Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ilm Developing Yourself and Others
Know how to identify development needs 1. 1 Identify own learning style(s) and the learning style(s) of another team member To identify the learning and development style of myself and a team member we both completed a Multiple Intelligence (MI) test developed by Howard Gardner. After completion of the test on myself I have discovered that I have a learning style of Logical – Mathematical, with a majority score of 37, closely followed by Interpersonal with a score of 32, (see Appendix 1). People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognising patterns and logically analyse problems.These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns. Characteristics of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence are: * Excellent problem-solving skills * Enjoys thinking about abstract ideas * Likes conducting scientific experiments * Good at solving complex computations The conclusion of the test does not come as a revelation to me . As I am the Finance & HR Manager with an accounting qualification this examination confirms my knowledge and learning style as being logical thinking with ability to evaluate and solve problems.During the course of my career and training aspects I believe that I learn and develop in a methodical and analytical way. I execute mathematical calculations, detecting irregularities and patterns, creating resolutions to issues that have been identified, plus producing a strategy to achieve successful working systems within my role. After completing the MI test myself I then requested a member of my team (Jane Doe) to complete the same learning styles questionnaire to see what type of style they were. On completing the questionnaire she scored equally n 3 areas; Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical and Intrapersonal, (see Appendix 2) People who are strong in linguistic intelligence are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at wri ting stories, ability to learn languages, memorizing information and reading.They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and by discussing and debating about what they have learned. The characteristics of Linguistic Intelligence are as follows: * Good at remembering written and spoken information * Enjoys reading and writing Good at debating or giving persuasive speeches * Able to explain things well * Often uses humour when telling stories Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including day-dreaming, exploring relationships with others and assessing their personal strengths. The characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence are: * Good at analysing their strengths and weaknesses * Enjoys analysing theories and ideas * Excellent self-awareness Clearly understands the basis for their own motivations and feeli ngs 1. 2 Use a simple technique to identify own development needs and the development needs of another member of the team To identify any development needs that would enhance my current skills and abilities I decided to complete a development needs analyses in the form of a SWOT analysis (Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; Threats). Strengths: * Very organised and meticulous with excellent prioritisation skills * Always willing to help others, friendly and approachable * Ensures protocol is followed by me and others at all times * Quick learner *Conscientious * Finance / Accounts * Excellent communication skills with all levels of people| Weaknesses: * Expect others to be very tidy and meticulous like myself * Sometimes try to take on too much work, as I don’t like to say no * Forget people have different learning speeds * Perfectionist * Health & Safety management * Management training| Opportunities: * Work closely with the Director of Support Services * ILM Course * Job Opportunities * Network meetings with other business managers * External / Internal training| Threats: * Funding for courses due to funding cuts * Unexpected things in personal life * Out of comfort zone * Policy Changes| I then requested for a member of my team (Jane Doe) to carry out a development needs evaluation by completing a SWOT analyses. Strengths: * A willingness to learn * Always happy to help others * Quick learner * Can work at a quick pace * Good IT skills (Excel / Word)| Weaknesses: * Not always very confident with others * Need to have confidence in my answers, so I don’t need to check I am doing things correctly * Stress easily under pressure * Works too quickly at times and make trivial mistakes|Opportunities: * Take work from others to learn new roles * Study AAT * In-house training with colleagues. Shadow colleagues to learn new roles * Read policies / bulletins / news to keep up to date with rules and regulations * Customer Service courses| Threats: * Not enough time to learn new tasks due to busy office environment * Not enough funding to pay for training * Training too expensive to pay from personal income * Confidence| After completing the SWOT for me and Jane the following development needs were identified: * Myself – Leadership & Management Training; HR development training; Health & Safety development * Jane – Customer Service Training; AAT Qualification; In-house training to improve skills. 1. 3 Identify potential barriers to learning. After considering the DELTA model and barriers to learning I have found that there are potentially a various number of barriers that Jane and I face. I have listed the potential barriers below: My Self Time /Workload – Work is extremely busy and the amount of work is exceptionally high, therefore to take time out of work to attend training would mean work could suffer, get backlogged and deadlines missed. * Personal Commitments – This is due to home life being very busy and possibly not having time to complete studying on an evening or weekend. * Resources / Funding – due to funding cuts with the LA, the school has had to reduce budgets therefore depending on the costs of courses there may be no funds available to pay for training. Jane Faulkner * Time / Workload – Work is extremely busy and the amount of work is exceptionally high, therefore to take time out of work to attend training would mean work could suffer, get backlogged and deadlines missed.Costs for AAT training is expensive and she is unable to afford the full costs from her personal income * Confidence / Fear / Self-esteem – Jane is very quiet and shy, and she feels very uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings and may shy aware from learning. * Personal Commitments – This is due to home life being very busy and possibly not having time to complete studying on an evening or weekend. * Mobility / Transport – Jane doesn’t drive t herefore if a course is some distance she may have difficulties getting there. * Resources / Funding – due to funding cuts with the LA, the school has had to reduce budgets therefore depending on the costs of courses there may be no funds available to pay for training. 1. 4 Explain how barriers to learning can be overcome.There are a number of solutions for Jane and I to be able to overcome the barriers to learning that was mentioned above: 1) Time / Workload – Some courses/training aspects are important and workload should not be a reason for not attending any coursers. Jane and I need to ensure workload is organised and prioritised, and possibly get other staffs assistance to ensure work load does not get behind. 2) Expensive Training Costs – Contribution or full costs of any training development should be paid for by the school or at least a contribution towards the costs if the training will benefit the school and improve Jane and the service she provides th e school. 3) Confidence / Self Esteem – Put Jane at ease and give her ownership of and pride in what she can do.Also have regular progress reviews in order for her to measure her personal achievements and progress. 4) Personal Commitments – Undertake training through the school day or provide time off in lieu if the training is beneficial to the service we provide. 5) Funding – Free training may be available, if very beneficial to the school funding should be located. 6) Transport – Training can be provided in local colleges or at school, therefore there would be very little travel required. Jane would be able to get local public transport and costs would be reimbursed by the school. Section 2: Know how to develop self and others to achieve organisational objectives 2. Briefly analyse learning/development options to meet need(s) of self and another member of the team. After studying and analysing the SWOT analyse and appraisals completed earlier in the ye ar, I have identified various learning opportunities for Jane and I. After undertaking my appraisal in December 2011 it was identified that I required further training on leadership and management of others. I felt that this was a significant area to develop as I had never received any training on managing staff, yet I have line managed several numbers of staff over the years. I am now currently undertaking the ILM Effective Management course. Another area that I found to have a weakness in is Health and Safety Management.I currently line manage a member of staff who has the responsibility for the Health and Safety of the school, pupils and staff. I currently have limited knowledge in this area and believe that this is an important area to improve to ensure I can manage the member of staff and her role efficiently. The member of staff is currently attending a diploma course in Health and Safety, which was organised by me through school. I have also arranged for myself to attend a 2 day workshop on Health and Safety within the workplace. A further area for development for me is HR & Recruitment policies and procedures. As a HR manager I feel that I have not received adequate training relating to HR Law, rules and regulations and Recruitment policies.I also feel this is the same for my team that manages the day to day processing of personnel matters, including contracts, sickness, maternity leave and much more. I have therefore arranged a one day seminar with a HR Adviser from OMBC to talk to myself and the team on HR & Recruitment policies and procedures to develop my team and I. Through Jane’s appraisal completed earlier this year and the SWOT analyses I feel that a vital area for development is her confidence with people, including staff and pupils. With her lack of confidence this sometimes affects her customer service, therefore I have arranged for a customer service course to be done at the school so Jane and 14 other staff receive training in this remit.Also to improve her confidence within the work place I ensure I give her tasks that encourages her to leave the sanctuary of the office and work with other colleagues in the school. Another development for Jane, which she is keen on is to commence her AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) qualification. This is an expensive course and I have arranged for the school to contribute funds towards the costs of this course. Jane will also be attending a one day seminar that I have arranged in relation to HR and Recruitment policies and procedures. She currently works in the Finance & HR office and all staff come into the office asking questions in relation to contracts, pay, special leave, recruitment and I feel this is an area for her to develop.I have also arranged for some training to be provided to Jane, by me, on the payroll system so she can learn how to process timesheets, unpaid leave, and sickness pay. Again this is another vital area for Jane to develop i n to enable her to progress in the future in her career. The development of my needs and the needs of my team are always connected to the service provided to the school and to improve their professional development. 2. 2 Identify support mechanism for the development of self and another member of the team. For me, Jane and all other members within my team there are a number of significant support mechanisms in place. These are: * Annual appraisals where discussion on past progress and future development takes place. Termly (3 times a year) 1:1 meets take place to discuss any issues, training requirements, any difficulties they may be facing. * Monthly team meetings providing updates, and any questions, queries or ideas the staff may have to improve service or themselves. * Termly www. ebi (what works well & even better if) feedback from staff in relation to the office or themselves. * Regular in-house training provided by me to improve necessary skills for their development of t hemselves and the team. *Flexible working arrangements if necessary. * Engraining a whole school Continuous Professional Development (CPD) attitude and constantly reminding staff that school funding is available for self-development. 