Friday, May 31, 2019
Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Ess
Misperception and Deception in duodecimal Night Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeares most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are labored into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter and the bad fortune they themselves generate, they become caught between a rock and a hard place they are victims of deceit as well as their own folly. The relationship between misperception and deception has numerous effects it gives way to juiceless humor it is used to explore characters and relationships it develops a strong connection between the main darn (with Viola, Orsino, Olivia, and the others) and the sub- plot of ground (involving Sir Andrew, Sir Toby, Malvolio, and Maria). The following piece fro m Twelfth Night proves how Shakespeare successfully communicates these elements. The motion picture involving Viola and Olivia outlines this the essence of the play. (I prithee, tell me what thoust thinkst of me.) That you do not think you are not what you are. If I think so, I think the same of you. Then think you sound I am not what I am. Through the course of the play much confusion occurs because of misperception and deception as the following brief outline of the plot shows. Towards the end of the play, Viola is blamed for a number of things. She is charged ... own self be true. working Cited and Consulted Bloom, Harold, ed. William Shakespeares Twelfth Night. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Grief, Karen. Plays and Playing in Twelfth Night. Bloom (47-60). Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. London Methuen & Co., 1980. Osborne, Laurie E. The Trick of Singularity Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions. Iowa City U of Iowa P, 1996. Shakespea re, William. The Arden Edition of the full treatment of William Shakespeare Twelfth Night. Ed. J. M. Lothian and T.W. Craik. UK Methuen & Co., 1975. Thatcher, David. Begging to Differ Modes of Discrepancy in Shakespeare. New York Peter Lang, 1999. Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven Yale U P, 1993 Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night EssMisperception and Deception in Twelfth Night Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeares most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are strained into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter and the bad fortune they themselves generate, they become caught between a rock and a hard place they are victims of deceit as well as their own folly. The relationship between misperception and deception has numerous effects it gives way to juiceless humor it is used to explore characters and relationships it develops a strong connection between the main plot (with Viola, Orsino, Olivia, and the others) and the sub-plot (involving Sir Andrew, Sir Toby, Malvolio, and Maria). The following piece from Twelfth Night proves how Shakespeare successfully communicates these elements. The prospect involving Viola and Olivia outlines this the essence of the play. (I prithee, tell me what thoust thinkst of me.) That you do not think you are not what you are. If I think so, I think the same of you. Then think you sort out I am not what I am. Through the course of the play much confusion occurs because of misperception and deception as the following brief outline of the plot shows. Towards the end of the play, Viola is blamed for a number of things. She is charged ... .. .ne own self be true. Works Cited and Consulted Bloom, Harold, ed. William Shakespeares Twelfth Night. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Grief, Karen. Plays and Playing in Twelfth Night. Bloom (47-60). Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. London Methuen & Co., 1980. Osborne, Laurie E. The Trick of Singularity Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions. Iowa City U of Iowa P, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare Twelfth Night. Ed. J. M. Lothian and T.W. Craik. UK Methuen & Co., 1975. Thatcher, David. Begging to Differ Modes of Discrepancy in Shakespeare. New York Peter Lang, 1999. Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven Yale U P, 1993
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Magnetism of the Good and Ethical Realism Essay -- Philosophy Good
The Magnetism of the Good and Ethical RealismABSTRACT Ethical antirealists believe the words rock-steady and bad, and right and wrong, do not signify properties that objects and executions have or might have. They believe that when a person calls pain or every other event bad and adultery or any other action wrong, he does not report some feature rough that object or action. J. L. Mackie defends ethical anti-realism in part by appealing to an ontological queerness he believes value properties would have if they existed. If there were objective values, Mackie writes, they would be entities or qualities or relations of a very strange sort, utterly different from anything else in the universe. (1) Goodness would have a queer magnetic power. Somethings creation good both tells the person who knows this to pursue it and makes him pursue it. An objective good would be sought by anyone who was acquainted with it, not because of any contingent fact that this person, or every person, is so constituted that he desires this end, but just because the end has to-be-pursuedness somehow built into it, Mackie says. If there were a property of the sort we look at of good as being, it would be a queer propertyone we cannot fenceably believe exists, Mackie argues. Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. AristotleTo the rational animal the equivalent act is according to nature and according to reason. Marcus AureliusIn this paper I address and overturn the above argument from ontological queerness against value-realism that Mackie uses in the quoted passage. I argue as follows thou... ...inted with good properties of those objects is contingent on some fact about the nature of batch.Thus there are two parts to the description of why people want and seek pleasure and other goods. First, it is the nature of an objects being good that the object has a property which, when people are aware of it, provides them, in certain circumstances, reason to desire, seek and choose that object. Second, members of intelligent species are disposed by nature to form desires in response to reason and to act for reasons. A persons intelligence consists in part in a disposition to form desires for, and to seek, objects that have properties that provide him with reason to desire and seek that object. A persons intelligence directs him toward what there is reason to desire.Notes(1) Ethics Inventing Right and Wrong (Harmondsworth Penguin Books, 1977) p. 38.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
SummaryRDA is a new content standard for resource description and attack designed for the digital world. RDA supersedes AACR2 it builds on what was smashing in AACR2 and takes different approach to resource description. It focuses on user and the information they need. The guidelines are establish on principles that guide not rule that constrict. When look at these principles, starting with Convenience of the user, it is clear that used terminology should be easy for users to understand. RDA provides more flexible framework to address the challenges of describing digital resources data that is compatible with real records already in online library catalogs because of RDAs foundations in the principles set by AACR. RDA is designed as an online product for use in a Web environment. It is based on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and related new data models Instructions for recording data presented independently of guidelines for data display to provide more tracta bility for records used in a variety of online environments. More user-friendly layout and formatting, with instructions written in plain English so that the code can be used more easily beyond the library world. It is important that information we provide to be bibliographically significant to the needs of our users. To standardize descriptions and the constructions of access points as some(prenominal) as possible. Such consistency increases the ability to push bibliographic and authority data worldwide. The International Cataloguing Principles expand beyond just author and title access to declare that we want to find resources by subject and even want to enable limiting a search or filtering a search by other criteria like language, country, date of publicati... ...the descriptive rules, some punctuation rules from ISBD, new 3xx MaRC codes, and the general concept of recording relationships. While the Scholastic library staff is utmost too small to allow drawing any concrete conclusions, the fact that the intern catalogers often produced RDA-compliant cataloging without ever reading an RDA rule is surely a bright sign that training new catalogers to use the new code will be relatively easy. If the basics of description, some punctuation, and the general idea of specifying relationships are probably to be understood immediately and done correctly with little more than a cursory introduction, training and teaching will be able to stick out on those aspects of RDA that are more difficult to grasp. In addition, supervisors and teachers will be able to put increased emphasis on the important question of wherefore the code is the way it is.
Paintball :: essays research papers
Paintball A fast-paced, adrenaline pumping, game...paintball is a world renowned sport and is growing popularity faster than some(prenominal) otherwise top sports. Paintball is non-contact, making it very safe when played right. According to the Sports Data Inc. surveys, paintball has the lowest injury rate of ANY sport, at only .31 injuries per 1000 participants. Paintball is viewed several different ways by people that have not experienced it for themselves. A lot of people think paintball is only for " throttle crazy" maniacs. swell that is an incorrect statement, mainly because paintball "guns" argon not guns at all. The definition of "gun" is, "Any weapon that discharges shot, shells, or other bullet by the explosion of gun powder or some other explosive from a strait tube." Paintball markers operate in a VERY different way. Paintballs are propelled out of the lay by air, not any type of explo sive, and paintball markers are NOT weapons. No one has ever got killed by a paintball marker from getting shot. Even without a mask on. Although eye injuries have been reported, this is due to the fact that an unsafe game was played. Most likely someone decided that they were superman and took off their goggles in the middle of a game and no ref was there to stop him. All goggles worn during paintball should and are approved by the government and you are not supposed to shoot above a speed of 300 feet per second. Yes, paintball leaves thrash abouts, but most people can stand them. The pain of a paintball welt is surely not any worse than getting tackled by a 200 lbs football player. If safety is what people are worrying about, why do we have football, wrestling, or basketball? They are all in the top ten for highest injury rates. Paintball is also growing in popularity, games for paintball are getting released and interchange way better than the majority of other games. The most popular of any paintball game is called "Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball" and is exactly the type of paintball that we would like to play at the school, speedball. Speedball is a game of paintball played on a paintball field that is exactly symmetrical to through the middle, a speedball field is usually about 100 feet dogged and 40 feet wide and the bunkers are usually made of a durable and flexible plastic that holds air, most commonly called air bunkers.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Post wAR DEFINING moMENTS ESSAY mEDICARE :: essays research papers fc
Post War Defining Moments Essay-MedicareAt the beginning of the 20th century healthcare was a necessity in Canada, but it was not easy to kick in. When Medicare was introduced, Canadians were thrilled to know that their tax dollars were going to benefit them in the future. The introduction of Medicare made it easier for Canadians to afford healthcare. Medicare helped bound Canada as an equal country, with equal rights, services and respect for all Canadian citizen. Medicare helped less wealthy Canadians afford proper healthcare. Canadian citizens who had suffered from illness because they could not afford healthcare, were able to get proper treatment. The hospitals of Canada were no longer compared by their patients wealth, but by their amount of service and commitment. Many doctors tried to stop the Medicare act, but the organization and citizens outvoted them and the act was passed. The doctors were then forced to treat patients in order of illness and not by the amount of mon ey they had. Medicares powerful impact on Canadian society was recognized globally and put into effect in other nations all around the world. Equality then became a definition which every Canadian citizen understood. After the Second World War, illness was amongst many Canadians, and many of them did not have any chances of recovering because they could not afford healthcare. Medicare made it practicable for those who did not have much money, to receive treatment for their illnesses. Tuberculosis was the most crucial disease which was spreading after the war. This bacterial infection was sometimes called the livid plague and many Canadians were haunted by it. Residents of Saskatchewan formed together the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis Commission to try and stop the spread of it, and make plans for controlling it in the future. When Tommy Douglas, a Baptist minister of religion who turned into a politician, was elected to the leadership of the recently formed national Democratic P arty of Saskatchewan, many other governments had began to see the brilliance in his ideas and they began to conjoin them. He began to uncover many different health plans which had boundaries to the amount of healthcare patients were going to receive. Most of these plans, in order to stay solvent have to pass off great many groups of people. Because of age, because of chronic conditions, because of genital illness, past medical history and so on. And these precisely are the people who need some kind of protection.
