations is the failure to coordinate an up-to-date accounting system used to provide an actual or accurate ac count of inventory because we was identify that each goodner sales outlet maintaining a computerized accounting system. These systems also typically made according to a standardized format and not develop for specialized for the company. These systems is ready made. Beside this, we also found that the units sales manager and two representatives had unrestricted access to the accounting system. So, since the large volume of sales and purchase transactions always swamped the bookkeeper . Then, sales representatives also frequently entered transactions directly into system. Furthermore, another key internal control weaknesses in the Huntington units operations is the lack of security needed to safeguard the assets sold. Company failure to restricted the security. We have identify that the sales representative (Woody Robinson) taking an advantage and routinely stole the inventory and kept the proceeds. Woody Robinson also continuing stole in various ways. In some cases, Woody Robinson c harged merchandise that he was sold for his own benefit to the accounts of large volume customers. So, this techniques makes inventory balance in the Huntington facilitys accounting records. We also identify that Woody Robinson charged the customers for merchandise they had not purchase. Goodners customers frequently returned tires for various reasons. We found that Woody Robinson completed all the credit memos for sales transactions voided by his customers and at the same time, Woody Robinson not returning the tires to Goodners inventory. Then, Woody Robinson also routinely sell some of the tires to other customers for cash. So, because of company lack of security needs to safeguard the assets sold. This makes the quantity of stealing tires made Woody Robinson was increasing very high. Next, another key internal control weaknesses in the Huntington units operations is the company failure to make sure that all the accounting information was correct or not. We have identify that the sales representative themselves routinely accessed, reviewed and updated their customers account and also completing purchase orders. Sales orders, credit memos and other accounting document on the timely basis, Furthermore, the sales representative passed all the documents on to the bookkeeper and also use them to enter the transactions directly into the accounting system. We also have identify that sales representative had direct access to the inventory storage areas and during heavy sales periods, sales representative always loaded and delivered customers orders themselves. So, this makes easily errors occurred in the accounting information. So, we have stated those key internal control weaknesses and its implication with the evident in the Huntington units operations. 2.2 This are the following control policies or procedures to alleviate the key internal control weaknesses . Firstly, Proper authorization of transactions. Creating and using budgets is a form of authorization. This makes easier for Huntington units operations. The purchase of goods and services should be requested by one person and approved by another. Individuals that handle cash should be bonded. Secondly , another policies or procedures is Segregation of duties. This includes assigning different people the responsibilities of authorizing transactions, recording transactions, and maintaining custody of assets. The person collecting cash should not be the person who records the cash receipt. If there is enough staff, a rotation of duties can eliminate employee manipulation of records or assets. The approval of purchases should not be made by the person who has access to the checks. Furthermore, another policies or procedures is design and use of adequate documents and records to help ensure the proper recording of transactions and events. Sales representative should always pre- numbered checks, receipts and purchase orders should be used and sequence should be accounted. Then, cancelled checks, vouchers, and receipts should be maintained. Voucher packages (invoices, purchase orders and receiving reports) should be cancelled (stamped paid) after payment to prevent duplicate payments. The invoices should be matched to receiving reports and receiving reports should be matched to purchase orders to ensure that sales representative received, ordered and only pay for what we received. At the same time, journals should be kept for all transactions. Next, another policies or procedures is adequate safeguards regarding access to and use of assets a nd records. Then, access to blank checks, signature plates, and purchase orders should be restricted. Computers should have passwords to access and change information and working area also should be visible to supervisors. However, voided checks should be defaced by tearing the signature line off or writing void on the face of the check and also all voided checks should be maintained. If the company apply all those policies or procedures that we stated. The weaknesses of key internal control will be improved. 2.3 Furthermore, We also identify that besides Woody Robinson, there is few parties were partially responsible for inventory losses goodners suffered. Customers is one of the parties responsible for inventory losses because when customers complained to Woody Robinson for being charged for merchandise they had not purchased, Woody Robinson usually apologized and corrected their account balances but if some of the customers sometimes paid the illicit charges, so this shows that customers unknowingly helped Woody Robinson sustain his fraudulent scheme. Next, We identify that Felix Garcia, the Huntington sales manager is also one of the parties that responsible for inventory losses because Felix Garcia stated that he was not discussed the customers complaints with Woody Robinson or the sales representative. Normally, when Felix Garcia received a customer complaint, he just simply passed it to the appropriate sales representative and was allowed that individual to deal with the matters. F urthermore, We also found that Felix Garcia maintain a file of customer complaints only because he was told to do so by the previous sales manager whom was replaced three years earlier. So, We found that previous sales manager also partially responsible for inventory losses. Next, Al Hunt is owner of Curcio tires and also Woody Robinsons friend is also one of the parties responsible inventory losses because Al Hunt just continue purchase the tires even though another sales representative told that the company only sold closeout merchandise directly to wholesalers. Al Hunt also know that Woody Robinson was incredibly selling the tires at lower price. This shows that Al Hunt really responsible for inventory losses. We also identify that Al Hunt one of the major parties among the other parties who responsible for inventory losses. 