2. Prepare a development plan to achieve a learning objective either for self or another team member. The below table has been extracted from the staff appraisal which is completed every year and referred to throughout the year to review and monitor the development of the staff members development. Development Need| Development Action. | Approx. Cost| Measure of Success (Training Outcomes)| Evaluation Outcomes (Individual Outcomes)| Who to take action /By| Customer Service training to improve confidence and service| Arrange training course to come to school and provide training for 15 staff (including Jane)| ? 800 for 15 staff| Jane to attend and complete course. Improvement to Jane’s customer service| Line ManagerCourse booked for March 2013 ins et day| AAT Qualification training for work and self-development| Oldham College contacted and course information, dates and costs sent out to me and Jane. Jane to commit to 2 evenings per week at college| ? 1200 approx. for 1st year. This is a 3 year course. | Jane to attend course over the year and enrol for year 2. | To improve knowledge of basic accounts, improve self-confidence with attending college. | Line Manager & Jane Doe. Information obtained by December 2012. Funding secured by February 2013. Enrol during August 2013. | HR & Recruitment Training| HR Adviser from OMBC contacted by Helen Sharples.They are to provide training in the school conference room for HR team| Free| Jane & other HR staff member to attend one day seminar| To improve knowledge of HR/ Recruitment policies and procedures for whole of the team| Line ManagerNovember Inset training day. | 2. 4 Describe a method that could be used to monitor the development of self and another member of the team . One method that can be used to monitor the development of people, myself and team members is an appraisal system. This is what is currently used in my place of work. The main objective of an appraisal system is to review performance, potential and identify training and career planning needs. Performance reviews give managers and employees opportunities to discuss how employees are progressing and to see what sort of improvements can be made or help given to build on their strengths and enable them to perform more effectively.They are also used to look back on what has been achieved during the specific period and agree objectives for the next year. By using the appraisals system this can help to improve a team member’s job performance by identifying strengths and weaknesses and determining how their strengths can be best utilised within the organisation and weaknesses overcome. They can help to reveal problems which may be restricting employees’ progress and causing i nefficient work practices. As a manager I appraise my team on an annual basis setting target and development needs. In their initial or annual appraisal the staff member and I talk about how they wish to develop and progress within their role and the team.The areas of development are then discussed to ensure training is provided, either in-house or an external provider, to meet the development needs. Target dates are then set to ensure the training has commenced or completed before the next appraisal. Throughout the year I monitor the progress of the team member on a regular basis to ensure they are developing as discussed and no issues have come up. When monitoring I review their targets through 1:1 meetings which are done every half term. At the end of the 12 month period the training and development of the person is reviewed and assessed to ensure the training has had a beneficial impact on the person and the service the team provide. They cycle then commences again with a new se t of targets for the next 12 months are agreed.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hardware and Software Selection Paper Essay
Technology plays a very important role in businesses because it helps make things so much easier as far as recording the information, create financial statements, and account management. Thus, computer hardware is what the companies use for data storage, and software packages are the tools businesses use to help the business run faster and easier. There are different types of hardware and software that the companies have to choose wisely to fit and benefit their businesses. It is important to have the hardware that help the company store, organize, manipulate, and update the amount of business information with the assistance of database management programs because the company would use the programs to keep track with its customers, employees, suppliers, and inventory. Also, the most important is that the programs allow the accountants and accounting clerks keep track and maintain with the company’s financial reports, and the programs allow them to manage the payrolls as well a s the account receivable and account payable to avoid error financial reports and tax returns. Riordan AIS Integration and End-User Information Access Technology plays a very important role in all types of businesses because it helps the organizations get things done must fast, easy, and secure. It also allows the organizations to maintenance their businesses as well as keep track with the clients or consumers. Thus, many organizations use hardware to record the company’s information, they also use the computer software as a method to protect their computers against hackers attack and other Internet treats. However, there are certain people in different level allow having access to the information, and the people who need access to the information would be the accountants (general and supervisors), accounting clerks, director of accounting and finance, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO. The accounting clerks needs to access to the information to edit or enter payments, billings, and adjustment of credit or debit for the business, and they also need to access to the General Ledger and Month end reports to ensure all the inf ormation is corrected to avoid future problems. Also, the general accountant and accounting supervisors need to view the reports to ensure the accounting clerks complete their tasks by enter all the information before month end. Once all the information are entered the director of accounting and finance would access to review the reports or edit them if needed to ensure that the finance are corrected such as Account Payable and Credit, and they will base on the information and number on the reports to make best decisions for the business. On the other hand, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO would access to the entire system to review all the reports such as month end reports and payment reports in order to see if the company is making or losing money. The bottom line would show that either the company is making profits or losing money and which areas. It is important for the reports to be accurate because the management would base on the information shows on these reports to make best decision for the business as well as the compan y. Riordan AIS Integration and Internal Controls Integrating the accounts receivable accounting process into an automated system requires specific internal controls to protect the company against fraud and theft. An efficient control system will protect the confidence of information, quickly identify errors, and remove the opportunity of compromise. Setting controls should also ensure the accuracy of data entered into the accounts receivable ledger, ensure a segregation of duties, and promote a timely presentation of financial reports in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, the company must ensure the integrity of all financial information. To determine the effectiveness of an automated accounts receivable process a system must be put in place to monitor it. Written control policies must be developed for all employees with access to automated systems or relative information. There must be a set protocol implemented for all activities. Management must be familiar with and closely monitor daily activities. Infogix, Inc. is a software company that helps businesses to monitor and analyze information. Independent, automated controls are implemented to monitor information from beginning to end. Infogix controls make sure that all activities comply with COBIT, all transactions are validated, and subsequently compliance costs are reduced. AIS Integration and Reporting Processes Enterprise integration of centralized accounting information system (â€Å"AIS†) at Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. (â€Å"Riordan†) brings a number of challenges with respect to reporting processes. Previously, Riordan’s various AIS deployed in regional offices â€Å"[have] been unable to achieve anything remotely resembling ‘seamless compatibility'†(Apollo Group, Inc., 2013, Riordanâ€â€Finance Overview, para. 5), with a corresponding lack of information portability and accessibility between offices. A centralized data warehouse for Riordan allows all regional offices to enter and store accounts receivable data in uniform data tables and procedures, permitting more easily comprehended data in nearly real-time accessibility. This enhanced data storage capacity also requires enhanced information reporting processes, with sufficiently powerful and flexible hardware and software packages to meet the complex and diverse needs of Riordan’s central administration and its many regional offices. Hardware Proposals Riordan’s multiple regional offices present a diverse requirement in terms of hardware needs. Most office workers will find their tasks sufficiently satisfied with standard personal computers, without requiring much customization by the organization aside from adherence to security protocol. Many sales and executive staff will require far more complex and diverse hardware packages in their work. Laptop computers allow nearly all capabilities of a personal computer in a more portable device, but may yet be too bulky when literally on the move. To this end, tablet computers and smart-phones allow access to the Internet and thusâ€â€with the proper credentials and softwareâ€â€sufficient accessibility to organizational information systems and communication networks. However, a balance must be found between convenience and cost-effectiveness in terms of actual hardware selection in these circumstances. Reporting Software Proposals Two powerful pieces of software for business reporting purposes are Crystal Reports and Business Objects. According to the marketing department of its publisher, Crystal Reports is â€Å"powerful, user-friendly applications †¦ [that] can help you deliver key insights to the right decision maker, at the right time, in the right format†(SAP, 2014, para. 1). This sort of software is a SQL programming tool to design and produce custom, automated reports from a variety of data sources in an organizational information system. The program engine may also be integrated into custom designed data entry and reporting software packages from other third-party vendors, allowing these powerful reports to be easily incorporated into packages custom designed to meet the organization’s informational needs. AIS Integration with Company Internet and Intranet Portals The company’s intranet should have information that allows employees to be more knowledgeable about the company. It should include items such as an employee directory; benefit plan details; structural information regarding the company; the company’s mission statement, goals, and objectives; and request forms for supplies and processes. Although detailed information regarding Accounts Receivable would not be shared on the Intranet, the large picture of the financial information for the company should be on the Intranet for employees to view. This could include quarterly financial reports, with the total accounts receivable amount integrated into the report. This would allow employees to feel empowered by knowing how the company is handling money. It also gives employees a feeling of contentment knowing that they are secure in their organization. In conclusion, it is important for the company to choose the best hardware and software to fit and benefit the company to ensur e that it aids the business as well as creating the financial reports and keep track with its customers. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portalâ€â€Riordanâ€â€Company intranetâ€â€Homepage. Retrieved from: Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portalâ€â€Riordanâ€â€Company intranetâ€â€Finance overview. Retrieved from: Bagranoff, N. A., Norman, C. S., Simkin, M. G. (2008). Core concepts of accounting information systems (10th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from University of Phoenix ACC/340â€â€Accounting Information Systemsâ€â€Course Materials. (2014) Empower your small business with SAP Crystal Reports. Retrieved from:
Developmental perspective to bullying Essay