Post wAR DEFINING moMENTS ESSAY mEDICARE :: essays research papers fc
Post War Defining Moments Essay-MedicareAt the beginning of the 20th century healthcare was a necessity in Canada, but it was not easy to afford. When Medicare was introduced, Canadians were thrilled to know that their tax dollars were going to benefit them in the future. The introduction of Medicare made it easier for Canadians to afford healthcare. Medicare helped define Canada as an cost country, with equal rights, services and respect for every Canadian citizen. Medicare helped less wealthy Canadians afford proper healthcare. Canadian citizens who had suffered from illness because they could not afford healthcare, were able to aim proper treatment. The hospitals of Canada were no longer compared by their patients wealth, but by their amount of service and commitment. Many doctors tried to stop the Medicare act, but the government and citizens outvoted them and the act was passed. The doctors were so forced to treat patients in order of illness and not by the amount of money t hey had. Medicares powerful impact on Canadian troupe was recognized globally and put into effect in other nations all around the world. Equality then became a definition which every Canadian citizen understood. afterward the Second World War, illness was amongst umpteen Canadians, and many an(prenominal) of them did not redeem any chances of recovering because they could not afford healthcare. Medicare made it possible for those who did not have much money, to receive treatment for their illnesses. Tuberculosis was the most crucial disease which was spreading after the war. This bacterial infection was sometimes called the white plague and many Canadians were haunted by it. Residents of Saskatchewan formed together the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis Commission to try and stop the spread of it, and make plans for controlling it in the future. When Tommy Douglas, a Baptist Minister who turned into a politician, was elected to the leadership of the recently formed national Democr atic Party of Saskatchewan, many other governments had began to see the brilliance in his ideas and they began to embrace them. He began to divulge many different health plans which had boundaries to the amount of healthcare patients were going to receive. Most of these plans, in order to stay solvent have to eliminate great many groups of people. Because of age, because of chronic conditions, because of genital illness, past medical history and so on. And these precisely are the people who need some kind of protection.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Research Paper Mark Twain
Isabella Thomaz Donna Hunter Period 2 Research Paper Mark bitstock October 26, 2012 MARK TWAIN A REMARKABLE MAN WHO PAINTED THE WORLD Classic a book which people praise and dont read. When Samuel L. Clework forces ( more often referred to as Mark Twain) said this, he meant it in a humorous sense, but he also wanted people to understand its meaning. People call books give care huckaback Finn and Gatsby classics, yet the idea that these books atomic number 18 actually read by everyone isnt so. Twain isnt just a classical writer because we deem him so, he is given that title for the political influence he opusaged to present to his readers.He wanted to show that the idea of amatoryism was healthy for young children unless used excessively. He expressed this point by creating tom sawyer, a boy who idolized love affair a move workforcet in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual . And to have a balancing opposite, huckleberry Finn was added into the equation a boy who had no education but grew up both mentally and physically quickly because of his poverty.Twains idea of this political influence was a major impact on the people in his time because of the segregation of the whites and blacks which was such a very big issue in that time with protests and such and so his views were very democratic. We still grade his influence today, not just because of the slavery issue but because of the controversy between romantic dominance and peaceful intelligence, romanticism having a more imaginative effect and intelligence striking your knowledge and building it on facts.That is why The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are meant for different aged readers to impact a certain influence at a younger age when you read Toms point which is widely more imaginative, and to see the change of Twains attempt to get his point across of romanti cism being unhealthy for people like Tom in Hucks story. At the beginning of Hucks story, there is a robbers scene where the two boys and their friends sweat and create an environment such as in a wild west book and it is told in both boys perspectives, however they are viewed or seen on the whole differently.William F. Byrne descbribes it as a change in Huck and Toms characters from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because where Tom describes them, We aint burglars. That aint no sort of style. We are highwaymen. We stop stages and carriages on the road, with masks on, and kill the people and resign their watches and coin. (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 26-28) Huck chooses to call themselves robbers, and eliminate the imagination by saying that they dont kill people and that he was only in it for the profit, to which he found none.And then as Byrne points out, In the earlier book Huck was the odd man out on issues of the imagination the othe rwise boys welcomed the opportunity to share Toms dreams. In this case, however, we are told that all the boys resigned it is Tom who is the odd man out. The other boys are perhaps getting too old for this kind of imaginative play, but not Tom. He alone remains determined to re-enact the kinds of dramatic events he has read about in fiction. (Byrne, William F. Things have changed in the boys life and this is how Twain begins to reveal his controversial conflicts with romantic imagination in both Tom and Hucks stories. A further demonstration of Twains political implications is Hucks response to both Toms and the duke and dauphins (two men who happen to hop onto Hucks bunch with Jim, an escaped slave) dominance of being in charge. Huck, in order to prevent quarrels and maintain peace. He allows them to take charge and does whatever they say.The only difference between Toms dominance and the two men who hop on Jim and Hucks raft is that Huck only follows Tom because he offered the p overty-stricken boy friendship. Also Toms fascination with romantic imaginations entertains Huck because it is the only bit of boyish quality he can attain to. The duke and dauphin have a sense of charge to the point that Huck actually has no say in the consequence because even though he has grown up and craves more to the understanding of real-world problems, he is but a boy and Jim is an escaped slave.But there is something more Twain included to Hucks behavior, and this is that because of his fathers physical dominance, he has shriveled into a sheep. He naturally allows himself to be put below someone else. The silent assertion that nothing is going on which fair and intelligent men are aware of and are engaged by their duty to try out to stop. (Mark Twain) Twains words describe Hucks form of character simply and this is a fascinating idea that Twain uses to distinguish Hucks realism to Toms romanticism cognitive thinking.Twain shows how people have become so much more invol ved in romanticism imagination without even knowing it. The technological advances in society drive man to a more dominant state of mind and that men value their strive for dominant success over things like a family members death. He uses the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons, two families and neighbors with an ongoing feud that causes conflicts with the family members who want nothing to do with it, feud to express this for example when one from each family secretly gets married and this causes a battle that inevitably kills Hucks friend, Buck.This is an influential topic more to present day society than from his time because everywhere you look, mankind is fighting with each other and we relentlessly regard what should be valued over money and political problems our familys well being and to look around our crumbling society that can only be reconstructed by everyone dropping their arms and portion one another out to become one with peace without having to give in to a dominant forc e as Huck Finn has allowed to be make to him.There is definitely a classical sense about Mark Twain, but it is not because someone just says Oh hey this guy is a really good writer, it is a remarkable sense because he has a very powerful and political influence that was seen both in his time and ours, specifically with his books Tom Saywer and Huck Finn. tied(p) if they are different. I believe his influence go out continue to strive forward because if its one thing he made distinct, a separate of mankind will always strive for dominance and those who see it and want to solve real-world problems will likely be the sheep created by physically dominated men like Huckleberry Finn.But they wont be alone. Because as Twain influence reaches more and more sheep, they will become the lions and end the dominant strive and will maintain peace through equality. Works Cited Marshall, Donald G. Twain, Mark. World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. Foner, Eric, and John A. Garraty. Twain, Mark. The Readers Companion to American History. Dec. 1 1991 n. p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 28 Oct 2012. Mark Twain. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Oct. 012. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. . Twain, Mark (1835-1910). The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather guide. Abington Helicon, 2010. Credo Reference. Web. 28 October 2012. Byrne, William F,. Realism, Romanticism, and Politics in Mark Twain. Realism, Romanticism, and Politics in Mark Twain. case Humanities Institute, 1 Nov. 1999. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. . Twain, Mark. Chapter 4. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York Random House, 1996. 26-28. Print.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Primary Healthcare Services Rural Seniors Health And Social Care Essay
One of the most dramatic demographic tendencies in the universe today is the ripening of the population an addition in the proportionality of senior citizens relative to the young person and working age population. The grounds for this tendency atomic number 18 frequently complex. Some of the grounds could be the enormous bear on of the babe boomer coevals, additions in life anticipation, alterations in birthrate forms and for many geographical locations, emigration of the younger members of corporation. This population alteration is app bent in coarse Canada where in that respect is a higher ratio of seniors to youth. With this alteration in compo guggle of the unsophisticated population, the demands for go are increasing in peculiar, first health solicitude services are particularly of spell out for senior citizens in campestral countries. This includes more central point on bar and intervention of common diseases and hurts, base exigency services and health publ icity. In this essay, I volition be analysing Canada s aging population, firsthand wellness trouble services, enterprises taken by LHIN s in Ontario to undertake the issue and besides European schemes.Canada s Aging PopulationCanada faces important ripening of its population as the proportion of seniors increases more quickly than all other age groups. Seniors sight be defined as those above the age of 65. In 2001, one(a) in eight Canadians were aged 65 old ages or over. By 2026, one Canadian in quintet will set aside reached age 65 ( Natural Resources Canada, 2009 ) . The challenges of an aging Canadian society will necessitate continued attempts to better wellness, well being and independency in ulterior life ease the engagement of older Canadians in economic and social life strengthen the protrudeive environments within communities and, prolong authorities plans profiting Canadians of all ages ( Natural Resources Canada, 2009 ) . Canada s seniors are a diverse popula tion. Issues related to their overall wellness and wellbeing may change depending on their topographic point of abode ( urban, rural, or northern countries ) , their gender, and their ethno-cultural background every second good as if they are among Canada s Aboriginal passel.Primary health Care ServicesPrimary wellness attention refers to an attack to wellness and a spectrum of services beyond the traditional wellness attention system. It includes all services that play a portion in wellness, such(prenominal) as income, lodging, instruction, and environment. Primary attention is the component within primeval wellness attention that focuses on wellness attention services, including wellness publicity, unwellness and hurt bar, and the diagnosing and intervention