2.4 However, there is a various forms of fraud risk management strategy that could be implemented by Goodners Brothers Inc. One of the fraud risk management strategy is communication and training. So, raising employees awareness of their obligations concerning fraud and misconduct control begins with communications and training. While many organisations take an approach, careful planning behind this effort can help send employees a clear message to take their control responsibilities seriously. Secondly, another fraud risk management strategy is audit and monitoring. Because since it is impossible to monitor every fraud and potential misconduct risk, management should develop a comprehensive auditing and monitoring plan that is based on the organizations fraud risk assessment process. Then, another fraud risk management strategy is employee and third-party due diligence. An important part of an effective fraud and misconduct prevention strategy is using appropriate due diligence in t he hiring, retention and promotion of employees, agents, vendors and other third parties. Such due diligence becomes especially important for those employees with authority over the financial reporting process. Furthermore, another fraud risk management is code of conduct. That is actually a well -written code of conduct is one of the most important mechanisms to communicate with employees about acceptable business standards. It sets the organizations tone on control culture, raises awareness of managements commitment to integrity and provides the resources to help employees achieve managements compliance goals. All those fraud risk management strategy that we stated that could implemented by Goodner Brothers Inc. 3.0 Finally, we come with conclusion that the management or the board of this company is mainly responsible for the design of internal control and conveying to staff their internal control responsibilities. Peoples is the one who make internal controls work. Everyone in the company plays an important role. As problems are noted, staffs should be communicated, so that adjustments or corrections can be made. There is few benefits of internal control mainly for employees is actually to help prevent errors and irregularities from occurring. If they do occur, Internal controls will help ensure they are detected in timely manner. By this report, we believed that the board of Goodner Brothers Inc is should be able to overcome the internal control weaknesses. It makes the fraudulent in the company will be reduced and particularly Huntington sales office can be maintained or sustained consistently ranked as Goodners second or third most profitable sales outlet.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
You do know that milk comes from cows, goats, and other mammals. Though do you ever wonder what it goes through, before you buy it at a supermarket. Milk is used in so many ways. What it contains will amaze you. People have figured out how to contain it so it last much longer. The real amazing thing about any word you say like milk people think they know everything about it there is to know, but they have no clue. There is a history behind every word we use today, people don't look close enough. Since the 1800’s milk has been redefined. During the 1800’s people went on with their daily lives drinking milk believing they knew where it came from. Farmers believed that if you named your cows instead of giving them numbers they would produce much better. People got their milk from a farmer that owned cows. They would bring the cow door to door asking the customer if they wanted to buy it. If these people wanted milk they would come outside with a bucket or bottle to fill it up. Since the farmer had to milk from the side , cause they thought it was safer. They kept the cow clean and well taken care of , the people watched the farmer milk it. The farmers thought if the customers saw a ugly, dragging looking cow they would not buy the milk, cause the customer thought the milk would taste bad. Though in the city this was mostly impossible for the farmer. There was a middle man who would go around the city with a cart to sell milk to people. what the farmer and the customer did not know is that these peopl e were greedy. They sold the milk to the customer for a higher price for a profit. Middle men would also put half of the milk with half water. Though people actually knew where they got their milk from, th... ...teurizing milk, people invent a box. That would allow you to keep it out in the opening and you did not have to be refrigerated. Up until the world war 2 milk was pasteurized, and it was good milk people loved and enjoyed. All lot of farmers believed that this wasn't right to do and it was unfair. So like some farmers kenneth Peak of Claracok Dairy in California would refuse to have their milk pasteurized. Though others new that if they didn't put a stop to raw milk it would harm people and their kids. Straus decided since some people could not afford pasteurized milk he would set up stations. The end of the century came pretty quick and by then he had 12 stations set up N.Y. to pasteurize milk. At the time people used to let water flow by tanks of milk just to keep it cold. Around 1985 people tested pasteurizing but it failed and 5,770 people paid for it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Opening Chapter of Enduring Love by Ian McEwan Essay -- Enduring L
