Sunday, February 24, 2019
How I would interpret and stage the supernatural in ‘Macbeth’ Essay
Macbeth is a thrilling, tragic shirk indite by William Shakespe ar. Macbeth was written in the early sixteen hundreds, however the play is set in the early 11th century. The play was written in the Jacobean meters, during this time index James the first wrote a check c every last(predicate)ed Demonology. This book was based on fascinatecraft, which was contemporary at the time. This could of inspired Shakespe ar to merged the supernatural into Macbeth.The opening of Macbeth is very dramatic and theatrical. It opens with thunder and wantonen up this is visu all(prenominal) in ally arresting. In those long time they would reserve use torches or commodedles to ready the lightening and probably a sheet of metal, which they would shake to generate the illusion of thunder. withal compared to the do of like a shot this is all very basic. In todays world lasers are used to produce the false impression of lightening. These ultramodern methods of creating illusions are visua lly stimulating, but as the language in the sixteen hundreds is much more complex as it uses a lot of imaging this can be mentally stimulating as it creates images in your opinion you, which can be safe as effective as new-fangled technology. You can actualise this when Lady Macbeth says.Come you spiritsThat tend on mortal universal gravitational constantghts, unsex me here,And fill me from the cr protest to the toe top- secureOf direst cruelty (Lady Macbeth mold 1, painting V. Lines 38-41)During the thunder and lightening three witches enter, they only appear in three scenes of the play but their effect is all persuasive. Every time the witches speak it is very important what they contain to say. Even though the witches are cackling they take a crap to be clear enough as the earreach need to k this instant what is said. When the witches speak they oblige a chanting sound. This is created by rhyme couplets again and rain this is followed by a tipple rhyme through and t hrough won sun. In this opening scene the witches say 2 important things. The first is that they are going to put up with Macbeth.There to meet with Macbeth. (Third Witch cloak 1 conniption 1 Line 8)The befriend is,Fair is foul, and foul is fair ( on the whole Witches act1 depiction1 Lines 11-12)This is saying that what is good and innocent on the out(a)side, maybe bad and corrupt on the inside. This is referring to Macbeth. These quotes raise questions amongst the hearing why? Why Macbeth? besides the answers lie in the audiences under stand up of witchcraft and how it creates maleficence and villainy. These ideas are contemporary to Shakespeare even though the play is set five hundred years earlier. Macbeth is the instrument of witches because the witches realize that there is something in him which is bad and corrupt hence Fair is Foul, and foul is fair saying.This scene echoes a study theme of the play which is,Fair is foul, and foul is fair (All Witches Act1 Sc ene1 Lines 11-12).This saying could equal how you would mention the witches appear. I commemorate if I was directing Macbeth, I would deposit at least one of the witches cheek attractive and young to come out innocence, because this would prove that Fair is foul, and foul is fair However in Shakespeare sees the witches hang old and withered, you know this when the witches meet with Macbeth and Banquo, and Banquo describes them when he says.What are these,So withered, and so wild in their attrie,That look not like th inhabitants o th earth, (Banquo Act1 Scene3 lines 39-41)This is traditional interpretation on how the witches look like.The witches cannot kill volume personally so they use people or the weather as instruments to do it for them. At the beginning of Act 1 scene 3 we learn how limited the witches powers are. They articulate us a story around a sailors wife and how they keep her husband out to sea by manipulating the weather.Ill drain him dry as convert (First Witch Act1 Scene3 line 19)Some people argue weather that this get going with the witches should not be in the play as they say it slows tweak the excitement of the play, and this would be the time during the play when the audience would get up for some refreshments. Nevertheless I think that this is a vital vocalisation of the play as it may pardon why the witches drop pertain Macbeth into their wicked ways to cause pandemonium and vile.In Act 1 Scene 3 Macbeth says his first words in the play these areSo foul and fair a day I have not seen. (Act1 Scene3 line38)These words echo what the witches said at the end of Act1 Scene1, and this links Macbeth with the witches straight away. If I were directing the play I would have Macbeth and Banquo at the back of the stage and the witches in front of them, to emphasize there evil I would have a red spotlight shone on the witches and a smoke machine to create an eerie atmosphere. Macbeth and Banquo then see the witches and they appro ach each other. Each of the witches greet Macbeth personally the first witch saysAll get along Macbeth , herald to thee, Thane of Glamis (Act1 Scene 3 Line 46)All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor (Act1 Scene 3 Line 47,48)All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, that shalt be King here after (Line 49,50)As you can see each comment becomes higher in rank, to King. Banquo response is.Are ye grand (Act 1 Scene 3 Line 53)Then Banquo asks the witches to tell him his own future. The witches reply and sayLesser than Macbeth, and greater.Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail Macbeth and BanquoThese comments that the witches say have now set the events in motion by motivating Macbeth, this has also sozzled Banquo fate as Macbeth would need to kill him so that he sham be farther consequently Macbeths family is on the throne longer. Banquo is proper to mistrust them and he warns Macbeth when he saysAnd oftentimes, to win us to our harm,The instruments of darkness tell u s truths,Win us honest trifles, to betraysIn deepest consequence (Banquo Act 1 Scene 3 Line 124-127)This sums up exactly how the witches work they use people as instruments to manipulate them.Macbeth wants to know more about these preposterous comments make by the Witches, but all of a sudden they vanish. In Shakespearian times they would of used a trap door to create the effect of a disappearance. However today a trap door is still used.When the witches tell Macbeth about the future, it could have awoken or planted the seeds of evil within his soul. The word murder comes into his mastermindway and Horrible imaginings. However the witches cant guide him all the way to evil it testament be up to himself and his wife. But he could still take to to be crowed he says, Chance they crown me. As of Scottish succession, which could make him king because if all the royals who are in battle die in Scotlands war against Norway, he could be the last man standing this makes his crime double heinous.By the time we see the witches again. Macbeth has murdered Duncan, his scoop friend Banquo and has become a tyrant. However before this there are two instances of the supernatural.The first is when Macbeth is about to execute the kill on King Duncan. He sees a dagger, he goes for it and Macbeths hand goes right through it.A dagger of the mind, a false creation,Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? (Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 38-39)This could have been sent by the witches to switch him a push but it is unnecessary as he is already going in that direction, consequently the witches influence no longer matters because he has already taken control. He then draws his own dagger, but all of a sudden the vision changes to a cover dagger.And on thy make and dudgeon gouts of blood,Which was not so before. (Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 lines 46-47)Then Macbeth starts to talk about which craft Pale Hecate and murder. In them days the stories about Pale Hecate are relevant so Shakespea re puts them in so that the audience can create there own supernatural images. However today you would not include it because of the technology available to create holograms and illusions with lasers. You can see this in Polanskis version of the play he uses lasers to create the dagger.The other instance of the supernatural is when Macbeth sees Banquos ghost in Act 3 Scene 4. You could stage this in 2 ways. You could have the thespian that played Banquo made to look like a ghost, or you could have nothing there so that you would see Macbeth talking to a stool. I would have him talking to a stool because if you had a ghost the audience will see that he is actually seeing one, but if I dont, and you have Macbeth talking to a stool the audience will believe that he had gone insane. Shakespeare keeps the throne where Macbeth sits empty because this will be the place where the ghost appears, so he has Macbeth socializing with his friends.Ourself will mix in with society, (Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 line 2)Then Macbeth sees that the tables full because Banquo is sitting in his place. Only Macbeth can see the ghost and thats why Lennox saysHere is a place reserved, sir. (Lennox Act 3 Scene 4 line 45)Macbeth recognises the ghost of Banquo is sat in his place at the table he believes this is a joke by someone who may know he called for Banquos murder.Which of you have done this? (Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 line 48)In Act 4 Scene 1 Macbeth goes to consult the witches, this own decision to do this. Therefore the witches have captivated Macbeth. The opening of this scene is really about giving the audience a thrill. The witches are conducting an evil spell they use horrible ingredients for it like,woollen of bat, and tongue of dog, (Second witch Act 4 Scene 1 line14)In them days this would of pleased the groundlings. If I were to stage this scene I would have a big cauldron in the middle of the stage with all the witches gathered around, I would have a red spot light shone on the m all and a smoke machine so it would look like the cauldron is giving off smoke, this would create an hazy atmosphere. For the ingredients I would have them as nasty and as uninviting as realistic this would make the witches even more repulsive to the audience, therefore entertaining the audience. formerly they have finished the spell Macbeth knocks at the door of the witches home, then ironically a witch says,By the pricking of my thumbs,Something wicked this way comes (Second witch Act 4 Scene1line 45)Macbeth enters the witchs home a he is determined to know the future, no matter what the cost.I conjure you, by that which you profess, however you come to know it, answer me. (Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 line 50-51)The witches oblige him with three apparitions. The 1st apparition is an fortify drumhead this could be interpreted as Macduff, or Macbeths head or the head of rebellion. The 2nd apparition is a bloody child. This is referring to Macbeth being ripped from his mothers womb u ntimely. This could imply that he was born(p) via cesarean section which in them days was not normal this could explain why Macbeth has turned wicked. The last apparition is a child laurelled with a tree in his hand this could be interpreted as Malcolm or James 1st. They all assume that Malcolm is intended in that he gives the order to hew down branches, although it could be about James 1st. It was cognise that James 1st was crowned in the cradle, so the tree could be a family tree.Shakespeare would of stages these apparitions using just actors and props, for the armed head they could of used a fake head with armor on it, and for the other two apparitions they could of just used a real child and used make up to create the illusion of blood. However in the 21st century the effects you can create for this scene are overwhelming for the armed head its possible to have a real head floating in mid-air, this can be done using holograms. The same techniques could be used to create illus ions for the rest of the apparitions.If I were to stage Macbeth today I would make a film rather than a play doing this would enable me to infix more special effects. I would go along the same roadway as Pulaskis version because I liked how he made one of the witches young and beautiful to echo the Fair is foul saying. later on reading the play, Im bewildered, how could a potential hero be so taken in, unless he wanted to be? I think from birth Macbeth had something evil in him that needed someone or something to touch off the evilness off, so I believe that the witches were the ones that pulled the trigger that resulted in the fundamental destruction of Macbeth.
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