of unwellness and hurt ( health Canada, 2006 ) . Primary wellness Care is besides relevant to secondary and third attention. The Primary Health Care attack focuses on advancing wellness and forestalling unwellness. The Pr imary Health Care attack operator being attentive to and turn toing the many factors in the societal, economic and physical environments that affect heath from diet, income and schooling, to relationships, lodging, work stakes, civilization and environmental musical note ( Health Canada, 2006 ) . In add-on, the Primary Health Care attack topographic points citizens and patients on the same degree with wellness professionals when it comes to doing determinations about wellness issues that concern them. The five rules normally associated with the Primary Health Care attack are handiness, public engagement, wellness publicity, appropriate engineering and inter-sectoral cooperation ( Health Canada, 2006 ) . Accessibility refers to a go oning and nonionized supply of indispensable wellness services available to all large number with no unreasonable geographic or fiscal barriers. ordinary engagement means persons and communities have the right and duty to be active spouses in doing determinations about their wellness attention and the wellness of their communities. Health Promotion is the procedure of enabling people to increase control over and to better their wellness. Appropriate engineering includes methods of attention, service bringing, processs and equipment that are socially acceptable and low-cost. Inter sectoral cooperation is the committedness from all sectors ( authorities, community and wellness ) is indispensable for meaningful action on wellness determiners ( Canadian Nurses connecter, 2005 ) .Health Care in agrestic CanadaThe challenge of supplying good quality wellness attention close to place in a state as huge and sparsely inha deed as Canada is non new. In malice of major scientific promotions and a wellness attention system that is rated amongst the top in the universe, the challenge remains. A figure of factors play a function in the handiness of, and ingress to, good quality attention for rural occupants.Distribution of DoctorsThe un even rural-urban distribution of doctors has been at the Centre of treatment for a figure of old ages. Less than 10 % of all doctors are known to be practising in rural Canada where about 20 % of the Canadian population resides ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . When the information is broken down ming take with house fancy doctors general practicians and specializers, it is clear that specializers are even more under-represented in rural parts.Rural parts encounter troubles in recruiting and retaining doctors. Many factors play a function in a doctor s determination to come in rural pattern, including both personal and professional dimensions. Physicians most interested in working in rural countries frequently come from rural backgrounds and are committed to working in this environment. Physicians determinations to go forth rural pattern are normally influenced by non-monetary factors, such as a deficit of professional back-up, long hours of work, particular(a) chances for farther medical checkup preparation, deficient occupation chances for spouses, and concerns over kids s educational chances ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . Levels of satisfaction with rural work appear to lift with propinquity to big urban centres. Several inducements are being implemented to support and retain doctors in rural parts by most states and new schemes are ever being discussed.Another suggestion for cover version with the deficit of rural doctors is to do rural wellness a more of import portion of the course of study in medical schools across Canada. The Canadian aesculapian Association has target forth recommendations that the instruction of doctors for rural pattern deserves particular attending to guarantee adequateness and rightness of larning experiences to run into the alone demands of rural Canada.Medical specializers are besides under-represented in rural countries with, harmonizing to the Canadian Medical Association, merely 5 % of the entire figure of Canadian s pecializers practising in rural countries. In Ontario, merely 4 % of specializers pattern in rural communities ( Government of Canada, 2002 ) . This state of affairs is expected to go worse in the following 20 old ages, when two-thirds of retiring doctors will be specializers and one-third theater physicians/general practicians. This deficit of specializers will doubtless hold an impact on the rural community.It is of import to observe that there are grounds that one tin reason with to apologize the uneven distribution of doctors. With Canada s rural population being sparsely distributed in little Numberss, it is non viable to hold many doctors in rural and distant countries where the population is merely a few hundred. Having doctors for such a little figure of people is non economically executable and can take away from other countries that have a greater population. Sing the fact that many to a great extent lastd countries are already felling doctors, increasing the figure o f doctors for littler populations may non be the best determination.Distribution of other Health Care ProfessionalsThe distribution of doctors is one of the biggest jobs in rural Canada and it is besides the most widely discussed nevertheless, it is of import to observe that the handiness of and entree to, other wellness attention professionals is besides of concern. The Canadian Medical Association has found that there is a deficiency of psychiatric nurses, physical healers, occupational healers, address diagnosticians and linguistic communication diagnosticians in rural countries ( Romanow, 2002 ) .Attempts are being made to counterbalance for this job by implementing household wellness squads. A Family Health Team is an attack to primary wellness attention that brings in concert disparate wellness attention suppliers to give the best possible quality of attention for the patient. Family Health Teams consist of physicians, nurses, nurse practicians and other wellness attention p rofessionals who work together and convey their ain alone experiences and accomplishments so that the patient receives the truly best attention when it is needed ( Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2009 ) . This attack is designed to convey wellness attention as stopping point to place as possible for people populating in rural and distant countries every bit good as urban countries. This attack is besides meant to give physicians support from other wellness attention professionals so doctors and general practicians do non hold to bear the load of covering with patients entirely.Distribution of Health Care installationsThere is an uneven distribution of infirmary services and wellness attention installations and this reflects the uneven distribution of medical professionals every bit good. The sum of bring down and distance it takes for people populating in rural countries to acquire to wellness attention installations is a major job. Traveling for a long clip for a long dist ance requires clip and money and besides adds to the uncomfortableness of the individual that is badly. There are no infirmaries in many little rural communities. The nearby urban centres may hold infirmaries with basic medical installations. However, patients need to be taken to big urban centres when specialized intervention is needed. For illustration, in Ontario, bigger rural communities have infirmaries that provide indispensable services such as 24-hour exigency attention, OBs, anaesthesia, and general surgery. Smaller infirmaries may besides supply these installations nevertheless, these medical installations can be dependent on specializers who may necessitate to be brought in from different infirmaries located in urban centres ( Romanow, 2002 ) .Rural countries have a limited figure of infirmaries which provide a limited figure of services, un standardised their urban opposite numbers. When infirmaries do non supply certain services, which can be an issue for people popula ting in those countries, who already have such limited picks on their wellness attention. For illustration, if the lone infirmary available in a distant country is operated by spiritual leaders and followings, so installations such as abortion can non be available to the people. Although the option of abortion is available in several urban countries, many rural countries do non hold the option and if person is seeking abortion, so they would hold to go long distances to entree such a installation.It is of import to observe that similar to doctors, it may non be economically executable to hold a infirmary for every distant country where the population is much smaller than many of the urban countries. Hence, alternate options such as household wellness squads can be a good option for many of the rural countries.Rural SeniorsLarge populations of seniors in Canada live in rural countries. Approximately, one tierce of Canada s seniors live in rural countries and little towns ( Minister o f Public whole kit and caboodle and Services Canada, 2002 ) . Seniors are besides the largest consumers of wellness attention. A figure of wellness jobs are funnily prevailing among aged Canadians, including depression, dementedness ( including Alzheimer s Disease ) , osteoporosis, malnutrition, and going of bodily maps ( sight, hearing, mobility, continency ) . All of these may necessitate specialised medical attention and support services. Traveling long distances to make needed services is peculiarly disputing for seniors with mobility jobs.The bulk of seniors in Canada live independently and it has repeatedly been proven through surveies that independency is a critical influence in seniors lodging picks. The capacity to populate independently, nevertheless, depends upon a figure of factors, including wellness, fiscal position, and the handiness of support services, which include professional services, such as medical or personal attention ( Minister of Public Works and Servi ces Canada, 2002 ) . Over the old ages, a figure of support services have been developed to assist seniors. These services include repasts for seniors, particular transit, homecare, sing housewifes, societal and recreational plans, and reding and information. Although these services are level-headed, they are for the big portion available merely in urban countries.In rural and distant countries there are jobs with entree to primary wellness attention. The deficiency of after hr s services can take to the usage of exigency suites in the infirmary for instances that are non so terrible such as minor hurts or unwellness. Besides, if primary attention suppliers such as household physicians are non available at all, so patients have no pick but to travel to exigency suites in infirmaries for minor hurts and unwellnesss ( Minister of Public Works and Services Canada, 2002 ) . These patients who lack the primary attention supplier and therefore hold to see infirmaries are known as orphan patients. A bulk of the orphan patients are seniors. Besides, due to miss of appropriate attention, many of the patients that need specialized attention have to wait in infirmary beds, and occupy a bed, until they can be transported to other medical installations that offer such attention. The patients that occupy hospital beds in such modality are known as patients who need Alternative degree of Care ( ALC ) ( Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2009 ) .It is of import to cover with the deficiency of primary wellness services in rural countries in efficient ways because seniors are more strong in rural parts and seniors are the largest consumers of wellness attention. An effectual manner to undertake this would be to use household wellness squads as you can hold a assortment of professionals working together and this can be good to patients every bit good as the medical professionals. Another effectual manner to turn to this issue, particularly the issue of ALC, is to utilize telemedicine. Ontario has one of the largest telemedicine webs in the universe and it is known as the Ontario Telemedicine Network. Telemedicine is the bringing of health-related services and information utilizing telecommunications engineerings. Through videoconferencing, digital instruments like stethoscopes and patient scrutiny cameras, telemedicine can present wellness attention straight to the places of the patients alternatively of patients holding to go ( Ontario Telemedicine Network, 2010 ) . This is particularly effectual in rural countries as the distance required to go can take a batch of clip and money. Cuting down on the traveling can besides be really good to seniors as they would salvage clip, money and they would non hold to go while ill. Telemedicine can assist with Alternative degree of Care patients as the patients now would non hold to go to urban centres and travel to specializers as the specializers can now come to them via