The Opening Chapter of Enduring Love by Ian McEwan A dictionary defines the word addictive as being: wholly devoted to something, a slave to another and in a state of wanting more. Ian McEwan claimed that he wanted to write an opening chapter that had the same effect as a highly addictive drug. In my opinion he has achieved in doing this. At the end of chapter one the reader is left needing more information about the characters introduced and what tragedy actually occurred. McEwan took the definition, addictive, and wrote the opening chapter, never forgetting what his objective was. The opening chapter has to be effective in order to keep the reader interested and to keep them reading. The style of the writer and novel also need to be established and tailored to suit the tastes of anyone that decides to read this novel. McEwan uses many factors that all contribute towards the effectiveness of the opening chapter. A lot of suspense and tension is used right from the start of the novel, in the first line, "The beginning is simple to mark," which makes you question, the beginning of what exactly? This is a short sentence that is used which draws you in and leaves you wanting to know more. McEwan also creates a lot of tension, "partly protected from a strong, gusty wind," which describes the wind as being an unpredictable, natural force which together conveys a sense of urgency. The narrator also starts to withhold vital information from the reader to create anxiety from within. "The encounter that would unhinge us was minutes away," the narrator is building up the tension that leads to this huge disaster, but doesn’t just say what is install for him and the other characters. He also hints that the disaster is life changing, "This was the last time that I understood anything clearly at all." The narrator then goes on to describe the atmosphere and events just before the disaster reached them, "I heard what was coming two seconds before it reached us." Which is an innuendo, which McEwan uses a lot throughout this first chapter. The narrator then goes on to describe the wind that day using verbs to describe the strength of it, "transversing" and "hurtling," but before the narrator goes any further he says "Let me freeze the frame," which is media terminology, which too is used quite a lot through this opening chapter. McEwan uses this techniq... ...t it is ruthless and is used to increase the sense of danger, "Met Office figures. . . . . . it was said of 70 miles per hour." The wind threatens the characters, leaving the reader knowing that disaster is just around the corner. The idea of a catastrophe is always present throughout the opening chapter. It is used to create excitement in the reader and to fuel the craving of needing more information, "At the inquest" at this point, the reader is left to deal with the fact that, obviously someone died, but it is not yet revealed who - the boy in the basket or Logan. Also, the fact that what happened is life changing, "It was time when other outcomes were still possible." The narrator even says they "Were running towards a catastrophe." All the points I have considered, all contribute towards creating a stimulating and addictive opening chapter. The main stimulant being, the need for more information. Where the narrator deliberately gives you a hint as to what may happen next, he then takes it away from you, making you want the information more - therefor he has created an addiction. The cause of it, being the first chapter, the only way to cure it, is to finish the novel!
Editing The Internet :: Cyberspace Children Essays
Editing The Internet Now a days it is common for there to be computers in every classroom. Some people consider this to be beneficial and others believe it to be detrimental. Having access to the internet is great for research and exploration the problem is that it is not always safe for children. This topic is not only important for teachers but for parents also since many children have internet access at home. I say that the internet is not always safe because students may accidentally stumble upon sites which contain pornography, violence, weapons, and other subjects that are inappropriate for them. I don't work on computers that much so I wasn't aware of how easy it is for a person to open a site that contains nudity or violent activity. I always thought that the only way a person could get to a pornographic site was by paying to see it. Unfortunately this is not the case. I realized this because at the school where I work there have been cases where girls type in "Barbie" to find information about the Mattel "Barbie" and they end up getting to a pornography site. We also had one boy who was doing research on the white house and when he typed in the words white house it was another pornography site. It happens far too many times that children innocently type in a few words like Spice Girls to find out information about a music group and end up at an obscene internet site. I as a teacher and mother want to find a way to prevent my students from getting into the inappropriate sites while at the same time letting them explore the internet for whatever topic they may be researching . There must be some way in which we, the teachers, administration, and parents can filter out the inappropriate sites from the appropriate ones. Some teachers I work with have come up with their own solutions in regards to keeping the students away from improper sites. One teacher bookmarks all the sites he allows his students to get into. So when the students get on the computer they can only open up those sites. This may be one solution but I believe that it limits the children. Like I mentioned earlier, I'd like to find a way in which they can search however many sites they like without getting into anything bad. Editing The Internet :: Cyberspace Children Essays Editing The Internet Now a days it is common for there to be computers in every classroom. Some people consider this to be beneficial and others believe it to be detrimental. Having access to the internet is great for research and exploration the problem is that it is not always safe for children. This topic is not only important for teachers but for parents also since many children have internet access at home. I say that the internet is not always safe because students may accidentally stumble upon sites which contain pornography, violence, weapons, and other subjects that are inappropriate for them. I don't work on computers that much so I wasn't aware of how easy it is for a person to open a site that contains nudity or violent activity. I always thought that the only way a person could get to a pornographic site was by paying to see it. Unfortunately this is not the case. I realized this because at the school where I work there have been cases where girls type in "Barbie" to find information about the Mattel "Barbie" and they end up getting to a pornography site. We also had one boy who was doing research on the white house and when he typed in the words white house it was another pornography site. It happens far too many times that children innocently type in a few words like Spice Girls to find out information about a music group and end up at an obscene internet site. I as a teacher and mother want to find a way to prevent my students from getting into the inappropriate sites while at the same time letting them explore the internet for whatever topic they may be researching . There must be some way in which we, the teachers, administration, and parents can filter out the inappropriate sites from the appropriate ones. Some teachers I work with have come up with their own solutions in regards to keeping the students away from improper sites. One teacher bookmarks all the sites he allows his students to get into. So when the students get on the computer they can only open up those sites. This may be one solution but I believe that it limits the children. Like I mentioned earlier, I'd like to find a way in which they can search however many sites they like without getting into anything bad.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Random DOC