Researches have found that the nature of bullying and victimisation changes with age and differs by gender as well. It is also found that previous experiences influence the likelihood that children will become bullies and/or victims. The type of aggression and the relationship context for the aggression change as the child grows and development occurs. A general guideline can be prepared for the type of aggression and the target of aggression that emerge in different stages of development of children. (Pepler, D. , 1999) Figure 3: Type of aggression by developmental stage (Pepler, D., 1999) A Social- Ecological Systems Perspective on Bullying Social –ecological system perspective looks at bullying in terms of influence from multiple environments. Figure 4: A social-ecological framework of bullying among youth (Espelage, D. L. et al 2004) This perspective is based on the understanding that bullying does not occur in isolation. According to this principle, bullying is a phenomenon that is encouraged or inhibited as a result of the complex relationship between the different entities, namely, the individual, family, peer group, school, community and the culture. As shown in figure-1, the individual is at the centre of the social ecology. The individual involved may be a victim, bully, bully-victim or bystander. Individual factors influence the participation in bullying through different actions or inaction. An example is how the individual gender mediates the engagement in bullying. The bully, bully-victim, or bystander, all could exist in a family. This points to how the family can influence bullying behaviours. The bullying behaviour between the siblings can influence the development of bullying or victimisation in the individual at school. The social ecology includes other entities such as peers and the school as well. The social environment at school also influences bullying and victimisation. If an individual attends a school where a bullying climate exists, it is likely to be involved in bullying either as a bully, victim or any other role. The peer group often influences how the individual is likely to behave in terms of bullying. If the individual’s peer group supports bullying, then the individual is more likely to engage in bullying behaviour. The community extends the environment of the school to other areas that the individual uses. The community consists of school, peer group, family, and the individual apart from other roles that the individual interacts in day-to-day life. The culture consists of the general norms, beliefs and practices that could either support or inhibit bullying of individuals. The ecological-systems theory is based on the principle that all individuals are part of an inter-related system that consists of several roles and entities, but keeps the individual at the centre and looks at how the other entities affect the individual from the perspective of bullying. This model was put forward by Bronfenbrenner (1979). It puts forth the nature of human interaction and behaviour and how it is inter-related to other systems. According to this theory, the child is an inseparable part of a social network that consists of inter-related systems. These systems can be categorised into four: micro system, meso system, exo system and macro system. These different systems are inter-related to each other and the child is at the centre of these systems and actively involved in the interplay of these systems. The micro system pertains to the child’s relationship with one system such as home, classroom or playground. It depicts the child’s interaction with others as well as other’s reaction to the bullying behaviours. It also includes the status of the child in the bully/ victim continuum at any point of time. The micro system takes into account the interaction between the bully, victim, bully-victim or the bystander and the social environment. This can either encourage the bullying behaviour or restrict it. The meso system involves the congruence of two or more environments that are relevant to the individual. An example of such environments is home and school. It includes the inter-relationship between these systems. The exo-system consists of influences from other contexts that are related to bullying. An example of this context is the effect of a school district’s anti-bully policy or even the involvement of parents in the school system. The macro system involves the influence of broader entities such as the society in general. It looks at the attitudes of the society towards the bullying behaviour. This theory provided framework for prevention and intervention techniques that can be derived from it. It also helps to measure the effectiveness of these programs by looking at it from different perspectives. It provides framework for collection of data from multiple informants who are in different sub-systems using different methods. The model also can be effectively used for assessment. This is because each individual or the school or the environment is different. Any intervention or prevention program need to take into account this peculiarity. It also provides a framework for different programs that are applicable to different sub-systems such as individual-focussed program, family-focussed program and system-focussed program. (Espelage, et al, 2004).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Effective Management and Leadership. Key Functions of Leadership and Essay
Effective Management and Leadership. Key Functions of Leadership and Management, and Their Application - Essay Example Leadership can be described as a calling. For one to practice as an effective leader, they must tap into management skills. It is important to note that leadership and management are two different concepts that must go hand in hand for the successful operation of an organisation (Armstrong, 2012:15). Notably, effective management and leadership are important in guiding a particular team towards the attainment of its goals and objectives. Particularly, any leader requires effective management skills to direct any organisation efficiently. One must therefore adapt excellent managerial principles to be an efficient leader. Various Theories of Leadership and Management and Appreciate the Contemporary Issues Facing Leaders and Managers There are various theories that can be used to describe the issues of leadership and effective management. For one to be an effective leader they must understand how an efficient team works therefore it is important to look at John Adair’s action cen tred leadership framework. This model supports previous on motivation by Maslow (Janet, 2006:45). The model offers a well defined strategy for the effective management and leadership of any group, team or organisation. It is a basic leadership and management framework that can be easily adapted or applied to various business situations. Effective managers and leaders have command of the three areas stipulated by the model. These are task, individual and team. Effective managers and leaders are said to have command of the three areas and can balance them to improve productivity within a team, improve staff morale, develop teams and build and improve quality. According to Adair’s framework, there are three basic responsibilities for management. These include accomplishing a particular task, managing a team or a group and managing people. The framework stipulates the roles and duties of a manager in achieving a given task. Some of the important roles that have been identified in clude defining the activities to be achieved, coming up with a plan on how to attain these tasks, monitoring and evaluating performance of the group and reporting the progress to the relevant authorities. The framework spells out the responsibilities of a manager towards the group (Gray, 2010:34). These are to set up and communicate to the members of the group the culture, ethics and aims and objectives of the group. Finally, it spells out the responsibilities of managers for different team members. Managers should understand their team members in terms of skills, personality, strengths, weaknesses and goal. This model concludes that management and leadership are different. Furthermore, good leaders are not necessarily effective mangers but good leaders will have effective management skills. Secondly, there is the management theory of leadership that is commonly referred to as the transactional theory. This model pays close attention to the role of group performance, supervision and organisation. It is based on a system of rewards for outstanding performance and punishments for substandard performance. From the leadership perspective, the relationship between managers and employees is an exchange. Both parties have something to offer. Rules and regulations are important in leadership (Forssell, 2008:78). Employees are not required to be creative or come up with solutions to problems. This framework is application in entities where there are simple problems. This model is only effective in specific situations and it hinders managers and employees from realising their optimum potential. There is the contingency theory of leadership and management that states that no leadership or management style is suitable for all work environments. According to the model, there are various
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
EFEECTS OF CGI (COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES) IN THE MEDIA INDUSTRY - Essay Example Computer generated images in digital media has also acted as a source of information, which has encouraged a participatory culture. This is by ensuring that the political process is more democratic and less elitist (Bennett and Strange, 2011). This paper aims at finding out how computer generated images impact on the media. Political campaigns usually capitalize on new means of communication in order to reach voters. This was evident in the 2008 U.S presidential elections whereby candidates used computer generated images and internet technologies to conduct their campaigns. Many political analysts liken the way President Obama used the internet in 2008 presidential campaigns to President Kennedys first use of television in presidential campaigns in 1960 (Bennett and Strange, 2011). Utilization of new media in political processes has mostly been viewed as a tool of reaching voters, especially the youth who are always reluctant to turn out and vote. Some digital media analysts have maintained that the effect of social sites like Facebook on political behavior of young voters is still largely unknown The proportion of candidates using digital media for electoral processes has been increasing since 1996 when the internet was initially used in the U.S during campaigns, but the use was extremely limited. The first substantial use of the internet for political campaigns occurred in 2000 during the presidential campaigns of Bush and Gore; these campaigns had sophisticated websites (Bennett and Strange, 2011). By 2008, features of digital media were more advanced and widely used in political processes than in previous years. Political analysts observe that the failure to include new media in campaign strategies can adversely affect campaigns. This is because social media has become relevant and cost effective tool for political mobilization and support. For instance, candidates who fail to utilize digital
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Global Leadership and Team Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global Leadership and Team Development - Essay Example The upper half of the picture is showing total opposite scenario. The picture is giving the idea of bossing attitude of the leader. Upper portion of the picture is not at all falling in line with leadership learning’s. The upper portion of the picture is showing how the leader is misusing his power of position. The picture is showing very little scope of motivations for followers from the side of their leader. The lower half of the picture is very much consistent with leadership learning’s. This portion of the picture is showing a suitable scenario for proper leadership. Here the leader is leading from the front. Here the leader is setting example for his followers. The Leader is motivating, inspiring and supporting his followers. In this half of the picture the leader is showing ways to his followers. The picture is totally falling in line with leadership learning’s. The picture is showing that there is a mission. The leader is inspiring his followers to achieve that mission. Here in this picture the leader is handling the whole situation and supporting his followers to reach towards common goal. The leader is not authoritative at all. Here in this portion of the picture the leader is sharing burden with his followers. The leader is not at all misusing his power of position. According to leadership learning’s leadership is all about leading from the front. This porti on of the picture is showing the same thing. So this part of the given picture is very much suitable and consistent with leadership theories (Burns 137). Communication affects leader’s ability to lead very significantly. Communication is one of the most important factors for leaders to lead a bunch of followers. Proper communication is very important to channelize followers towards their goals. It is very important for each and every leader to communicate their ideas to followers. Communication