videoconferencing.North East LHIN Ent erprisesThe Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care ( MOHLTC ) has started the Aging at sign Strategy with an purpose to reenforce the ability of community support services to let seniors to populate healthy, independent lives in their ain places. The enterprise is being led by the Local Health Integration Networks ( LHINs ) , with each LHIN having a specific support allotment to run into the demands of their local communities. Programs being funded include heighten place attention and community support services such as repasts, transit, shopping, snow shoveling and attention giving supports ( Northeast LHIN, 2010 ) .The North East LHIN s enterprise can be peculiarly helpful with primary wellness attention. Their inaugural includes heightening the scope of place attention services for seniors to avoid unneeded ER admittances and support seasonably discharge from ER and infirmary. The North East LHIN besides looks to make intensive community based instance direction, in-home primary attention, enhanced community supports and enhanced mental wellness services ( Northeast LHIN, 2010 ) .European Primary Health Services InitiativesStates in Europe besides experience similar issues in primary wellness attention services as Canada does. Looking at the enterprises taken by European states and comparing it to initiatives taken in Canada can be an effectual manner to compare and contrast the different wellness systems and besides to look for farther betterments in the Canadian wellness attention system.In Greece, the authorities has put forth the thought of community centres for the business and protection of older people. There are many of these centres, called KAPI, throughout the state. These centres combine the socialising facet with primary wellness attention installations every bit good as other societal services ( Oxford Institute of Aging, 2003 ) . These centres have societal nines and activities every bit good as primary wellness attention suppliers including d octors and physical therapists. Baseball clubs such as these can besides possibly be effectual in Canada. The nines do non needs hold to be extras like those in Greece, but utilizing a similar thought can be helpful in footings of primary wellness attention services for seniors.DecisionWith the uninterrupted rise of the aging population in Canada, the demand for primary wellness attention services are increasing. This includes more focal point on bar and intervention of common diseases and hurts, basic exigency services and wellness publicity. It is of import to implement primary wellness attention services in rural Canada as the bulk of Canada s seniors live in rural countries and besides because seniors are the biggest consumers of wellness attention. Current enterprises such as household wellness squads, telemedicine and the Aging at Home Strategy are taking good paces in footings of presenting primary wellness attention services. A combination of such plans along with larning f rom several plan applied around the universe can take to better primary wellness attention services for seniors, every bit good as the population as a whole.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Snap Fitness
Snap seaworthiness ACC/566 July 16, 2012 David Kochevar Snap Fitness Executive Summary Owning a telephone circuit is a dream for many people and one way to obtain that dream is to take advantage of a franchise opportunity. Work-out centers argon a rapidly development business. Economically, the health club industry has proven to be recession-proof, averaging an 8% annual growth rate since the early 1990s across all health clubs and gyms(Snap Fitness, 2012). The succeeding(a) paper entrust reflect information concerning owning a seaworthiness center and benefits to an individualistic who seeks to own a business in this industry.Individuals across the country who hope to be fit often join fitness centers and most people want a no commitment month to month membership. Snap Fitness offers memberships such as this at a reasonable cost. The purpose of this paper is to describe Snap Fitness and identify cost-volume-profit digest as well as break even analysis. Snap Fitness estimates e ach location entrust conduct $4,000 expense for fixed operating expenses and $2000 to lease equipment. In order for an individual looking to own a franchise such as Snap Fitness, in order to make a profit the business may wholly look at 300 members.The paper will provide an estimate of covariant be, periodical gross sales in dollars and members will be identified to determine what is unavoidable to achieve a target net income of $10,000 for the month. Five examples of variable cost for a fitness center will be identified and discussed. Lastly, the paper will discuss summarized information concerning purchasing a franchise and will conclude with a ending whether purchasing a fitness franchise is a well-advised decision or non. CVP AnalysisCVP (Cost Value Profit) Analysis holds an investor to determine if an investment is profitable and at what point the total revenues are equal to the total costs (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2009). CVP are very basic analysis that provide a very quick and easy to ready snap shot analysis. CVP Analysis for Snap Fitness contemplates the club between the volume of members of the fitness center, the monthly fee (no annual contract is needed), the variable costs encored, and the fixed costs. Snap Fitness will assess no sales mix as sales cannot be mixed when only one service is offered (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2009). Snap Fitness CVP Income Statement For the Month Ended June 30, 2012 center Sales (300 members X $26. 0 monthly fee) $7,800 Variable costs $1,800 Contribution margin $6,000 Fixed costs (monthly operating expenses + equipment lease $6,000 net income Income $-0- Variable costs Variable costs are the operating cost that varies in direct proportion to the quantity of units either sold are produced (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2009). For the variable cost analysis it was assumed that the only fixed costs are the estimated monthly operating expenses of $4,000 and the equipment lease of $2,000 per mon th. In order to Break-even the Net income result for the below equation would be zero if the expenses and sales are equal. The paper assessed that the break even would be join forces if 300 members paid a monthly fee of $26. 0 each. The newspaper theory was physical exercised to complete the sales data, but this data point should be considered a soft number as it is based off of a newspaper assumption. Break-even analysis uses the formula of Sales = Variable costs + Fixed costs + Net income (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2009). Sales = Variable costs + Fixed costs + Net income + $7,800 = $1,800 $6,000 $0 Monthly Sales Snap Fitness is only able to be successful and profitable as a company if they set their monthly sales goals to achieve. The set monthly sales goals are crucially needed to be set to insure the companys has the ability to barometer to gauge. This will allow the Snap Fitness to verify cash flow and meet all of the companys financial obligations. Snap Fitness is also ab le to use the information to verify the sales team is meeting their individual and team goals and performance levels.Snap fitness is required to meet $17, 800 in monthly sales to meet the target net income of $10,000. Income amount of $10,000 will insure Snap Fitness will be able to make a profit for the investors and cover costs. For the sales team to make $17,800 they will need to sign-up additional 685 new members. The required sales to meet the $10,000 goal the Target net income formula will need to be used. Required Sales = Variable Cost + Fixed Cost + Target Net Income $17,800 = $1,800 + $6,000 + $10,000 Variable Costs Examples Variable costs are costs that vary in total directly and proportionately with changes in the activity level. If the level increases 10%, total variable costs will increase 10%. If the level of activity decreases by 25%, variable costs will decrease 25% (Kimmel, Weygandt, and Kieso, 2009, p. 914). Variable costs for this type of franchise will start as members join. Utilities are variable costs and will fluctuate based on the amount of activity at the gym. Salaries for staff will also be a variable cost.Personal trainers salaries will be different than a sales associate, for example. If the location offers health and wellness programs, a registered dietician will more than apparent be employed at the location. A new gym will have less staff in the beginning as opposed to an accomplished gym. As more members join, additional staff will be added to accommodate customers. Taxes and insurance will naturally fluctuate. Insurance is necessary to ensure the business has reportage in the event a customer is injured and to protect the building itself (damages, fire, accidents).As the equipment is consistently used, repairs or replacements will be necessary. These repairs or replacements are a variable cost and will more than likely increase as the business grows and more customers utilize the facility and equipment. In relation to variab le costs, business owners will find having knowledge of marginal distribution will help evaluate business performance. borderline distribution can be calculated as follows Marginal character = Marginal contribution per unit * Number of units sold Marginal contribution per unit = Selling price Unit variable cost The marginal contribution is the difference between total revenue and totals variable costs and explains how changes the operating profit as changing the number of units sold (Busan and Dina, 2009, p. 103) . Franchise Opportunities The decision to start a business can sometimes be very difficult due to all of the operate on associated with planning and implementation. Franchises opportunities are the happy moderate to business ownership. A franchise is when an individual or a group has established a right to market a companys goods or services within a specific area. In a franchise opportunity a rand/ image has already been established for a company as well as products. The owner(s) is required to pay an initial fee to start the business while a percentage of the monthly sales have to be paid back to the company. For example anytime fitness, McDonalds, and Subway are all example of franchise operations. Establishing a fitness center has a minimum initial contribution of $80,000 however if the owner(s) are military veterans discounts will be offered. The initial covers equipment, demographics help, a secure surveillance system, customer tracking data, and a well together fitness plan and package.Snap Fitness also offers a financing program which helps with the initial investment cost. Once the agreement has been signed the franchisee is provided with all the benefits and perks. Training is also provided at the corporate headquarters and an advertising plan is in place to help attain new clients. The franchise fee is a set fee that does not increase with sales. Franchises make business ownership simplified because the leg work has been done already. However, the negatives are yes a percentage of the sales have to be sent to the franchisor.Understanding the benefits of franchises compared to small business ownership will help make decisions easier about which operation works best. Conclusion As we see franchising a fitness center is a very beneficial investment for individuals or groups looking to operate a business. As an investor it is important to have a opinion as to which ownership and entity type works best for them. The breakdown of the variable cost and the break even analysis gives enormous insight in regards to how the business would need to operate on monthly bases.These key equations are imperative to business operation but it also helps predict future earnings as long as goals are achieved. A franchise opportunity has many perks with a limited amount of risk involved so understanding how things work is beneficial. Snap Fitness offers the ability to open a franchise with great support and package benefits throughou t the whole process. Fitness and health is a great industry because American is trying to be more health conscience. References Anytime Fitness. (2012). Retrieved from http//www. anytimefitness. com/franchise-opportunitiesBusan, G. , & Dina, I. (2009). Using cost-volume-profit analysis in decision making. Annals Of The University Of Petrosani Economics, 9(3), 103-106. Kimmel, P. D. , Weygandt, J. J. , & Kieso, D. E. (2009). Accounting tools for business decision making (3rd ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Snap Fitness (2011) About Snap Fitness. Retrieved from Snap Fitness (2011). http//www. snapfitness. com/corporate/about Snapfitness. com (2012). Fitness Franchise Opportunity. Retrieved from http//www. snapfitness. com/corporate/franchise-opportunities
Friday, May 24, 2019
To what extent do the novels Nineteen Eighty Four and the Road support or refute this view?