Albert Campus defines an absurd hero, one who despite the circumstances transcends all odds. Sisyphus, condemned by the gods to push a rock to the top of a mountain, chooses to make the most of his burden by accepting his situation and saying yes to his challenge Personal response essay How do we grow as individuals? What molds our lives and selves? Rewards and improvements in our lives can be accredited to the hardships and adversities individuals face. Adversities like; being laid off, grueling 12 hour work days, raising teenagers, and couples Ryan Overcoming AdversityThroughout the world there are many different people who go through different trials and tribulations. Human history and existence today would not be what It is If we didn't have to struggle a bit to get what we want. I feel this also applies Issues of Adversity Issues of Adversity â€Å"That which cannot kill me can only make me stronger†. With Reference to the quote, the color purple (3 characters) and 3 othe r sources of supplementary text, write an essay. Adversity Is unfortunately, an aspect of life which can hardly be avoided. Some people experience†¦ Premium Words PagesHorse's Assertion of Adversity Argument Essay Horse's asserts through adversity, hidden talents are brought to the surface, which would otherwise lay dormant. This claim has proven to be a timely truism in literature and history. Heroes and heroines of the literary canon have long faced strife and turmoil. In meeting these†¦ Premium Words Pages Wallace able to achieve their goals and experience respectable success In life. While both Lulu and Alexei hail from completely different cultures, they both experienced adversity and struggled with overcoming societal and racial prejudices.Alexei is of Native American descent and spent his†¦ Premium Words Pages Advisor Essay Personal response essay How do we grow as Individuals? What molds our lives and selves? Rewards and Improvements In our lives can be accred ited to the hardships and adversities Individuals face. Adversities like; being laid off, grueling 12 hour work days, raising teenagers, and couples†¦ Premium Words Pages Sisyphus Synthesis push a rock to the top off mountain, chooses to make the most of his burden by accepting his situation and saying yes to his challenge†¦ Premium Words PagesAdversity Builds Character challenges. It was these challenges that have caused them to become very successful in what they do. In my essay, I have proven that adversity brings out the talents and creativity in people. A famous quote from Frederica Nietzsche says, â€Å"That which does not kill us makes us stronger. â€Å"†¦ Premium Words Pages Overcoming Adversity many different people who go through different trials and tribulations. Human history and existence today would not be what it is if we didn't have to struggle a bit to get what we want. I feel this also applies†¦ Premiums Words Pages EffectiveDander's Smith Ma rch 19, 2012 Essay: Overcoming an Obstacle One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles posses the only strength which can overcome adversity? To one this means that the only way to conquer a personal low is by overcoming obstacles in order to gain strength†¦ Premium Words Pages Freedom Writers territories' are created to bring a sense of equality among those of the same race. Overcoming adversity, family relationships, inequality in education, success and goal setting is what Mrs.. Gruel aims to have instilled in those around her. A theme which surfaces in the movie is that of Mrs.. Gruel'
Monday, September 16, 2019
India ‘s regional disparities Essay
India’s economy hit a major turning point in 1990 when the government started the Economy Liberalization. Its effect is the significantly high economic growth when the GDP greatly rose from $316.9 (1990) to $1001 (2010), but along with that, it also brought about the increasing poverty and the widening income gap. After 1990, poverty, religious conflict, corruption, income inequality and regional disparity are the main problems facing India’s economy while Bollywood and IT sector and software service became the highlight of India’s economy. Speaking of India, we can relate to one country, China because of their similarity in population, their growth in GDP and several historical links. Despite having many things in common, they focused on different development paths. While China’s main focus is manufacture and infrastructure, or in short : hardware, India excels in Service and technology : software. So, because of those features, a tight partnership with s trong potential is called Chindia. In this report, I will expand my thought on the regional disparity in terms of literacy, economic distribution and healthcare sector and regional income convergence of India. Up to 2011, India has seen an improvement in Literacy rate when it rose from 65.38% (2001) to 74.04% in 2011. The government has taken several measures to improve the literacy rate in rural areas, so by 2011, the gap between urban and rural areas has slightly declined, but the gap still remains relatively large with Kerala being the state with the highest literacy rate (94%), followed by Lakshadweep (92.3%) and Mizoram (91.06%) and lastly Bihar with the lowest literacy rate (64%). In spite of the government’s providing free education programs to poor people living in rural areas, the amount of schools and education centers are still not very considerable compared to urban areas and the people in poor villages, town could not get access to free education because they are not aware of that (media isolation). Also, about 42% of the population of India