Monday, August 26, 2019
Health Policy and the Federal Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health Policy and the Federal Government - Essay Example The congress is also tasked with the implementation of programs such as the Medicare and veterans administration. It also serves to ascertain that the various institutes of health research receive enough funding and support. The Congress also ought to mull over Medicaid and consider its funding sources (McLaughlin, 2008). The Congress has instituted committees that are tasked with the implementations of health programs and policies based on their specific needs. Various commissions perform functions that include standardizing, devising programs, financial control and supervision of the implementation. The Senate and the House of Representatives form the Congress. The Senate comprises of 100 members, two members from every state while the House of Representatives comprises of 435 members (McLaughlin, 2008). The duration of their term in office differs since the term of Senators expires after six years, while the House of representative members only last for two years. Both houses have four committees each, mandated with the task of deliberating on health issues. Since these houses have dissimilar times in office, the tasks of these committees also differ. Both houses make up eight committees that possess diverse expertise on health issues. Such representatives’ core task is to draft bills based on the appeals of the people, and forward them to the congressional clerk for consideration. The pertinent committee then takes up these opinions and creates motions that deliberate on various changes, through careful consultations. The clerk then conducts a poll and the draft passes the other house for further deliberation and final approval (Holtz, 2008). The bill then sets off to the president who finally ascends it into law. Eight steps form the core part of the legislation. Identifying the problem is the initial stage of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Topic is to be a catastrophic event of some kind Research Paper
Topic is to be a catastrophic event of some kind - Research Paper Example It is known to be the most devastating hurricane to strike in the history of the United States. It completely destroyed vast regions including New Orleans and Mississippi. It has been estimated that more than 1,700 people were killed and some thousands were found to be misplaced. Going by the records, Hurricane Katrina is regarded as the costliest storm because the damages caused by it were worth billions of dollars. The devastation brought about by Hurricane Katrina had maximum effect on the poor population. The storm exposed the abject poverty, political inefficiency and longstanding corruption in the southern states of USA. (Laforet, 2010) Factors that influenced Hurricane Katrina Scientists have proved that formation of tropical hurricanes like Hurricane Katrina is facilitated by the warming of waters of the oceans. Anthropogenic activities are responsible for global warming by way of massive emissions of dioxide of carbon, methane and other gases into the atmosphere. The scienti sts have estimated that huge loss of wetlands in the southeast of USA which is important for maintaining ecological balance is one factor that influenced the devastation caused the Hurricane Katrina. This loss of wetlands in New Orleans city was partly caused by man’s actions. When one of the dikes surrounding the city broke the city was left to remain submerged in the waters. No step was taken to clear the water. Three years prior to the Hurricane Katrina, the government designed a plan for reducing the destructive effect that can be caused by future floods and storms. The plan was to strengthen the levees surrounding the New Orleans city and execution of the plan needed an amount of $14 billion. Although storms of massive strength were already predicted, the Bush administration approved a much lower budget of $2 billion for the plan. Their excuse was that funds were needed for the security of their country and for the war in Iraq. Now that the government has demonstrated it s indifference towards the woes of the people and its inability to make proper Risk Management Plans, Bush has tried to justify himself by explaining that it was not possible to anticipate the rupture of the levees which guarded the New Orleans city. (Valenzuela, 2005) Preventive Measures that could be taken Voices have been raised to declare that nothing could have been done to prevent the massive destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. Such declarations cannot be considered as true and rather they are completely wrong. Although all damages could not have been averted, concrete and planned measures could be taken to minimise the effect of the storm. The areas that were destroyed by the hurricane lie along a path that has already suffered by destructive hurricanes many times in the past. In spite of that nothing was done to prevent the devastating event like Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans is one of the most vulnerable areas. It is surrounded by water on three sides and it lies belo w sea level. For many years there has been warning from engineers and scientists that if a major hurricane occurs, it would have devastating effect on New Orleans city which is guarded only by a network of levees and pumps. After the destruction caused by Hurricane Betsy in 1965, the levee system structure was altered to survive the force of category three hurricane, but Hurricane Katrina was of category four which is much stronger in force. It was predicted by the scientists that a hurricane
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Cloud Network Management Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Cloud Network Management - Literature review Example This will therefore depend on the understanding of the current freeform gameplays. 1.1.1 Project Key Words The key areas that this project scope will cover are the freeform gameplays, cloud networks, and intertwining these two elements to come up with an idea that is unique. 1.1.2 Freeform Gameplay Freeform gameplays are role playing games which use informal rule sets, emphasize costume and theatricality, and typically involve numerous players within a common setting. (Hughes, J., 1991). They typically involve about a hundred users who come together to play the game. They include Table Top role-playing game, Theatre-style live action role-playing game (LARP). They are made when a group of people meets within a central area. Examples of virtual freeform games include; GTA, Master-Ninja, and Call of Duty. 1.1.3 Project Goal Must people meet within a central place in order to have a role-playing game? The goal of this project is to eliminate this physical factor. So how do we still get these people to enjoy their hobbies? This is achievable via cloud networks. So we will demonstrate the position of cloud networks play within the Information technology sector. (Darklorden C., 2008). We will focus on its unique application within the freeform gameplays among other settings. We will examine strategies that adequately manage them in order to achieve efficient operation within the various services requiring cloud network. 1.1.4 Project Context The project will focus on the context of cloud networks within the freeform gameplays. How to apply them. Its setbacks and benefits 1.1.5 Project Objectives The objectives will be To focus on the role of cloud networks To determine their mode of operation To demonstrate its benefits in relation to the freeform 1.1.6 Techniques for Realization We will use research methodologies to meet the goals. A breakdown of this strategy will be, determination of market potential, conceptualization of implementation plan, and to ensure its ope ration. 1.1.7 Report Structure This report will mention the cloud networks, build its unique relationship with freeforms gameplays. Its principles of operations. The benefits we get on utilization of cloud networks, and how to handle them. Section 2: The Contextual Review 2.1 Market Research This segment focuses on the market possibilities of this project idea. Its prospected market will typically be within Australia, North America and Europe where real play freeform games have roots. (Morton B., 2007). They have a habit of live freeform plays that go way back to the 1970s. Basing on their passion, we will exploit this market when we conceptualize freeform gameplays within cloud network 2.1.1 Categorization of Gameplay Elements The elements will fall in the following categories; the actual characters, the scene setting, the rules of the game, and gaming incentives. 2.1.2 Game Comparisons The game comparisons will focus on different settings and scenes that are entertaining. The adve nture games have an intense hankering as they create suspense. Examples include GTA. We like the action games because of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Assessing Risk perception and Insurane Knowledge in Accra, Ghana Literature review
Assessing Risk perception and Insurane Knowledge in Accra, Ghana - Literature review Example Conventional policies have been used even though they are not necessary because the crisis in the Ghanaian insurance industry is not as acute as in some African countries. This has made a majority of the people in this city to participate in large scale asset purchasing and other business ventures with the aim of achieving stabilization in their lives and creation of employment (Buatsi, 2002). It has encouraged these individuals to turn towards the acquisition of insurance policies because of the risks involved in the diverse number of businesses that they are involved in despite the fact that the government policies that have been employed have created significant amounts of uncertainty with regards to their effectiveness hence proving the fact that its policies are not farsighted (Chalfin, 2008). One important channel that has come to affect the insurance policies is the currency value and much evidence shows that the depreciation of the currency value over the history of the count ry has tended to discourage individuals from subscribing for different insurance policies. The insurance policies in Ghana have been made in a manner that is relatively predictable and in asystematic way, the methods of advertising to the public by insurance companies has provided the latter with the necessary knowledge to know what type of policies to select for themselves. The key factors in these policies were aimed at being short term interest rates, and exchange rates together with monetary aggregates that could undergo adjustments in a free manner. One reason why many individuals choose to take insurance policies in this city is not necessarily to secure themselves against any potential losses but as a form of investment where they tend to put their spare money into what they consider to be worthwhile investments (Anim-Odame, 2012). Market expectations may also be considered to be a reason why individuals choose to purchase insurance policies because they believe that if anyth ing happens to the property which they have insured, then they will be able to recover it in a short time span from the insurance company. When normal rigidities in the insurance sector occur, changes in normal returns have an effect on the number of people who are interested in insuring themselves and this has over time been reflected in the economic decisions that were real which included investments and consumptions, as individuals opt to undertake lesser risks rather than purchase insurance policies. This has been observed to have an effect on the insurance sector as insurance companies compete to ensure that they attract a larger clientele than their rivals through the offering of insurance packages which are likely to encourage unlikely insurance policy purchasers to do so. While this has been the case in Accra, one of the biggest effects in the market was the global financial crisis which in the past few years has come to challenge the insurance industry of Ghana in three dif ferent ways. These have come to include financial disruptions that are wide spread, broke arbitrage conditions which hinders policy transmission on the yield curve; there is the presence of heightened vulnerability that leads to freezing of the markets, this is because there is the presence of self-fulfilling equillibria that is badly coordinated, and lastly there is severe recession that pushes the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