The dystopian novels The Road and Nineteen fourscore foursome demonstrate the push and pull between the utopian and dystopian societies in their narratives. Dystopian literature often seems to be a deterrent to the reader the nightmarish livenessstyles presented to us by each various(prenominal) protagonist characters dehu pieceized due to the desolate and barren lifestyles presented in each text. However, despite this, the bleak settings seem to send messages of optimism, and to some extent look forward to, through the interactions of characters in each novel.In The Road the boy and the breed are seen to be two spate left who are not dehumanized by the newborn apocalyptic society. They do not conform to finishnibalism, rape or murder however their humanity is tested through the desolate landscapes and their lack of human ghost and refusal to help those they do meet in this new society. Although the mother only has the boy his humanity is clear as they are each other worlds consummate showing he only lives for his parole. We can in any case see the boy knows that without his father he would not be able to defend for himself and would be lonely.When the father asks him what would you do if I died the son replies if you died I would want to die too/. so I could be with you This love between the boy and the father allows us to oer look the apparent loneliness the boy has, with the humanity between the two characters shining through. Conflict does exist between the father and the son, when they have diverse opinions on whether to help fellow survivors or not, yet the conflict itself is not destructive as they eer come to a joint decision.Jon Wilkins. Theoretical evolutionary biologist and professor at Santa Fe Institute believe the son and the father are two individuals with separate wills only when their paths and fates are inseparable. McCarthy makes employ of graphology, or rather a lack of it, to show how desolate and dehumanized life has becom e, or perhaps draws attention to the things in life that really amour when characters are travelling a dystopian landscape. The setting is said to be sublime.To expand the point, the authors use of declarative sentences makes his prose bleak, and certainly positions the reader in such a route as to be able to empathise with the stark sense of grim reality that the man and boy are confronted with. McCarthys own remark that he sees no need to blot up the page with weird little marks using as little punctuation as possible, enables him to present a narrative whose prose is as scarce and unwelcoming as the actual highway itself.These sorts of structural decisions on the writers part add to the sense of inhumanity in The Road but ironically also contribute to the closeness of the consanguinity between the father and son although the narrative may appear to lack conventional direction the relationship between the two characters certainly does not. Another way in which the human spirit seems to be alive in McCarthys dystopian landscape lies in the stiff nature of the world that is presented. The father and son must keep walking to survive, despite the fact that where they are walking to or from is not always clear.As a result their efforts often seem pointless given the inevitability of their expiry at the hands of roaming bands of cannibals. However, what is clear is that they repeat the same rule every day, drawing parallels to the absurdity of life this alludes to thee Greek Mythology figure Sisyphus whose existence consisted of rolling a boulder up a hill only for it to croak down on a daily basis. Mundane as it is interchangeable a nightmare, it is repetitive nonetheless it is through this repetition that the two characters manage to prove their close bond.It may be the case that the absurd of their journey is dehumanising yet it is through this cyclical process that McCarthy allows their humanity to shine through. In terms of The Road the man and boy must walk, just as Sisyphus had to roll, however the absurdity of their existence is somewhat lesser than that of Winston from Nineteen Eighty Four. Winstons life is also presented as absurd. Orwell creates a world capable of inducing suicide. The narrative is filled with a nihilistic and soulless atmosphere, where at that place is no God present, making the world seem like there is no meaning and no essence to life dehumanising the protagonist.This continues to the portrayal of the dangers of living in a totalitarianism society when has the main objective of control over its subjects to any extent emphasising the absurdity of life. through oppression and stripping away basic human rights through extreme restriction making, Big Brother himself seems like an absurdist. Although there is no official law about it, it seems to be common knowledge what it is expected for them to do so they are not punished and lay in room 101.Orwells London becomes more absurd when there is no offici al rule to punish Winston, and thence more dehumanising as it is difficult to prove what referee is if individuals can not be truthful on what you know is wrong and right, blurring the lines in terms of what the public know Big Brother is doing. Through the allusions to Everyman, where the Father in The Road, and Winston in Nineteen Eighty= four play as characters they also play a part of the Christian from the Pilgrims Progress, this is allude to the journeys and challenges presented to both(prenominal) of the men bringing another sense of optimism to themselves and to the reader.While this journey tends to out way the dangers and hardships they are going face on their way. McCarthys journey is a pilgrimage, the father and boy are searching for a place of hope, and it is a contrast with Winston. He is searching for truth in a society that is created through lies, and make stories of the past. Religion seems to be absent in The Road there is no god, but a slight biblical refere nce There is no God, were his prophets suggesting that he and the boy are meant to spread the knowledge of the last society. He said if he is not the word of God, God never spoke. McCarthy seems to use interpreted them from this world.So that we would think the prophets were taken from this world, and suggest a Religious war may have destroyed civilisation. Contrasted within Nineteen Eighty Four where religion is apparent and focused on the antagonist Big Brother as a god like figure although there is no pro forma religion. He seemingly has omnipotent and omniscient qualities that dehumanise those around him into fear of him as a substitute of patriotic feeling, as they know that Big fellow is watching you. We see his use of power through the denial of the past and ever changing present that Winston has to work to keep the system working the way Big Brother wants it to.Thus creating a society with no memory framework, they can not be truly counted as real if they have no recollect ion events as they continue to change, they just go along with the next story because they have no way of thinking otherwise. This is familiar to how God can see everything and how it seems that they are continuously scrutinized this could dehumanise them as there is no sense of privacy, but in this society there is no way to bend neither him nor can they get away from his followers. He also seems to be in a god like place as there is no way to tell where he is, or even if he exists at all.Although this could confuse the protagonists as they have their right to choose their own religion taken, so their individuality has been demolished and decided for them. Nevertheless it seems to give the impression of a very primitive religion based around human sacrifice, although the sacrifices themselves seem to be presented as punishment for those who are deemed evil under the acts of a powerful of the saviour represented furthermore dehumanising the protagonists as they have to choice but t o be part of the sacrifice.Echoes of atravism behaviour are present in The Road with to us with the flashbacks the father has, each provoking a diverse feeling like with the coca Cola he remembers a time when he was happy and then tries to hand over these memories to his son. It provokes a nostalgic feeling in the father. He also recalls the time where he was close to his wife, he wanted to save her scent although remembering this is dangerous as it distracts him from the grim battle between life and death against the bands of cannibals.However the son doesnt appreciate this as he was born into the post apocalyptic world and does not share the feelings of his father. It is also evident when they enter houses the son is cautious of the house when the father seems to assume that the one from his past is safe like in the memories, and how to the father it brings a sense of home, in spite of this it is salvage dehumanising as he is estranging himself from the new world it also dehuma nised him to knows it is impossible for him to get back to these times.The soulless nature in Nineteen Eighty Four suggests there is a lack of aspiration their lives are laid out for them they have no spirit to do anything in a different way. Yet in spite of this experience Winston Smith offers hope to the reader through his actions, many of which present humanity in an optimistic light. For instance, there is hope within the proles as there are no restrictions as they are seen no better then animals, but they are free. Winston seems to be jealous when he watches the prole woman singing freely a song which was manufactured by the totalitarian world, making him have an ironic feel to it.In The blind of Fiction David Lodge suggests that Orwells novel should be read as prophetic as it was written for the future. This view adds weight to the argument that it is not just a book about stripping away humanity if the reader sees it as prophetic then it would seem that Orwell is suggesting that the future might too realize hope, as well as the threat of inhumanity. Lodge remarks that Orwell draws on many recognizable features of life in austerity post-war Britain, as well as on reports of life in Eastern Europe, to create a depressing atmosphere of London.Orwells vision is bleak is beyond question, but to suggest that there is no trace of humanity and decency in the text would be missing one of Orwells key themes that he apposes alongside the cautionary nature of the book. Eventually, the worlds which Orwell and McCarthy create dehumanise the individuals from their societies in the protagonists eyes, therefore making them outcasts from their societies, the lack of justice present backs this, as they both have lost legal systems and punishments are not officially known, although in the Road justice as the new post apocalyptic society seems to be chaos.Winston is an outcast but no one else seems to care or even notices and therefore he is dehumanised although he does conform in the end, it is forced on him whereas the father and the son are outcasts within the Road as two of the few people left who are not dehumanized by the new apocalyptic society. They do not conform making them different as they try to hold on to the fathers past giving them aspects of atavism, and an outcast for it, these characters usually can not survive in the new society, Neither society is allowed privacy, someone is always expression into their lives whether they are a controlling leader or a cannibal
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Svenska Handelsbanken Case Analysis