live on less than $1.25 a day, especially in rural areas, there are a large amount of people below the poverty line. Thatâ€⠄¢s why education becomes unreachable for them. The considerably high economic growth of India seems like it only benefits the rich in the high-income states. While convergence between countries is a crucial issue in the analysis of a country’s economy, regional income convergence – convergence between regions of a given country is also very important. Regional convergence are defined by observing that whether initially poor regions have a tendency of developing faster than initially rich regions. In the case of India, Manipur which in 1961 had real per capita income of below-averaged level (1,438) and grew relatively fast (3,893) in 1991 was catching up to Delhi, the highest income state in 1961 (6,236) which had the close growth rate until 1991 (10,177). Therefore, there is regional convergence in India. According to an article by Paul Cashin, the regional convergence between initially poor states and initially rich states is the rate of 1.5 % per year. Nevertheless, this speed of regional convergence is slower when compared to Japan, USA †¦ – the industrial countries earlier. India is famous for its healthcare system which fulfills the needs of metropolitan cities only if they are able to afford it. Based on a report by the United Nations, 75% of the health infrastructure in India is used to serve in urban areas where account for only 27% of India’s population. Whereas, the rural areas which account for 72% of the population (around 716 million people) lack the basic medical treatment. Manpower including doctors and medical specialists is one of the fundamental components of the healthcare system and rural areas are now lacking an estimated number of 12300 doctors (64%), which is six times lower than in urban areas. Moreover, the number of beds in hospitals is 15 times lower than in urban areas. Also, urban areas (specifically high-income states) have access to more amount of hospitals, dispensaries, expenditure on medical and public health as well as vaccines and instrumental medicine. In short, healthcare resources distributed by the government are available to more people in urban areas than those in rural areas. This disparity has led to a series of difficulties and problems for rural areas. Life expectancy of people in rural areas are much lower than in urban areas. Crude death rate (8% compared to 6%) and still birth rate (9% compared to 8%) are both higher in rural areas. Infant morality rate is the most notable because rural areas account for 61%, more than 24% when compared to urban areas. The number of malnourished and underweight children in rural areas is also higher than in urban areas. The healthcare disparities has created more and more clusters of regions with poor infrastructure and this made rural areas much more vulnerable to diseases and contagion, which then creates greater burdens in treatment cost for the government. The healthcare disparity has a strong relation to the literacy disparity and economic disparity stated above. Because health is a crucial factor in school attendance, the healthcare disparity has prevented people and children in rural areas from having a decent, healthy education’s time. Lacking health care means that not many people in rural areas can have the ability to learn efficiently and effectively. Also, because investments in health and education can lead to a higher future income, these disparities in literacy and healthcare sector can harm the rural areas’ economy further more. Therefore, without implementing a proper and immediate policy, the widening gap between rural and urban areas may get bigger in the future. REFERENCE ia_20110620/India_Equiv.swf
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Chinese Music Instruments Essay
In this research paper I will introduce four Chinese music instruments: Chinese drum, Guzheng, Qin and Chinese lute. Chinese drum is still very popular in china for the old generation, and they use drum as an exercise for body training. GuZheng is a Chinese traditional instrument; furthermore, I remember when I was in the secondary, one of my classmate played GuZheng very well. In every public holiday, she will show GuZheng; moreover, it’s really specially. The third one is Qin; we still can see this instrument display in some Chinese drama, but this instrument does not have lots of people know how to play it. Last one is Yu Pipe that is a very ancient Chinese instrument; in addition, I don’t think lots of people heard this before and I cannot find more information about it. So I choose Pipa to instant of Yu Pipe. Pipa is rarely instrument and never see it in western country; however, Pipa is not that rare almost all the classic music group will have the people who play Pipa in the group. History of Chinese Drum The drum occupies a prominent place in Chinese culture. Though the exact origin of the Chinese drum is still subject to debate, ancient literatures show that it is about as old as Chinese history itself. The earliest documentation of its application in ancient China occurs in Oracle Inscriptions (Jiaguwen â€Å"Jiaguwen is an ancient Chinese word, it usually write on animal’s shell†) of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC), that is, inscriptions carved on tortoise shells and animal bones. As an old and wonderful form of art, the drum finds application in almost every aspect of Chinese social life, including sacrificial and worshiping ceremonies, farming, and warfare, and throughout the centuries it has been imbued with profound cultural implications. The history of the popularization of the Chinese drum is also the history of its continuous borrowing and assimilation of other artistic forms and expressions. During the process, Chinese drum performance arts have undergone a lot of regional as well as ethnic variations. As a result, today they produce different visual impacts and bring to the viewers different senses of beauty some are masculine, giving off a sense of invincible might; some are more delicate with nimble and graceful dancing steps; and there are still others that possess both qualities. This rich array of artistic expressions from the Chinese drum culture gives full expression to the vitality of the Chinese nation. History and Introduction of GuZheng The modern-day guzheng is a plucked, half-tube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings (a customized version exists with more than 34 strings). the guzheng‘s strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal strings (generally steel for the high strings and copper-wound steel for the bass strings). Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel strings flat wound with nylon. The guzheng has a large resonant cavity made from wu tong wood (paulownia tomentosa). Other components may be made from other woods, usually for structural and decorative purposes. For the introduction, the guzheng has existed since the warring states period and became especially popular during the qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms. Until 1961, the common guzheng had 18 strings. In 1961 xu zhengao together with wang xunzhi introduced the first 21-string guzheng after two years of research and development. In 1961, they also invented the â€Å"s-shaped†left string rest, which was quickly adopted by all guzheng makers and is still used today, whether in the shape of the letter â€Å"s†, â€Å"c†, etc. the 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16-string, especially along the southeastern coastal provinces of china and in taiwan. The guzheng is tuned to a pentatonic scale; the 16-string zheng is tuned to give three complete octaves, while the 21-string zheng has four complete octaves. Playing styles and performers there are many techniques used in the playing of the guzheng, including basic plucking actions (right or both hands) at the right portion and pressing actions at the left portion (by the left hand to produce pitch ornamentations and vibrato) as well as tremolo (right hand). These techniques of playing the guzheng can create sounds that can evoke the sense of a cascading waterfall, thunder and even the scenic countryside. Plucking is done mainly by the right hand with four plectra (picks) attached to the fingers. Advanced players may use picks attached to the fingers of both hands. Ancient picks were made of ivory and later also from tortoise shell. The guzheng‘s pentatonic scale is tuned to do, re, mi, so and la, but fa and ti can also be produced by pressing the strings to the left of the bridges. Well known pieces for the instrument include yu zhou chang wan (singing at night on fishing boat), gao shan liu shui (high mountains flowing water) and han gong qiu yue (han palace autumn moon). Two broad playing styles (schools) can be identified as northern and southern, although many traditional regional styles still exist. The northern styles are associated with henan and shandong while the southern style is with the chaozhou and hakka regions of eastern guangdong. both gao shan liu shui (high mountains flowing water) and han gong qiu yue (han palace autumn moon) are from the shandong school, while han ya xi shui (winter crows playing in the water) and chu shui lian (lotus blossoms emerging from the water) are major pieces of the chaozhou and Hakka repertories respectively. The GU Qin While the music of the Gu Qin represents Chinese culture at its most historical and refined, its sound can be challenging for Westerners to appreciate on first hearing. Many students are struck If you were to experience it live, you would also wonder how an audience could possibly hear such music, because it is extremely quiet. The qin is one of the most ancient instrument in the world to have remained in continuous use. Known also as guqin ( meaning â€Å"ancient zither†), it is a roughly 51-inch-long rectangular board zither made of paulonia wood painted black, and has seven stings, traditionally of twisted silk, running lengthwise from end to end, without frets or bridges. There is also a series of 11 inlaid mother-of pearl circles along one side marking the acoustical nodes or vibration points for each string. To the player’s left, the strings pass over the end and are tied underneath to two small peg-like feet attached to the instrument’s lower board. At the right end the strings run over a slight ridge that acts as a bridge, then pass through holes to the underside where each is tied to a small wooden peg. The instrument is tuned by twisting these pege to loosen or tighten the string’s tension. The player, seated on a chair with the instrument on a table or frame, plucks the strings with the fingers of the right hand and stop the strings with the fingers of the left hand. History of Pipa The pipa is a plucked Chinese string instrument. Sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years in China, and belongs to the plucked category of instruments. Prototypes of the pipa already existed in China in the Qin Dynasty (221 BC – 206 BC). At that time, there were two types of pipa. One was straight-necked, with a round sound box constructed from lacquered Paulownia wood, and two faces mounted with leather. The other was believed to be inspired by the primitive forms of zheng, konghou, and zou. It also has a straight neck, a round sound box, and also four strings, along with twelve standards of notes. This model was later developed into the instrument known today as the ruan. The modern pipa is closer to the instrument which originated in Persia/Middle-East (where it was called barbat) and was introduced into China beginning in the late Jin Dynasty (265-420 A.D. ). I am not very sure how this instrument works on every rhythm, but I know that song is good. No matter it plays alone or plays with other rhythm, you always can hear its special sound. There are still a lot of different music instrument in this huge world. Although, the instruments are from different place, it place same music and music don’t have different nation. Hopefully, we never lost any music instruments and pass it to the next generation. Music instruments also are culture, and they are important in our life. Work Cited Lency. â€Å"Chinese Drum’ First Stop: Shells and animal bones. †Chinaculture. org Offers 01 October 2004 http://www. chinaculture. org/gb/en_artqa/2006-02/06/content_79017. htm Han, Mei. â€Å"Guzheng. †In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London, 2001). Montreal, Quebec, Canada. â€Å"Pipa’ First Stop: With a wooden plectrum. † ©2000-2009 Philmultic Management & Productions Inc. http://www. philmultic. com/pipa/ Zha, Fuxi (1958). Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan . Beijing: The People’s Music Press. ISBN 7-103-02379-4.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mission Statements