FINAL RESEARCH PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FINAL - Research Paper Example designate the following steps in gene therapy: â€Å"first, the partial removal of a patients cells, second, the introduction of normal, functional copies of the gene via vectors to replace defective cells in the patient, and finally, the reintroduction of the modified cells into the patient once the genes have been fixed in their vectors†(Bergeson). Treatment of diseases at the genetic level is a rather tempting prospect. Nevertheless, similar to any intervention in the human body, it can lead to completely unexpected results. Over half a century of development of this field of medicine scientists have received both positive and negative experience in the use of gene therapy. For this reason, currently, the question of whether the further development and use of gene therapy should be allowed is particularly important in modern science. However, despite the various ethical objections to genetic engineering, this paper defends the idea of further development of this field, sin ce the use of gene therapy is able to save a large number of human lives, as well as prevent the development of serious and dangerous diseases, which are rather difficult or even impossible to treat. As mentioned above, humanity suffers from a variety of serious diseases. Moreover, some of them have a hereditary nature that implies that they can pass from parents to their children. The problem is that many of these diseases are resistant to treatment. This means that people who suffer from them are doomed to a painful life. Unlike other healthy people who enjoy life, these people are regular patients of hospitals and clinics, and their lives are always subject to continuous risk. In this regard, gene therapy is seen as a revolution in modern science, which is able to save mankind from a variety of serious and even untreatable diseases that are transmitted by heredity. Historically, gene therapy was aimed at the treatment of hereditary genetic diseases, but later it has expanded its field of
Rebellion against romanticism Essay Example for Free
Rebellion against romanticism Essay Realism can be seen as a rebellion against romanticism, which, according to realists, did not depict life accurately and was prone to over-sentimentality. Realists did not believe in the structure and symmetry common in romantic fiction. Realists viewed life as irregular, where individuals were always confronted with ethical dilemmas. The realists also valued the individual, and thus characterization was considered a central aspect of the novel. This also means that realists explored the psychology of a novels characters. The values of realism extended to and influenced Henry James. James also dealt with ethical issues and the complex working of the mind in his fiction, and even became considered the â€Å"father of the psychological novel. †James, however, unlike realists in general, did not write in an attitude of optimism. A theme that James explored deeply is the conflict of America (the New World), which for him represented innocence and optimist, and Europe (the Old World), which for him represented worldliness and decadence. He wrote of Americans visiting or living in Europe, where American and European customs were in conflict. Because he lived back and forth in America and Europe, he was able to observe firsthand the differences between the values and customs of the New World and the Old. James was also interested in spiritual phenomena, which was of much popular interest in his time. This also influenced him into writing ghost stories, such as The Turn of the Screw. James, as a writer, was primarily a realist, and much of his work can be categorized as psychological realism. He was a master of the psychological novel. Like other realists in his time, was interested in writing about â€Å"everyday things†and paid careful attention to detail in his writings. He strove for an accurate depiction of American life, often in the context of Old World, European society.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions
Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions Student ID Number: 36845 Introduction Water is vital as it does not have a substitute and is a finite resource (Kaplan, 2011). The demand for water is ever increasing but the supply is decreasing or is constant. This demand is brought up by factors such as population increase, industrialization and agricultural needs. Some areas receive the right amount of whereas, others do not receive the right amount. These regions are known as arid regions where rainfall and water supply is less yearly causing droughts. The report will examine the feasibility of two techniques namely desalination and building dams and reservoirs for supplying fresh water to arid regions considering factors such as cost, technology, location and water quality. Background Kaplan (2011) points out that there is approximately 36 million cubic kilometres of fresh water available on the earth which equals to 3% and the rest 97% is salt water. 77% of the fresh water available is locked up in the polar icecaps, glaciers and icebergs, less than 1% in fresh water lakes, springs and rivers. The rest is found in plants, atmosphere and human bodies. However, another argument put forward by Kaplan (2011) was that just over a half of the fresh water available on the earth is being used. This means that there is plenty of fresh water available but is inefficiently used, wasted in simpler terms and not evenly distributed across the world. Therefore, arid regions are formed as they do not receive the right amount of water demanded from their population in that area. UNEP (1992) reports about 47% of the surface of the earth being arid or semi-arid. This shows almost half of the world is without water whereas, some places have plenty of fresh water available. Another r eport of UNEP (1997) claims about 2 billion people live in arid regions and in many cases in very poor conditions. This shows the need and importance of development of ideas and techniques to provide fresh water to these regions. Figure 1 Global dry land areas by continent Continent Extension Percentage Arid Semi-arid Dry subhumid Arid Semi-arid Dry subhumid (million ha) Africa 467.60 611.35 219.16 16.21 21.20 7.60 Asia 704.30 727.97 225.51 25.48 26.34 8.16 Oceania 459.50 211.02 38.24 59.72 27.42 4.97 Europe 0.30 94.26 123.47 0.01 1.74 2.27 North/central America 4.27 130.71 382.09 6.09 17.82 4.27 South America 5.97 122.43 250.21 7.11 14.54 5.97 Total 1 641.95 1 897.74 1 238.68 Mha=106ha. Source: FAO (2002) Figure 1 above shows the percentage and the distance in hectares (ha) of the surface of the earth that can be classified as an arid or a semi-arid region. From the table; Africa and Asia have the largest extension of arid zones, they account for more than a half of worlds arid regions (FAO, 2002). Comparison of options: Desalination According to Kucera (2014), desalination is defined as the â€Å"process of removing dissolved solids, such as salts and minerals, from water.†Desalination was used practically first in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries by sailors. Desalination is sometimes referred as distillation and sailors back in the sixteenth century used simple distillation technique to evaporate sea water and collecting the fresh water. The figure below from Kucera (2014) shows the total desalination capacity by different countries since 2003. The highest percentages of desalination capacity are led by the Middle East countries i.e. Saudi Arabia and UAE followed closely by; Spain, USA, China, Algeria, Australia, Israel, and India, respectively. Figure 2 Kucera (2014) Figure 2 above also shows that desalination is a process that is mainly operated by the developing countries. Not a single African nation is seen in the figure means that the most arid region of the world is not using desalination process. Keyes , Conrad Fahy, Tansel, Berrin (2012) claim desalination have two major technological methods involved i.e. membrane and evaporative also known as thermal. Middle East use the evaporative technology while, the USA depend on the membrane process of desalination as it is more technologically advanced and has a cost advantage. â€Å"Desalination water treatment plants must be managed in an environmentally compatible manner and requires significant environmental assessment efforts depending on the quality of the concentrate and geographical location of the facility†(ibid, 2012). This shows the process of desalination for providing fresh water to arid region is quite costly and requires attention to the environment as only developing countr ies like the UAE and the USA can afford to use. Building dams reservoirs: A dam is a structure built along rivers or streams that are used to control the water flow and store the water in reservoirs during the rainy season and release as needed during the times of drought. Reservoirs are artificial lakes that store the water (UNEP, 2000). The stored water is used in several ways; irrigation, domestic use, producing hydro-electricity and leisure activities. .Abu-zeid and.El-Shibini (2010) states â€Å"the only main source for Egypt’s water is the River Nile.†Therefore Egypt is also considered part of the arid regions of the world. The Aswan High Dam was built on the River Nile in Egypt to control floods, produce HEP- Hydro-electric power and irrigate their lands in 1971. The dam had positive impacts on rapid growing population of Aswan province. The tourism industry and the fishers noted a growth in their businesses. The majority of the Egyptian population also depends on the river for its water for domestic and industrial use. The figure bel ow represents the area in hectares-ha of irrigation in countries of Africa in 1997. (University of Michigan, n.d.) The figure shows Egypt irrigated 3.3 million hectares in 1997, and that number will keep on increasing as population increases (University of Michigan, n.d). However, some negative impacts are noted by Abu-zeid and El-Shibini (2010) that during the construction of the dam several Egyptian residents and monuments had to immigrate to the cities of Lower Egypt. The dam being 111 metres high and 3830 metres long costs the Egyptian government about 1 billion dollars (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2014). This shows building dams and reservoirs can have some drawbacks in the short run like cost, re-settlement, natural disasters and water borne diseases but in the long run it also improves the economy of the country and it helps the population of the country in irrigation, power and leisure activities. Recommendation and Conclusion It can be concluded that to provide water to arid regions of the world both the techniques are feasible. Desalination works when the region has a source of salt or seawater. Although, it is quite costly and not very friendly to the environment, it is now widely used in many countries which prove it to be efficient. On the other hand, building dams and reservoirs is very efficient and advantageous to the economy of the country. It attracts tourists, irrigates land, provides hydro-electric power and stores water for domestic use by the population of the country. However, it is also very expensive to build a dam or a reservoir, during the construction people have to be moved, diseases are prone from the water and highly depends whether the region has a source of water like river flowing. Thus, looking at the differences in requirements desalination is better than dams and reservoirs to provide fresh water to arid regions. References: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2014). Aswan High Dam. [online]. Accessed at: 27/03/2015. Available at: FAO. (2002). Land degradation assessment in drylands LADA project. World soil resources report no.97. ROME Kaplan International Colleges. (2011). Skills for study 2: Water. [podcast][mp3]. Nottingham, UK: KIC Keyes Jr., Conrad G. Fahy, Michael P. Tansel, Berrin (2012). Concentrate management in Desalination-case studies. American Society of Civil Engineering(ASCE). [online]. Accessed at 27/03/2015. Available at: Kucers, J. (2014). Desalination: water from water. Canada. Serivener Publishing Llc. M.A.Abu-zeid and F.Z.El-Shibini (2010). International Journal of water resources development: Egypt’s High Aswan Dam. 13(2). p.p 209-217. University of Michigan. (n.d). Human impacts on the Nile River. [online]. Accessed at 27/03/2015. Available at: UNEP. (1992). World atlas of desertification. 2nd Edition. Nairobi UNEP. (1997). World atlas of desertification. 2nd Edition. Nairobi UNEP(2000). Lakes and Reservoirs: Similarities, Differences and Importance. Osaka: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP IETC)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Message Of Islam Theology