1. Answer to case Svenska Handelsbanken No t e b o o k Cre at e d 5. Org Control 2012-05-08 1045 Up d at e d 2012-05-08 2331 1. Using the 7S-model, describe what are the elements and the linkages in Svenska Handelsbanken. Which one of the 7 components is full of life? Provide arguments for each of your descriptions, and not mere conclusions. 7 S model consists of 7 elements which are schema,Structure, placement, Shared Value, Style, module, Skills. Applying 7S model to Handelsbanken Strategy cost-efficiency = low cost competition. doing safe investment, avoiding speculation. risk control) international expansion. differentiate with customized service/products, targeting for those picky customer concerning active quality of service. use network effect for marketing. (use discourse of mouth to market their products). focus on small / middle sized customers. open branches close to those giant corporates. provide financial support to Nordic companies who poke out international ly. Structure Handesbanken is a typical decentralized (in term of division/geography) company, which consists of many autonomous branches. Those autonomous branches have large amount of control and responsiblity. lat counsel The only layers between branches and CEO is a group of 11 regional manager. therefore the hierarchy of whole company is very flat. (add CFO or something else . ) System there is no top-down goal setting and annual budgeting. branches compete with each other in term of RoE = league table HRM administration = incentive system, employee holdings (Trust company). (put into System or Staff or Share Value, ) Risk control bottom-up product development process. cost management system (both direction and branch manager), Shared Value (culture) core customer-oriented. need better wording ) culture of thrift. senor of ownership = from employee level to branch level. people recognition innovation development people ( ) Autonomous ( coordinate ) Style long term o rientated customer focused style. (preservative) responsive to customer request. empowerment (share value or style ) Staff recruit people who has inner parkway, self-starting, committed to service. entrepreneurship for the branch manager extrovert/open/out-going Skills with considerable banking experience. entrepreneurship skill is a must for branch manager. ross-selling skills which one is vital ? (provide evidence) shared value is vital. because it is the internal driver for other six. candidates strategy, staff, structure. 2. What are the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the Handelsbankens decentralization approach? Provide arguments WHY these are give away base your answer on examples and arguments from your groups own business and work experiences and not on copy & paste from other sources. People = entrepreneur. (Christian) responsibility of control cost/earning emolument/risk management, down to individuals. local resources and market.Customer-orientation (Christian , to provide live example) Autonomy (elaine, to provide live example from her own company to support this point). 3. What does this tell us about the key sources for success of ANY decentralized business? empowerment/autonomy (control & responsibility down to branch) foster the competition among decentralized units. use KPI to closely oversee the performance of decentralized units. Shared value amongst all branches. systematic support from head office for all units. ( ) 4. What are the challenges that Lars Kahnlund faces in this particular organization, in his efforts to drive change and accelerate growth? alance the culture of autonomy and directive approach. = branch has strong motivation to control its own product and service. = from perspective of entire company, sassy competitive products may be also needed. really hard to control the decentralized unit, because there are so many branches out there and structure is so flat. how would he get his strategy executed effectively a nd efficiently ? how can we keep them in order ? too many culture in different areas, so he needs to take care culture conflicts. resistance from employees is expected. (elaborate on this later, including the perservative culture)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Dissent vs. Disagreement Essay
In agreement to Daniel J. Boorstins theory, one can recall several events in the history of the Statess body politic when disagreement paved the path for discussions and solutions but defy only produced greater separation. Disagreement is the basis for democracy because each citizen has a select to agree or disagree and try to make a change. For example, in the 1950s, browned v. Board of Education was a product of constant disagreement amongst Americans about whether segregation of schools is constitutional or not. Because of these ongoing debates, the decision was made to end segregation in schools. Similarly, a tragic genocide in Sudan causes more arguments between the American people as the problem worsens and Americans must decide if they should step in. Again, the disagreement of the American democracy acts as its foundation for success and unity, tour in Boorstins words, a democracy is killed by dissension.If in the 1950s, the African Americans chose to go on living wit h dissension, or deciding to forever regain apart from others, then perhaps America would not have a black president directly. Because many people disagreed with the harsh racial segregation and contrast of that time, they were able to act on their opinions and make a change that influenced the future of America. African Americans fought for equality by disagreeing, instead of dissenting, and their efforts are evident in todays unsegregated society. In Boornstins words, A person who dissents is by definition in a minority. The African Americans did not want to be known as the lesser minority, but by equal citizens of the American democracy, and the way they succeeded in making their struggles known was by debating and arguing against segregation and discrimination. Brown v. Board of Education was an outcome of one of their acknowledged actions.Because of this decision, segregation in schools were finally deemed unconstitutional. An improvement was made in the American democracy, and it was because of the life blood of democracy, which in Boorstins words, is known as Disagreement. Unlike the Brown v. Board of Education Decision, the American government mostly used dissension to atomic reactor with the genocide in Sudan. Some call it, The Silent Genocide, because there were many, many, casualties but there was no awareness for the issue. Although many recognized that the issue was appalling, a couple of(prenominal) took action and produced debates and disagreements, causing the issue to linger instead of improve. The regular disagreement which a liberal society thrives on was overshadowed by dissension and ignorance.The genocide in Sudan was not able to be fully helped, or helped at all at first. As Boorstin says, dissension is its democracys cancer and this is evident in this case because Americans chose to dissent and feel apart from this problem, which only caused it to get worse. Boorstin recognizes the differences between dissension and disagreement in a way that makes evident that dissent is unproductive to our societys conflicts whereas disagreement serves as the first step to reaching a solution. While Brown v. Board of education is an example of how disagreement led to improvement, the issue of the genocide in Sudan showed how a great amount of dissension and a lack of discussion, disagreement and knowledge, can turn out to be a democracys cancer.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Romanticism in American Lit
an delight affair in American Literature brought us some of the worlds greatest writers incessantly to live. Writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau all wrote during the Romanticism period. With discover them we would not have stories such Moby Dick, Resistance to well-bred Government, The American Scholar, The Scarlet Letter, and Edgar Allan Poes most notorious works such as The Raven and Annabel lee. The Romanticism movement started in Europe and in the late 1820s it worked its way into America. It was aimed as a anarchy against the en ricketyenment movement.It was also referred to as the American Renaissance because it was the rebirth of literary determine lost antecedently in the enlightenment era and Puritanism era. American Romanticism was in a broad sense a new attitude toward nature, humanity, and society that espoused individualism and freedom. Characteristics of romanticism writing included the power of imagination, impulse towards reform, admiration for nature, and the fascination with death and the supernatural. Romanticism literature had two truly distinct sides to it, unmatchable being hopeful and the other(a) is pessimistic.On the optimistic side you had writers such as Walt Whitman, Margargont Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pessimistic writers included Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edgar Allan Poe was a very dark romanticist and was also a very deeply pessimistic writer, but in a philosophical kind of way. He wrote poems, novels, and essays through expose his writing c beer, and he even developed the style of southerly gothic writing. His poems often portray a character in despair and he explores the state of the caput a lot.Another trait of Poe is he uses a lot of symbolism and imagery for example his use of immorality and light in the poem Annabel Lee. Poe implies that thekingdom by the sea is a bright, c heerful step forward where the sun shines on two young lovers, the narrator and Annabel Lee. Ironically, in another realm of dazzling lightheaventhe highest order of angels, the Seraphim grow dark with envy of the young couple. Under cover of night, they send a cold wind that kills Annabel Lee The wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. exclusively the narrator says he remains in a realm of light, for his soul and the soul of Annabel Lee are one. In the last couple lines, Poe emphasizes this point with light imagery For the moon nalways beams without bringing me dreams, Of the scenic Annabel Lee And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee (679). Poes writing goes down in history for being some of the best literary works to ever come out of this period in American literature. Poe was a pessimistic writer on the other hand was Henry David Thoreau who was a very optimistic writer.One quote a found from Thoreau w as just to love your life. In his essay Resistance to Civil Government he shows his rebellion in committing to governments values and ideas. Is very clearly stated at the beginning when Thoreau says The Government is best which governs least (829). Thoreau was a loyal believer of take action for our own principles and to start thinking for ourselves and if you want change fake it hand if you think its right. Ultimately he was jailed for his beliefs.Those including not believing for paying for stuff that didnt benefit people and also for not supporting the Mexican American war, but Thoreau said to make changes sometimes good people have to go to jail. The romanticism period came to an end in the middle 1860s, and In conclusion the romanticism period in America was a chance for writers to break out of the cookie cutter mold of previous eras and a chance for writers to get their views and ideas out to the world through their literature. Romanticism writing can be broken up into eig ht different key ideas.Individualism is the idea that every person on earth knows God in their own way, and we willing find truth for ourselves. Emerson and Melville often fall into the category of individualism. Organicism is the concept that society or the universe is comparable to a biological organism, as in development or organization, everything is connected. Unity and diversity stated that things are made up of many parts, but they all come together to make a one whole object. Dynamic change is the idea that the whole world brought us to this one moment up to now the world is in a constant state of change. Imagination, originality, emotional, and finally nature.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Dead Poets Society Relationships Essay Essay
Due to their complex nature, human familys make up many challenges thus making them integral in the shaping of an individuals get downs. These complexities are practically caused by the power dynamic, where bingle parties assumes dominance over the other. Peter Weirs 1989 inject, Dead Poets Society explores the consuming birth between Neil and his flummox where Neils true self is stifled in his role as the compliant son. Similarly in Roger Dean Kisers short story Elvis Died at Florida groom College (referred to as Elvis), the oppressive human relationship between the orphan and his matron negatively affects his experiences, resulting in a suppression of identity operator.Complexities in addition arise from the leave out of power in relationships as shown through Neil and Mr Keating where the authoritative figure of the mentor is undermined by his student.However, this is not always the case as in 48 Shades of Brown by pass Earl where a relationship between Dan and hi s Aunt get outs for the discovery of independence and development of self. The complexity of power dynamics within relationships may suppress an individuals identity in order to conform to the expectations of the other. In Dead Poets society, the relationship that Neil has with his start is atypical of a fetch-son relationship in the fact that the confidence lies with the father. However, what differentiates this relationship from other father-son relationships is the extreme power dynamic between the two where Neils father is overly controlling to the point where he dictates his sons life.The nature of the relationship is portrayed the beginning of the film when Neils father pins him up against a wall upon discovering Neil had chosen to undertake additional extracurricular activities. This action, accompanied with a high angle short of Neils father, communicates his extreme dominance in their relationship. Neils overt heating for performance is suppressed as he is subdued by the expectations of his father, forcing him to maintain a front as the academic student.This entrapment is expressed through the recurring theme of inside-outside where Neil constantly gazes out the windows of the pragmatic bring in at the romantic natural world which seems far out of reach, embodying