Strategic Management in a Global Context (SOP09101) MODULE LEADER Miss Grace Sharkey ASSESSMENT A Mission statements may play an important role in the strategic management process but the creation of a ‘sense of mission’ is even more beneficial to organisations Submitted by Lukas Radzevicius 20th October 2010 2201words This essay is to debate the question whether the role of a mission statement is as important and beneficial as sense of mission and if they can work as two separate functions in the strategic management process for organisations.Clear definition of mission statement and sense of mission must be understood to begin the research. Afterwards to analyse benefits and problems associated with mission statement is essential to implement this understanding into the strategic management model. So that we could finish with conclusion which will estimate importance of mission statement in organisation and its necessary connection with all levels of the company called â€Å"sense of mission†. Mission statement in some companies has a huge influence in all management levels of the firm, but in others it is still just addition on the wall and usually what’s forgotten.However the aim of this paper is to find out if sense of mission is more beneficial for organisations than mission statement, not to give a vivid view of all possible ways of mission statement realization. So when managers are asked what is the influence of mission statement in their company, can’t answer this simple question, what’s really clear, those mission statements are still relatively neglected and don’t find their way to every company’s management. Here the main problem emerges: is the mission statement needed at all, if the company can survive without it?Before answering this it is essential to clearly understand, what is meant by the mission statement. First of all it is worth saying that there are different schools of thought, one is described in term of business strategy and the other as philosophy and ethics, A. Campbell (1992). If you look closer they are deeply connected. The school of strategy presents mission as a strategic tool in its initial process of the strategy creation, it states what is the business they are in, and where is it going to be? For example well known company Google Inc. nswers this question: â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful†. It is visible that their mission statement is their purpose connected with strategic objectives and well implemented as it is number one search tool in World Wide Web. Another school of thought which glues the company and creates a common â€Å"language†for a sense of collective unity is called philosophical school of thought. Shared values and standards of behavior are concerned to generate co-operation among employees (A.Campbell 1991). A good example for this is IBM as the foundatio n of its corporate philosophy is based on: quest for superiority in all things, dedication to service and respect for the individual. These three concepts are deeply transcendent in every employee in IBM which is global company and has different people connected for one common mission: â€Å"At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies. †Is it possible to connect these schools?Definitely yes, as the organization is a living and dynamic organism so every part of it is. The school of strategy is its head and leads toward the goals, the school of philosophy is its heart which connects all the body throughout bloodstream and actually makes it happen. To connect two schools of thought, analysis of four cores of mission statement is significantly important to see how this organism actually works. As A. Campbell and S. Yeung stated that a powerful mission statement exists only when four lements work in harmony reinforcing and supplementing each other. Purpose, Values, Strategy and Behavior Standards are those essential parts. To state a good mission statement it is a must to create a good purpose which aims at a higher ideal, Starbuck’s environmental mission statement determines their internal obligations, and their influence on the supply chain is so significant that it places emphasis on their role in influencing their partners. Purpose is the answer to the question, why this company exists?It is noticeable that in this example the purpose which doesn’t aim to stakeholder’s selfish interests tends to bind organization together and leads it to its higher aimed goal. To lead a good purpose it is necessary to provide commercial logic which will cover the competitive position and distinctive competences of the firm, A. Campbell (1992) such as Ryanair which does not announce their mission statement, but as Jack Welch's once said, â€Å"Strategy, then, is sim ply finding the big aha and setting a broad direction†for Ryanair, is simply to continue being the largest Cheap Flights leader in European market.Exercising this leadership is a sum of great individual tactics, including attitude to low cost priority in every part of process, standardization of services and products, including other tactics which creates Ryanair a high competitive rival. This strategy defines the segment of the sector in which company exists and states the way it is going to be superior. Both purpose and strategy are only thoughts and logical conclusions of some abstract idea of the company, to bind them together behavior standards which convert that thought into action and lets the employees to feel what they should do in day to day basis.As Hilton Hotels group states: â€Å"We will be the preeminent global hospitality company – the first choice of guests, team members and owners alike†it is clearly visible as it is world’s leading lux urious hotels taking in account quality, scope of services, care of their employees and worldwide spread. In book â€Å"Emotional Intelligence†By Daniel Goleman, it is clearly stated that humans are mostly driven by their emotional – right brain logic, than rational-left brain logic.This is important to understand as we all are living beings and to find the satisfaction in job we are doing we must feel it with our â€Å"emotional side of the brain†and connect it with rationality to find an ultimate goal we are looking for – same values of ours, synchronized with company’s. As A. Campbell (1991) once said that company’s culture is the moral principles and faith in values. Values are sense for behavior standards and norms for the firm, they connect company as â€Å"right brain†they create connection between purpose, strategy and behavior standards.A good mission statement will always have those connections strongly linked together. A s Virgin Atlantic mission statement: †To grow a profitable airline†¦ Where people love to fly†¦ And where people love