The Message Of Islam Theology The word Islam is derived from the root word salaama means peace, obedience, purity, and submissions. Islam means abiding peace and obedience to the will of God. While other religions derive their name from either a tribe, or a geographical area or a founder, and Islam derives its name from the central ides of peace and submission to god. The followers of Islam call them as Muslims or Musalmans. The word Hindu is derived from the Sanskrit root word Sindhu and used by Persians, ancient Greeks and many foreigners to denote the people who lived beyond the river Indus. The word Hinduism was invented by the british scholars in 1830s to denote the religious traditions of the native Indians to distinguish them from the other recognized religions. The message of Islam came to Muhammad for the first time through the angel Gabriel in 610 A.D., in a cave on Mount Hira. He kept on receiving the answers to his questions rest of his life and then he put all together in the book called Quran, which is the only holy book of Islam. Quran is the only book in the world which cannot be ever translated. Hinduism considers Vedas as their teachings of God. The Vedas are the earliest sacred books of Hinduism. The end part of Upanishads, which constitutes the philosophical base of Hinduism known as Vedanta and contains the elements of monotheism and description of God as the supreme deity of universe. Other important sources of Hinduism are the Vedantas, the Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita, Tantric texts, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. As Aldous Huxley once said The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ev er revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity. The muslims practices the following so called Five Pillars, which are mentioned in the Quran. Shahadah is also known as the daily recitation of There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger (Quran). Salat is the rituals performed Five times a day: dawn, at midday, mid afternoon, sunset, and nighttime. Zakat which is the amount of money from a persons total income donated to the poor and the needy. Sawn which is a period of fasting from dawn to dusk in the ninth month of muslim calendar. During this fasting muslims avoid all food, liquid, sex and tobacco. The final pillar is called Hajj which is the pilgrimage to a sacred city of Mecca once in their lifetime. In Hinduism God is worshipped in many different ways. The daily rituals are performed by an individual several times a day in which offerings are made to gods, the elements, ancestors, animals and the humans. Many people also worship by visiting the temple everyday in the morning. Ramayana states that Wealth springs fr om dharma, from dharma comes happiness and one gets everything from dharma. Dharma is the essence of this world(Valmiki). Pooja is the popular form of worship in which prayers, chants, flowers, incense sticks, and others things are offered to gods, like said in Ramayana Whatever is ones food, the same food shall be offered to ones gods (Valmiki 2.103.30)Some Hindus also participate in satsangs or religious gatherings and perform the singing and chanting of the names of gods. Many Hindus practice fasting on specific days of the weeks or on some festivals. Hindus also visits certain sacred places and temples for their own beings. A visit to Varanasi for a dip in Ganges is considered very purifying and spiritual uplifting. There are many festivals celebrated by hindus out of which some are Diwali, Navaratri, Uttarayan, Ganesh Chaturthi and many more. Muslims deny believing or worshiping any other god but Allah, who is their almighty. He is not only the highest god of muslims, but also of all the people in the world. He is close to his loyal worshippers, whom he forgives their sins and blesses them with peace and happiness. They believe in free will and fate. According to muslims, Allah knows everything that happened, that has been happening and that will happen. He made humans responsible for their actions and choices. Anyone can convert to Islam easily. According to their traditions, anyone who follows Allah and takes Muhammad as his messenger becomes a muslim because Quran says that He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah (al-Nisa 4.80). Hinduism believes in existence of Brahman, the supreme Lord of the universe who is eternal and stable. Three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are his three main forms which are endowed with their work of creation, preservation and destruction. According to Hindus, god can be worshipped in too many different ways. Many Hindus worship gods into their personal forms chosen by themselves. Hinduism believes in worshipping god as in the image or the statue or an object. They also believe in peaceful life lived with truth and honor, like once said in Mahabharata, Should even ones enemy arrive at the doorstep, he should be attended upon with respect. A tree does not withdraw its cooling shade even from the one who has come to cut it (12.146.5). And Mahatma Gandhi also said I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism. Hinduism and Islam believe in the God as a supreme Lord of the universe, and as a creator of the whole system. Both religions believe that god has blessed humans with free will which make themselves responsible for their actions and choices. Allah is known by 99 names and the person who learns them all by heart goes in the heaven. The Brahman of Hinduism also has many names and by chanting them a person can attain him. Both believe that god responds to all the people who worship him and blesses them. Hinduism believes in karma. Islam believes that good rewards for good deeds and punishment for bad dreams. And Quran states Whoever does good deed, he shall be repaid ten-fold; and whoever does evil, and he shall be repaid with evil (5.32). Both religions believe in non-violence and killing no human life. In Hinduism the path of truth is far more important than the belief or disbelief in god. Islam does not recognize any other religions other than they are specifically mentioned in Quran . We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to him do we submit (29.46). Muslims believe that they in something that is been revealed to them and believe that everybodys god is same. Both religions believe in praying gods and reciting their name and ask for gods forgiveness. Muslims believe in praying only one god Allah, where as Hindus pray to one god but in different forms and incarnations. A person can be converted to Islam by praying to Allah or by taking Muhammad as their own messenger. Whereas in Hinduism a person becomes a Hindu by birth or by personal choice, without taking any messenger or following particular god permanently. Islam does not accept anyone between humans and god and in Hinduism there is a presence of priest for the right directions. Islam does not have any high priest or gurus, whereas Hindus has like the highly respected gurus who people follow and seek for more knowledge from them. Islam does not believe in rebirth. Hindus believe going in heaven or hell but they believe that the soul gets its freedom back through rebirth. Hinduism does not have the concept of messengers like Muslims have Muhammad as their messengers to god. Muslims laws are well versed in Quran as to punish the one who oppose the commands of Allah, and in Hind uism the laws are not imposed by the religious groups or people but are through the government. Islam does not accepts god as his own creation where as Hindus accept that god is a supreme Lord of his creation and also as an individual as atman in every human-being as it is stated in The Bhagwad Gita, The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument. Hinduism does not see any difference between god and other living beings. In Islam man can only be the true follower of god and the others are made just to benefit man. In Islam there is no concept of Trinity. They believe that god is one and only. Hinduism has three highest forms of god known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The belief system in Hinduism and Islam has a great effect on the present day society. There is a great development and change in Hinduism over the centuries and has spread all over the world. Islam has also spread over the years and has mostly spread by trade and the people conquered by them. Hinduism and Islam are two major religions in modern world with a great amount of people following in the various parts of the world. Work Cited Huxley, Aldous. Quotes About Hinduism. (30 Quotes). Goodreads Inc., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. . Gandhi, Mahatma. Hinduism Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. . MuhÃÅ'Â £ammad, ZÃÅ'Â £afr-AllaÃÅ'„h H. The Quran. London: Curzon, 1978. Print VaÃÅ'„lmiÃÅ'„ki, , and Ramesh Menon. The Ramayana. New York: North Point Press, 2003. Print. PrataÃÅ'„pachandra, RaÃÅ'„ya, and Mohan G. Kisari. The Mahabharata. Calcutta: Bharata Press, 1884. Print. Gupta, Prashant, M D. Gupta, and N K. Vikram. Bhagwad Gita. New Delhi: Dreamland Books, 1996. Print.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
DOES ABORTION SANCTION EVIL? By Joseph Kellard from Capitalism Magazine/Feb.98 This interesting article written by Joseph Kellard is a pro-choice article that examines the issue of abortion from a moral perspective. He comments on the opinions of Christian Conservatives and compares their thinking to Adolph Hitler’s feelings on abortion. Kellard points out the irony of anti-abortionists when they say that â€Å"all life is precious†, when they actually discount the life of the pregnant woman. Conservative syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas is quoted as saying that â€Å"abortion’s legalization is a goose-step toward Nazi concentration camps.†He said that pro-abortionists are creating a â€Å"culture of death†, much like the Nazis did. He goes so far as blaming the violent acts of criminals on people who support abortion. Other conservative anti-abortionists call the legalization of abortion â€Å"the American Holocaust.†Kellard quoted Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf, as saying â€Å"I put an end to the idea that a woman’s body belongs to her...Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand.†Hitler sentenced Aryan women who had abortions to hard labor after the first offense, and to death after the second offense. Kellard goes on to say that Conservative Christian anti-abortionists have similar beliefs to Adolph Hitler. He actually feels that in some ways Hitler was more lenient because some anti-abortionists believe that a woman should be executed after her first abortion, not her second! Kellard believes that Hitler and anti-abortionists both deny individual autonomy and â€Å"render people submissive†. He goes on to criticize the idea that â€Å"all life is precious†, because in fact the woman’s life is not considered as important as the embryo or fetus. This makes a woman no more important than a ‘farm cow’, who is demanded to breed whenever she gets pregnant. This is the way Nazi youth were trained.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Doll’s House by Henrik Isben Essay -- English Literature Essays
A Doll’s House by Henrik Isben A Doll’s House by Henrik Isben is about a young woman and her life. The main characters name is Nora Helmer. She is married to a bank manager named Trovald. In the early years of their marriage just after their first child Trovald becomes ill. Doctors say that he will not live unless he goes abroad immediately. Nora takes it upon herself and borrows two hundred and fifty pounds from a money leader named Krogstad. She was dishonest with Trovald and said her father gave it to her. It was illegal because she forged her dying fathers signature on the document. Nora Helmer in a A Doll’s House is a women ahead of her time. In order to protect her children from a false life, she inflicts tragedy upon herself by leaving every thing she has by walking away. She puts herself in this tragic situation by not being honest. Nora lies to herself and the ones she cares about. Before she leaves her life is not her own person she is carrying on life as a role. Making others happy, instea d of herself. As the play goes on, Nora seems to transform from her delicate little character into something much more. At the end of act one, Krogstad goes to Nora for the recollection of the money she had borrowed from him. "You don’t mean that you will tell my husband that I owe you money?" (21). Since Nora was wrong in doing so socially, she could not tell Torvald or anyone else about her problem. Not only would that affect their social standard but also Torvald's ego, which inevitably would happen anyway. After Krogstad threatens to expose Nora for forging her father's signature, she realizes that no matter what she does Torvald was going to know the truth. The flaw within this patriarchal framework becomes apparent when Nora discovers that she has no legitimate name of her own. She can use neither her married name nor her maiden name to borrow money. She finds that she cannot appropriate her father's name. In other words, as a married woman she has neither authority nor identity. Pani c begins to set in and she begins to feel helpless because she has no power to do anything about the situation. In act two Nora continues to act as she is supposed to, as a perfect housewife. She confides in her friend Mrs. Linde about her problem with Krogstad for the first time, which shows that she is starting to break free from Torvald and think for herself. Knowing th... ... all my very own" (62) ? By walking out she takes a position equal to her husband and brakes society's expectations. When we learn that the representation for Nora was intelligent and ambitious everything falls in to place. There is no need to wonder about motivation or changes of character sudden disclosure. The story A Doll’s House is believable. It stands for every marriage where equality never took place. Many women knew their social status and lived as they were meant to, but for the few that realized there was more to the world then the sheltered life they were living, broke free. Nora was one of the women who knew her place and acted accordingly until she saw that her name had no real value. She was not looked at as an individual, but she was seen as her father's daughter or her husband's wife. The turning point for her decision to break free from this world and start her own life is very believable. She comes to see that her marriage isn't real. Nora no longer loves her husband and knows that he does not truly love her as well. She knows that there is so much more to discover in the world to understand, and until she does she will not allow another man to control her life.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Living in an Apartment or Living in a House Essay