his longing to escape from his father. Thus it is Neils relationship with his father governs his decision making, hindering the development of his true identity. Similarly to DPS, Roger Dean Kiser explores the abuse of authority in relationship in his short story Elvis.The plot follows the first person point of opine of an orphan boy who anticipates getting an Elvis haircut only to have his head shaved when his matron does not allow for it. The complex nature of the relationship between the orphan and his matron is conveyed in his first person narration where he addresses her as the matron rather than my matron thus creating a signified of disconnection between the two. The use of t he word the alike evokes a sense of sovereignty reflecting her overbearing dominance on the orphan boy.As a result, the divests attempt to create his own identity is denied when he does not receive his Elvis haircut barely rather has it all his hair shaven off in the selfsame(prenominal) manner that his sense of individuality is stripped from him. This harsh dictatorship on the matrons part denies the growth of the orphans sense of self as his hopes of becoming like Elvis are metaphorically killed as reflected by the anticipate of the short story. Hence, it can be seen in Dead Poets and Elvis that those complexities which arise from the exploitation of power in relationships can have a negative impact upon an individual, impeding the development of self-identity.Although the abuse of power in relationships may have negative impacts on an individual, a lack of authority in a relationship may have equally bad consequences. The relationship that Mr Keating has with the boys in par ticular Neil in Dead Poets juxtaposes that of Neil and his father the power play distributed evenly between student and mentor. This can be seen through the eye-level shots in the film representing them as equals in the mentor-student relationships thus allowing Neil to be comfortable and himself around his mentor.The colloquial language which Neil employs around Mr Keating juxtaposes the perfunctory and distant language and tone such as yes sir of which he expresses around his father. However, as Mr Keating brings himself down to the same level as Neil, his authority is undermined as seen when he tells the boys that Theres a time for dauntless and theres a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for and when he advises Neil to express to his father how he feels.On both occasions, his advice is ignored resulting in Neils suicide and the demise of the Dead Poets Society emphasising consequence of the complexities which arose from the lack of a dominant role in his student-mentor relationship with Neil and the boys. On the contrary, the lack of authority in the relationship can also have cocksure effects on the experience of an individual as seen inNick Earls novel 48 Shades of Brown. The novel delves into the locomote of protagonist Dans self-discovery as he moves away from his pay off Madge in Geneva and in with his new-fashioned aunt Jacq in Brisbane.The two prevalent relationships within this book are Dans relationship with his mother and his aunt of which contrast greatly. Alike to Dead Poets Society, Madge possesses a controlling relationship with Dan however unlike Neil and his father the terms of this power dynamic stems from Madges imposed perception of Dans fragility which has driven her to bollocks him in order to shield him from the world. This has resulted in Dan lacking independence and identity as his decisions are often governed by his mother. The quote Theres still the concern, though, that its all up to me now.As tho ugh, in the past, if Id forgotten something really important my mother would have remembered and things would have been okay convey Dans anxiety when suddenly removed from the confines of this relationship. Due to the close age gap, and the coolness of his aunt, the relationship between Dan and Jacq is more or less a friendship. The absence of a dominant figure which controls him allows, and rather aided by the support and encouragement from his Aunt Dan becomes more in strung-out and in the process develops a stronger sense-of-self.This is seen through the exchange of post cards between Dan and his mother which decreases as he becomes less dependent upon her. Thus the egalitarian relationship between Dan and his aunt has a positive impact on his experiences. Whether positive or negative, the complexities in relationships shape our experiences in the world. More often than not, these complexities present challenges to individuals however when overcome one can then define themselves and take control over their life.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Analysis Essay
Joseph Stalin strategically came into power in communist Russia in the 1930s. Within nevertheless a few years, he turned Russia from a communist state into a totalitarian dictatorship. a few(prenominal) people chose to speak out against Stalin, entirely those who did were put into Siberian work en coterie custodyts or gulags. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was genius of the few that chose to speak out against Stalin and his totalitarian regime. He used his years in the work battalions to exemplify a vivid portrayal of what coterie life was like in his book, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The new(a) is a criticism against Stalins communism, and is a commentary on why a communistic schema will never work. Three of the biggest ways the novel critiques communism are by attempting to de valetize Russian society, displaying forms of unfair punishment, and arguing the importance of assurance.Solzhenitsyn propagates the radical idea that communism doesnt work. collectivism is t he idea that every peerless in society receives equal shares of the benefits resulting from exertion. It teaches the poor to rise up and attain financial and well-disposed status equal to that of the affectionateness-class. In order for everyone to be on the same level, wealth is redistri only ifed so the members of the upper class are brought down to the same financial and social level as the middle class (Coffin 660-665). In theory, communism is presented as to be a u leadia where everyone has adequate food and shelter besides in the novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, it is clear communism in approach pattern is very different from communism in ideology. The communism Solzhenitsyn presents in this novel actually tries to take outdoor(a) any form of human dignity. The story takes place in a Russian prison camping site after World War II. The protagonist is a man named Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, but referred to as Shukhov for most of the novel.The root refers to Iva n as Shukhov to emphasize the how the camp sets him at a cold, official distance. Ivan is Shukhovs first name and Denisovich is his patronymic, a name that is derived from ones fathers name. In Russian society, addressing someone by his or her first name and patronymic is cordial but respectful. The early Soviet Communist regime seek to eradicate this form of address because the respect it entails suggested class differences among people, something communism seeks to destroy. On the other hand, addressing someone by his or her last name has an official meaning. The Soviet manner of addressing people as Comrade followed by their last name was an attempt to replace the old way of addressing someone with a new one better adapted to a class-free nation.Even in the camp they were polite to people and addressed them by their full name (Solzhenitsyn 26). The prison camp workers always addressed each other with the same stage of respect in order to preserve each others dignity. The labor camp in which Ivan is imprisoned is designed to oppress and dehumanize its prisoners. The living conditions are simply unbearable. The mattresses do non nominate sheets, prisoners share tiny portions of bread and porridge per meal, and the guards force the prisoners to undress in sub zero temperatures for body searches.The camp replaces the prisoners names with letter and number to erase all hints of individuality, S 854three years penalty work, says the new warden to, Ivan as punishment for not getting up on time (Solzhenitsyn 7-8). The camp gives everyone numbers and makes them all dress identically take away their identities, from the outside, everyone in the squad looked the same- their black coats were identical-but in spite of appearance the squad there were great distinctions (Solzhenitsyn 15).However, Denisovich does not accept the camps attempts to dehumanize him. He shows maintaining human dignity does not have to be achieved through violent rebellion but rather, throu gh developing a system of person-to-person rules. For example, at meal time, no matter the conditions, he always removes his cap before ingest, and then he removed his hat from his clean-shaven head- however cold it might be, he could never bestow himself to eat with his hat on (Solzhenitsyn 16). From his childhood, this practice gives Ivan a sense that he is behaving in a civilised manner.No matter how famished he becomes, he never stoops to Fetyukovs level, begging for scraps. He scorns Fetyukovs behavior, which he believes is inhuman. Ivan may be treated like an animal by the Soviet camp system, but he subtly fights back and refuses to submit. In one instance, Shukhov is tempted to ask a fellow prisoner for a cigarette which the other man has already half smoked but, but he would never de lessonize himself he would never look at a mans mouth (Solzhenitsyn 27).Ivan never allows the labor camp to get the best of him but gets punished for things one in his control on top of bei ng imprisoned. Another criticism of communism throughout the novel is the description of unjust punishment upon the prisoners. In the beginning of the novel, Shukhov does not get up on time because he is sick and is then peril with three days in the hole. Similarly, Buynovsky receives ten days in the hole for trying to bundle up against the cold with a flannel vest. Neither Shukhovs illness nor Buynovskys attempt to stay ardent harm anyone, but the camp treats both as strict violations of the law, worthy of severe punishment. Such approximative punishment for such petty offenses is absurd. These men are already locked into arduous prison sentences, heaping on unjust and illogical punishment upon them is just a brutal exercise of power by the guards. Through this unjust treatment one thing that help the prisoners survive was having faith in something whether it is a strict moral code or faith in god.One of the main goals of communism was to eradicate religion from society. harmon ize to the founders of communism religion hinders societal progress it was Marx who said religion is the opium of people. Solzhenitsyn implies it is much easier to get through hardships with faith in something rather than without. During a march, Shukhov thinks of Alyosha, the devout Baptist, he wonders, What had he to be happy about? His cheeks were sunken, he lived strictly on his rations, and he earned nothing. He spent all his Sundays with the other Baptists. They shed the hardships of camp like water (Solzhenitsyn 38). Shukhov is making the point when you believe in something, like religion, it is much easier to keep a positive attitude and survive a terrible situation.Although Ivan does not mention religion for most of the novel, his closing conversation with Alyoshka, reveals faith can be a means of survival in the oppressive camp system. Ivan adheres to a strict set of rules, like always taking off his hat before eating or trying to waste as little as possible. Alyoshka, ha s faith in god and the human spirit for my part I am not ready merely to be bound but even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus (Solzhenitsyn 163), this comment really affects Shukhov to a point where he begins to reflect on his own philosophy. Shukhovs s sense of inner peace in the novels last paragraph, which resembles Alyoshkas sense of inner peace throughout the novel, demonstrates that spiritual faith offers distinctiveness in the face of difficulty.Having any type of faith can carry someone through hardship, religious faith is simply one type of such a faith. Though the labor camps were filled with suffering and misery, the men continued to exhibit acts of humanity in their day to day lives. The only way these men could have survived this inhuman treatment was by subtly fighting the system in their own personal way. Solzhenitsyn uses three simple yet powerful ideas the dehumanization of the human society, displays of unjust punishment, and the importance of having faith in no matter how awful the situation is, to speak out against Stalin and the terrible consequences of Russian communism.Works CitedCoffin, Judith G., and Robert C. Stacey. westbound Civilizations Their History & Culture. New York, NY W. W. Norton, 2008. Print.Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. New York Dutton, 1963. Print.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Project management email Essay