to work. †Every part of four elements is clearly visible. Strategy- profitable airline, behaviour standards- people love to work and purpose- people love to fly. To sum up and state that a powerful mission applies only when four elements are linked together, how the body can’t survive without a heart or brains, so the mission must have a strong logical background and deep connection within its emotional base.Easiest way to see it is to look at the links of value system and strategy and if that link can be acted through behavior standards to aim the purpose, the strong mission statement is created and efficiently implemented. However mission can be discussed without emotions and that’s what is usually done when the creation of mission is held in top levels of company which are usually aimed to profit, expansion, coverage or other â€Å"selfish†aims.Strategy is the guideline for this commercial behavior, however strategy is narrower concept than mission which has values and purpose aimed towards good purpose. Strong mission statement is than its emotional base is supported with rationality, and then there are gaps, mission statement is inefficient. Now than we understand what is a mission statement and what are the core elements, it is worth considering what is a relation between practice and theory, strategy and philosophy, tool and a manager.Mission statement is still something to discover and to understand, but if you speak about â€Å"sense of mission†it’s something that everybody feels, but can hardly describe it in words. Campbell and Yeung (1991) discovered that people’s emotional devotion to their firm was strongest when employee’s values and the company’s values are moving the same way. To describe this in intellectual way is very difficult because sense of mission is not a technology or an asset it is just an idea, deep and emotional individual feeling.Person with a sense of a mission has commitment and emotional attachment, which we found makes a greater influence then rationality to the company’s performance if it stands for the same values and tries to do its best reaching the purpose. It is worth considering the role of sense of mission which can be described throughout benefits of mission statements. To reach organizational success mission statement connected with employees via sense of mission benefits the company in many ways.First of all, as a rational tool, starting point for many organizational strategies, mission statements were used for many companies. Bart (2001), Campbell (1997) had an idea that to bring a common view and discuss differences between senior managers’ mission statements were used as medium. As well as emotional connector, German and Cooper (1990) shared view and explained that it can synchro nize all management levels including employees, Klemm (1991) perceived mission as communication tool for a company, covering internal and external fields (employees and investors etc. . Bartkus (2000) came up with the finding that the mission statement which is worth consideration as a good one will definitely describe what is the business of the company and will show the direction of where it is heading. If we perceive mission statement as a tool it is always a chance that it can be used incorrectly or even foolish. But then the right people use the right tools to reach their objectives the tool benefits in its best form.It is worth considering if the tool is the really one that we need, if we need it all, Tahir Sufi and Howard Lyons questions this in their article â€Å"Mission Statements Exposed†. The main objective was to find if the mission statement has a connection with a firms financial performance and after researching 200 biggest brands in hospitality sector the res ults showed that: â€Å"significant correlation between the mission statements and the annual turnover, there was no significant correlation with the net profit margin or the return on equity†(T.Sufi and H. Lyons, 2003). Now it is clear that mission statement benefits organization in leading it towards main goals, but we can insight and some problems in this, there are no tangible ways to describe the effects of mission statement and mission statements can be used in many different ways so it doesn’t have the â€Å"right†way of doing it correctly, as the organisation is a dynamic so mission statement must adopt to every changing situation.To foresight how it works in a company it is best to look through strategic management model. In strategic management model mission statement is the tool which helps to create a concept of the company as a pen and a drawing paper for an architect. It influences all management levels, beginning with employees whereas positivel y affected employee behaviour influenced by commitment and established internal policies has an impact on financial account, Bart et al. (2001).And other functional areas which lead organization towards competitive success thought commitment. It is clear that mission statement which has a clear purpose and direction will positively influence firm performance. Rigby (1994) reported that in US, mission statements is considered as the tool used the most out of 25 available options, this research was done in 500 companies. So as mentioned before if this tool is used by someone who is a professional can make a significant impact for the performance of the company.To conclude and to answer the question whether the role of a mission statement is as important and beneficial as sense of mission and if they can work as two separate functions in the strategic management process for organisations it is worth saying that after research what is clearly visible that sense of mission can’t s urvive without strong mission statement and they can’t work towards organizational success as two separate functions. Basically, mission statement is created to capture and convey the main purpose of the firm to answer the question, why this organisation exists?In strategic management model it is pivotal point for a start and afterwards to effect connection of every management level and to influence commitment towards the main goal. This connection can be called â€Å"sense of mission†the level of commitment towards the main goal. Research shows that the main objective shouldn’t be selfish and created for the top level of the company as it is implemented through all stages of the firm. It is ironic than corporation focuses on its shareholders, it is those same stockholders who really lose in the end.
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