Throughout life I have stayed in many different places. Moving from the Philippines, Georgia, and then Texas has given me the opportunity to live in a wide variety of residences. My family and I have experienced residing in both apartments and houses. We have observed many differences in the two choices of homes and have become very knowledgeable of life in both dwellings. Living in an apartment or living in a house? When you are trying to save money and only have so much to spend each month, a lot of people would choose to rent an apartment. When renting an apartment, you choose to live in a smaller space and agree to all of the terms and conditions of a lease. Following these lease agreements may sometimes involve paying an additional amount to house a pet or to park in a specific spot. Renters must abide by all rules enforced by the apartment complex. Living in an apartment is not just following rules and paying rent, it can also provide many great things. Many people that are renting apartments are unable to afford essential appliances such as a washer and dryer or oven. Usually an apartment can either provide you with these necessary appliances or they will give you the option to rent them. With these issues taken care of, all you have to worry about is paying the rent, electricity, and the food you are eating. Apartments are ideal for an individual who is in need of a place to stay temporarily. While living in an apartment home, you will have to deal with the noises being made by your neighbors who live next-door as you are trying to sleep. Little annoyances like this may be a huge inconvenience to you if you have work the next day or need to study for a test in the morning. Some people crave an environment with more privacy or a bigger yard for their pets or children to run around in. When I was living in an apartment with my family, the apartment was too crowded for such a big family like mine. My parents could only bear to stay in the apartment for a short amount of time as we eagerly waited for our new house to get built. After six long months, we were more than ready to finally leave that tiny apartment behind. We left learning that something so small was not for our large family of seven. Once we settled into our house we absolutely loved it! The open space was more than enough for all of us. Living in a house is a great idea for people who have or plan on having a really big family. While living in a house you can have your own driveway, you have a lot of room to move around, and you don’t have to worry too much about a place to park. In a house, you don’t have to worry about the neighbors upstairs or next door making obnoxious noises and you aren’t walking on eggshells trying to abide by as many rules as an apartment complex. You don’t have to carry your trash down from second or third floor because you have your own trashcan in front of your house! A house can cost a little more money but I would consider it as an investment in a property. Unlike an apartment, your payment every month will benefit you in the long run. In an apartment, there are many rules when it comes to altering it. In a house you can do whatever you please. For example, you can change the color in the kids’ rooms, your kitchen, and the bathrooms. If you want, you are even allowed to alter the color of your carpet and all of the doors in the house! For some people, having a large kitchen where you can cook and a full-sized living room where all their friends and family can watch the game may be more appealing than a compact apartment space. Having a house is ideal if you need more space. For those of us who only need a room to stay in, I would advise them to rent an apartment. A house is good for a big family and people who want their privacy. In an apartment, you don’t have to worry about keeping up with all the appliances and have to cut the grass every two week in the summer. But either or they have their good and bad it is just really up to you to decide which whatever you prefer is good for you or and your family.
Class Classifications
The following essay is based on the movie Elysium which conveys a futuristic view of humanity's evolution whereby Earth's wealthiest fled the planet to preserve their way of life leaving the financially unstable and the sickly behind. Social inequality In the film Elysium Is constructed by depicting a dyspepsia society (Elysium 2013) This can be evidenced through the Imagery, architecture, agricultural landscape, language, Ideas, values and norms portrayed In the movie (Giddiness, A 2009). Social Inequality In the film Elysium is constructed by depicting a dyspepsia society.Elysium explores sociological themes such as class issues, poverty, immigration, over population, healthcare and exploitation, social inequality, mobility. Social inequality is depicted on earth whereby its citizens were classified as a minority group and were limited to their social status and class stratification (Elysium 2013). First we consider material inequality which was evident in the movie due to disparit ies of income, property and wealth. Secondly, inequality associated with employment and the labor market and thirdly, inequality arising from the lack of healthcare resources and education yester.Social mobility Is the movement of an Individual or a group in a social position to upper or lower classes In the means of health status, literacy and better standard of living through migration to Elysium as asylum seekers to escape their socio- economic level as refugees (Dodd, J. J 2010). Attributes such as age, gender, race or ethnicity further distinguish people in terms of class and status in context of femininity and hegemonic masculinity, depicting the dominant social position of men and women in Elysium and on earth on how gender in terms of employment are resent on earth as well.Most importantly how all these pieces of popular culture is reflective to the current Australian society in their similarities and disparities. Social mobility is essential to the plot of the movie as most of the citizens on earth aspire to a higher social class for a better standard of living (Dodd,J. J 2010). Social inequality is constructed in the film In the film by depicting a dyspepsia society. This Is evidenced through the Imagery of earth, the architecture of buildings In ruins, landscape, language, Ideas and norms.The infrastructure on earth Is dilapidated, not maintained and cared for, the environment Is a barren wasteland with high levels of pollution from industrial outlets. Earth was mainly used for the manufacturing of droid's where the lead character was employed for assembling them. Droid's were utilized to police and keep order on the vastly populated earth. Lack of educational facilities on Earth affected children who became â€Å"dreamers†for a better world with an inevitable future of despair (Elysium 2013). The work force on these druid factories wowed the disparities of status in the employment hierarchy.John Carlyle the CEO of Marlene, had a separate of fice whereas the employees and supervisors were on the floor. The CEO only Intervened when there was adherence in production. The character portrayed emotional detachment to the employees treating them as If they were mere objects. (Western, M & Baxter, J 2007). In Elysium, the environment had a very sterile and futuristic look, well planned and Idyllic to the citizens. Everything on earth Is In despair and decline, the rich on the other hand have every resource available to them in their paradise in space.The landscape is beautifully maintained, two worlds is evident and the introduction of the movie constructs this accurately for the viewer's portraying the severe inequality in the social class stratification. On Elysium the privileged strive to preserve their prestige lifestyle whilst on Earth the citizens are left to fend for themselves to struggle amongst overpopulation, poverty, low healthcare standards. (Garage, B 2002). Australia is an egalitarian society, however social ine quality exists to quite a large extend.There are numerous inequalities present in the Australian society which has a propensity to divide the community into different groupings (Heinlein, J, Passim, A & Passim-linseed, A 2014). According to (Garage, B 2002) Mar's approach has been extremely useful in understanding inequality in Australia today. However, the revised approach from Erik Olin Wright argues that importance of education in the twentieth century led to groups arising whose economic roles were determined by educational qualification and expertise rather than work done with hands (Garage, B 2002). Inequality inAustralia is largely dependent on differentiation of social classes. The working class represents the largest class in the workforce and the capitalist class the smallest portion of the workforce. (Heinlein, J, Passim, A & Passim-linseed, A 2014). In (Dodd, J. J. 2010) the possibility of upward social mobility is strengthened through belief in one's own life and these ideas are re-in forced through movies and the American culture. Social mobility can be understood as the â€Å"movement of individuals and groups between different class positions as a result of changes in occupation, lath or income†. Giddiness, Dunedin, & Applesauce, 2007). Material inequality of the labor force and poor work management led to the main character Matt Damon being lethally exposed to radiation. He was given a bottle of pills but no proper medical care. Matt Damson's character was exploited by the capitalist class for capital gain and once he was no longer able to contribute to the workforce he became a liability and let go. As a result of, the main character had no choice but to go through intergenerational mobility, a change in class position.Social interaction is drastically sacking on earth, there is no face to face interaction. The robots act as authority figures and do not react in relation with the citizens. They follow standards of conduct and behave ac cordingly, showing no emotions which are key elements of social interaction (Furze, B, Saw, P, Bryn, R & Lie, J 2008). The belief of a possible upward social mobility is are reinforced in the movie and in the modern Australian society. Upward social mobility is central to the plot and the outcome of the story in Elysium.According to Marx, class is defined as where a person stands in regards to reduction (Capital Industry) whereby the democratic society of Elysium act as the â€Å"bourgeoisie†who own the means of production and dictate to the residents on earth who are the â€Å"proletariat's†and perform labor intensive and manual tasks. Both the bourgeoisie and proletariat's had opposing interests leading to hostility and conflict. In Elysium the opposing interests between the capitalist and working class led to hostility and conflict.The working class became impoverished and disadvantaged which led to a revolution for upward social mobility to improve their circumst ances Garage, B 2002). Another very key issue that was portrayed in the movie was the concept of ethnicity, looking at Australia which has a complicated history where Just under a quarter of its population are first generation migrants. It is a multi-cultural cultures of people residing together which made them feel a sense of belonging towards one another based on cultural similarities like language spoken, religion, food and lifestyle patterns.On Elysium the residents were indifferent, all vastly wealthy and are almost white compared to earth. They built hierarchies and lassie people into categories mostly on the basis of class and status. Since they were wealthy they believed they were far more superior and smarter to the lower class thus forcing them