Our team has make the required compend based on the information that was given to us. We would like to recommend the Piper Industries Corp. to quest for with the intent Palomino for future investments. We arrived at this conclusion based on the risks involved, feasibility study, break even out analysis and double back on the investment studies. It has been stated as a requirement that the bug out has to be terminate and it should start generating revenue within the next 12 months. Below you get out find a head description of the different phases of a project and then an analysis on all three projects, followed by our recommendation.Phases of a projectFrom the start to finish a project can be divided into louvre different phases (http// conception and initiationThe purpose of this phase is to define the project accomplishments. This is a small phase as it is essential for those who wil l deliver the crop/service, for those who will use the merchandise/service, and for those who dumbfound a stake in the project to reach agreement on its initiation (http// During this phase, the idea of the project is analyzed to see how beneficial it is to the business.Project definition and planningThis phase defines the project context and its activities. It outlines the tasks that have to be performed to complete the project. During this phase, a team should prioritize the project, calculate a budget and schedule, and watch over what resources are needed (http// launch or capital punishmentDuring this phase, the defined project activities are started to be executed. The project manager moves his attention from planning to execution. A constant monitoring of project risks is required during this phase. in that location will be a daily interaction between the team members, to successfully finish the execution tasks.Project performance and coverProgression of the project is heartbeatd during this phase. The current status of the project will be compared with the actual plan. Scope verification and control to check and monitor for scope creep, change control to track and manage changes to project requirement, calculating key performance indicators for cost and time are to measure the degree of variation if any and in which case corrective measures are determined and suggested to keep project on track (http// closureDuring this phase the project tasks are satisfactorily completed and tested, the lymph node approves the project. The project team evaluates success or failure of the project and documents key learnings, to implement in future projects. This phase also involves in relieving project resources, reward and recognizes team members and f ormal termination of contractors in case they were employed on the project (http// of the proposed projectRisk of project completion sound judgement base on the risk of completion assessment, Juniper has the lowest impact, Stargazer the highest and Palomino has the medium risk of close the project on time. The critical path is known in both Juniper and Palomino, whereas there is no indication of critical path in Stargazer. The notes also say that there are still ease up questions from the business on Stargazer, which increases the risk of completing the project on time. The basic requirement from the management is that the project should be completed and generating revenue in 12 months. On this basis, it is better for the company to choose both Palomino or Juniper. Delivery Dates based on the assumption that the project starts on January 1st 2015 Juniper June thirty-first 2015Palomino September 31st 2015Stargazer UnknownROI assessment and break even analysisFor Juniper the return on investment is $250,000 socio-economic classly for the next two to three years, which could provide $500,000 to $750,000. The cost of doing the project is $325,000. So the project breakeven point is within 2 years. For Palomino, the ROI is $450,000 yearly for the next five years, which will result in $2,250,000. The cost of doing this project is $655,000.Even with the 5% margin of error, the breakeven for this project is within 2 years. For Stargazer, the ROI is, $1,600,000 ($300,000 first year $550,000 the second year and $750,000 the third year). There is no information on the ROI for the rest of the years. So there is an unknown factor involved in this project. The cost of this project is $1,025,000 ($450,000 + $575,000). The breakeven for this project is within 3 years. Based on this assessment, the breakeven point is lesser if the company pursues Juniper or Palomino.Product lifecycleJunipers product has only 3 years of life cycle, while both Stargazer and Palomino has 7 years of product life. Based on this assessment, the company will internet if it chooses Stargazer or Palomino.Feasibility AnalysisA feasibility assessment is the disciplined and documented process of thinking through an idea from its logical ancestry to its logical end (http// With Juniper project, the product is feasible, as we can predict the forecasting of its schedule. It starts to generate profit within 12 months. But since the product life span is less, the companys profit ends soon.Stargazer, even though it is an innovative product it is risky and it has unanswered business questions, so it may not be feasible to complete the project on time. Its forecasting variance is very high. Even though a sunk cost of $450,000 is involved in this project, there is no guarantee for the product to start generating returns in 12 months if we pursue this project. In Palomino project, the risk is medium and the critical path is known. Recommendation Even though Palomino has a 5% margin of error from its supplier, we conclude that this project is more feasible and profitable than the some other two.
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Economic System of Western After the Breakup of Fuedalism
The distinguished in the nineteenth blow and its collapse in the twentieth century have led to similar, though much slower and less obvious, butt in the course of upstart science. Todays frantic develop ment in the field of technology has a quality reminiscent of the days preceding the economic crash of 1929. The cle atomic number 18st evidence of it whitethorn be seen in such relatively young sciences such as psychology and political economy. In psychology, wholeness whitethorn observe the fire to study compassionate behavior without reference to the fact that man is conscious.In political economy, one may observe the attempt to study and device social systems without reference to man. Political economy came into prominence in the 19th century, in the era of philosophies post kantian disintegration, and no one rose to check its premise or to chall(a)enge its base. Political economist-including the advocates of capitalism-defined their sciences as the study of management or direction or governance or manipulation of communitys or nations resources.The author goes on to say that the European acculturation regarded material productions as work that should be foundere by slaves or serfs but not setoff class citizens. It must be remembered that the institution of private property, in the full, legal meaning of the term, was brought into knowence moreover by capitalism. In the pre-capitalistic eras, private property existed de facto but not de jure, i. e. by custom and sufferance, not by adjust or by law. In law and in principle all land belonged to the brainiac of the tribe, the king, and was held sole(prenominal) by permission, which could be revoked at whatsoever time.CAPITALISM, a term used to donate the economic systems that has been dominate in the western world since the breakup of feudalism. Fundamental to any system called capitalist are the relations between private deliverers of non-personal government agency of production (land mines , industrial plants, etc. collectively known as capital) and reconcile but capitalizes workers, who sell their labor services to employers. The resulting wage bargains determines the proportion in which the total products of society exit be shared between the class of laborers and the class of capitalist entrepreneurs.Productive use of the social overabundance was special virtue that enabled capitalism to outstrip all prior economic systems. Instead of building pyramids and cathedrals, those in command of the social surplus chose to invest in ships, warehouses, raw materials, finished goods and other material forms of wealth. there is of course, no such thing as a social surplus. whole wealth is produced by person and belongs to somebody. Mans essential characteristic is his rational faculty. mans mind is his basic elbow room of survival-his only means of gaining knowledge.If some men do not choose to think, they can survive only by imitating and repeating a routine of work discovered by others-but those others had to discover it, or none would have survived. If men do not choose to think or to work, they can survive (temporarily) only by robbery the goods produced by others-but those others had to produce them or none would have survived. Man cannot survive as animals do, by the classical guidance of perceptions.He cannot provide for his simplest physical need without process of thought. e needs a process of thought to discover how to plant and grow food or how to make weapons for hunting. His precepts might lead him to a cave. No precepts or instincts will tell him how to light a fire. Is man a sovereign individual(a) who owns his person, his mind, his life, his work and its products-or is he the property of the tribe (the state, the society, the collective) that may dispose of him any way it pleases, that may dictate his convictions, prescribe the course of his life, control his work and expropriate his products? Does man have the right?To exist for his own sake-or is he born of bondage, as an indentures servant who must keep buying his life by serving the tribe but can never acquire it free and clear. In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i. e. by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice, by voluntary choice of mutual benefit.The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society it is the right to disagree that crucial. It is the institution of private property the protects and implements the rights to disagree-and thus keeps the roaf open to mans most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively) the creative mind. The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical suck from human relationships basi cally, rights can be violated by only means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others.The only persona of the government is such a society is, the task of protect mans rights, i. e. the task of protecting him from physical force. The author goes on to say that the only time the government can use force is when there is retaliation. Such there is no such entity as society since society is only a number of individual men, this meant, in practice, that the rulers did not abide by the righteous laws only subject to tralatitious rituals, they held total power and exacted blind obedience. They believed good which is good for the society.The most profoundly revolutionary achievement of the unify States of America was subordination of society to moral law. The principle of mans individual rights represented the extension service of morality into the social system-as a limitation tot he power of the state, as mans protection against the brute force of the collective. He goes onto say the United States was the first moral state. I dont know what kind of morals the author is actually referring to. A right is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a mans freedom of action in a social context. on that point is only one fundamental right mans right to his own life. The right to life is the source of all rights-and the right to property is their only implementation. He goes on to say all previous systems had regarded man as a sacrificial means to the end of others, and society as a means to a peaceful, orderly, voluntary, coexistence of individuals. All previous systems had regard mans life as society property that they could dispose of him anytime they entangle like it Without property rights, no other rights are possible.Since man has to sustain life by his own effort, the man who has no right to property is a right to action, like all the others it is not the right to an object, but to the action and consequences of producing or stimulateing that object. It is not a guarantee that am man will give any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earn it. It is the right to gain, to keep , to use and to dispose of material values. To violate mans right means to compel him against his own judgment, or to expropriate his values. there is only on why to do it by the use of physical force.
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