to seek refuge on earth to perish or survive the atrocious conditions on earth. Popup,J 2002) States that Australia is an immigrant society. Continual immigration has attributed to the affluent society that we have present today.Ass imilation due to the increasing number of immigrants in the Australian Society meant disappearance of many characteristics which differentiated individuals room each other. Popup, J 2002). Since Earth being a manufacturing and industrialized society, the idea of masculinity was interpreted and men were usually bread winners as hard labor was required. Femininity was constructed as the women on Earth were utilized in domestic duties and offered health care services to the sick and injured (School, S, Buskin,J & Long, J 2002.On Elysium feminism in regards to gender plays a pivotal role where Jodie Foster who plays the role of Secretary of Defense shows no tolerance to refugee/ asylum seekers and orders execution even before they reach Elysium (School, S, Buskin,J & Long, J 2002). However, the CEO and the president are male in gender which portrays patriarchy depicting a male dominance hierarchy in governance (Bolton, T, Bonnet, K, Jones, P, Lawson, T, Skinner, D & Stonewort, M 2002).T he citizens on earth who strives to migrate into Elysium were a minority group which was further distinguished into small groups, in context with ‘mechanical solidarity Druthers stated that †what holds these small groups together is a ‘shared collective†where there is not much differences in the beliefs of the society once they expanded (Day, G 2006). It was the sameness of status that the citizens had which made them work together as a unit through understanding each other's values and norms (Day, G 2006). Staying on earth was not out of free will.It was taken away from the lower class thus they were treated like slaves. Women were perceived as a minority group in context with class stratification whereby they did not have equal privileges in the society. It is understandable that social inequality does exist in the current Australian society however, the lower classes have the opportunity to halogen the set social order and improve their class status thro ugh upward social mobility. Education plays a significant factor as the well learnt can strive for high income earning positions that will contribute to their personal and capital wealth.In Australia, education is available to people of all classes and there is no barrier to it. Thus, the opportunities and privileges previously available to the higher social class can now be attained by an individual from a lower class allowing them to be socially mobile and to better their lifestyle. Class and ethnicity play a significant role in the rent Australian society as it distinguishes individuals. Individuals in the same social class may not experience the same status as modern societies are more complex and can be stratified in several ways.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Explore How Black People Are Differently Treated by the Criminal Justice System Essay
Racial prejudice is not unique to modern day society, it has been with us for a long time, this has been coupled with the belief that certain racial groups are less intelligent, or backward compared to white European stock, nowhere is this more true than in the criminal justice system. In 1869 Francis Galton published a book called â€Å"Hereditary Genius†this contained a chapter called â€Å"The Comparative Worth of Different Races†which considered that black Americans were genetically inferior to white Americans. Galton stated that blacks scored on average 15 IQ points below whites. (Coleman 1987) We can see that within the field of criminal justice, and with Galton’s work considered that black people were bound to be treated differently due to a belief born out of misunderstanding of the nature of culture and individual personality differences, the hereditary argument has never been scientifically proved or disproved. The 1991 census showed that 5. 5% of the population were from an ethnic origin, with 1. 6% of these being black from an Afro-Caribbean background. It was reported that a higher amount of the ethnic minorities was of younger people than in the general population, and it can be seen that this alone could be a reason for the proportionately higher level of blacks in the criminal justice system , going on the grounds that in the indigenous population it is the younger generation, those aged 14-25 years that commit the vast majority of crime. Crime by ethnic minorities, and in particular young black males can also be seen to be a social situation, and may be a product of sheer logistics. Many new immigrant families move into what is perceived as a high crime area, particularly inner city areas, where housing may be cheaper and unemployment is higher than at a national level. These areas may receive more police attention than richer areas and therefore the new immigrant families come to the attention of the police more than those in more rural areas. xenophobia may also cause the police to over react when dealing with black families. A study by Goreman & Coleman (1982) looking at personality and attitudes within the British police force, showed that the average police constable was indeed racist. They asked in the study for police officers to write a short essay, some of the comments were vigorously racist, comments such as, â€Å"†¦ Certain members of the coloured population that l have met are OK but the majority of youths of the West Indian community are savage ignorant vicious thieving bastards†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦. most of them are just dirty†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦ over 50% of trouble is caused by niggers†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦ smelly backward people who will never change†¦ †(Coleman 1987). In the last 10 years most public agencies, including the police force, have formed equal opportunities policies, these apply not only to recruitment but also to the way people are treated, and is especially needed in the criminal justice system where there are disproportionately more blacks than whites in the prison system in comparison to the size of the black population in society as a whole. It was reported in 1982 that black people made up 18% of the prison population, but only accounted for 5% of the general population. The figures are worse for Afro-Caribbean males, 1% of the population, but 11% of the prison population. (Home Office 1982). During the 1980’s it became apparent that blacks were more likely to be stopped by the police. The British Crime Survey in 1988 found that 14% of Asians, 15% of whites, but 20% of Afro-Caribbean’s reported being stopped by the police in the preceding year (Skogan 1990) The British Crime Survey also reported that there was some evidence that crimes detected by the police and those reported by the public seemed to have a racial bias. Blacks and Asians also complained more than whites about the way they were treated once arrested by the police (Skogan 1990). On the subject of arrest it seems also that blacks are treated differently in this process. A survey by the PSI (Policy Studies Institute) in 1983 found that blacks were disproportionately arrested, they found that 5% of the population of London were black, but 17% of those arrested in London were black. Further studies by Walker (1988) & (1989) support these findings. Landau & Nathan (1983) reported that there is evidence to suggest that blacks will be cautioned less than whites, a white youngster is four times more likely to receive a caution than a black juvenile. Also black juveniles are more likely to be remanded in custody than whit or Asian teenagers. Walker (1988) also showed that black juveniles are twice as likely to appear at crown court than whites. A Home Office Statistical Bulletin (1986) showed that blacks in prison were more likely to have less previous convictions than white men in similar circumstances, the figure for whites was 62%, Afro-Caribbean’s 48% and for Asians 20%. The main finding from these and many other statistics is that black people are dealt with, whether as suspects, offenders or defendants, in a highly disproportionate way, it can also be seen that they are treated more harshly than their white counterparts at virtually every stage of the criminal justice process. It is therefore not surprising that black people have less faith in the police and criminal justice system than white British people. David Smith (1994) argues that the main group in society has a degree of power, seen to be unique and special in relation to religious, social and cultural traditions of the particular society, thus creating an unequal legal system that is biased against ethnic minorities. This can be seen to be the stem from which racial disparities may emerge in the British legal system and criminal process, and may explain why black people are treated differently by the criminal justice system. He (Smith) further argues that the law is a national institution and part of a national identity that is born out of centuries of tradition, and therefore unless changed does not take account of relatively recent immigration of ethnic minorities to this country. It can be argued that there are two main reasons for blacks being disproportionately represented in our criminal justice system, firstly that they commit more crime, and secondly that they are treated in a different and possibly harsher way, so as to be over represented in the criminal justice system. Research in the USA has shown that crime is in fact higher amongst blacks (Wilbanks 1987). This view has been criticised, for example by Reiner (1993) stating that to exclude external variables that effect such findings is almost impossible. Reiner (1989 & 1993) concluded that it is the way in which black people are treated differently from white people in our criminal justice system that created the disproportionate levels of minorities in the process, although he concedes that this is far from conclusive. Smith (1994) criticises Reiner for this view, believing that Reiner is contradicting himself, with little evidence, suggesting that it is treatment that cause high black representation in the criminal justice system, but stating that this may not be believed by some, and is in fact inconclusive. It is true that blacks are over represented in the criminal justice process, what is not clear is, why. Whether we like to think it or not there is still a great deal of racial prejudice in this country, and this alone feeds societies morals and thus its policing and criminal law, this prejudice and discrimination therefore makes it difficult for minorities to gain employment, especially in times of high unemployment and recession. This can lead to feelings of rejection, lack of self-esteem, poverty, lack of self-respect and insecurity. Blacks, as mentioned above, often live in the poorest areas of the cities and therefore come to the attention of the police far more than white youths, parents may also find it difficult to exercise control over their children in areas where social control is at its lowest. Whatever the reason for higher black crime, whether a statistical wrong, or innate criminality, for which there is little support, it is clear we will never get at the real reason that blacks are treated differently by the criminal justice system, too many people would have too much to lose by finding an answer. 1,407 words. REFERENCES. Coleman, A. (1987) Facts, Fallacies and Frauds in Psychology. London: Unwin Hyman. Galton, F. (1869) Hereditary Genius, an enquiry into its laws and consequences (2 ed. 1978) London: Friedmann. Coleman, A. & Goreman, L.. (1982) Conservatism, Dogmatism, and authoritarianism in British police officers. Sociology, 16, 1-11. Landau, s. & Nathan, g. (1983) Selecting Delinquents for Cautioning in the London Metropolitan Area. British Journal of Criminology. 23, (2): 128-48. Reiner, R. (1989) Chief Constables. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reiner, R. (1993) Race, Crime & Justice, Models of Interpretation. IN L, Gelsthorpe, & W, McWilliam (Ed’s) Minority Ethnic Groups and the Criminal Justice System. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Criminology. Skogan, W. (1990) The Police and Public in England and Wales, A British Crime Survey Report. Home Office Research Study no: 117. London: HMSO. Smith, D. (1994) Race, Crime and Criminal Justice. IN Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Maguire, M. ; Morgan, R. & Reiner, R. (Ed’s) Oxford: Claenden Press. Walker, M. (1988) The Court Disposal of Young Males by Race in London 1983. British Journal of Criminology: 28, (4) 441-59. Walker, M. (1989) The Court Disposal and remands of White, Afro-Caribbean and Asian Men(London 1983). British Journal of Criminology. 29. (4), 353-67. Wilbanks, W. (1987) The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System. USA: Brooks/Cole.
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